A candidate for Green Party.
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Rob O'Donnell
Student organiser and barman
O'Donnell is a student organiser. He has been active in community and youth groups for over seven years. He has a degree in engineering and mathematics.
Question time
Why should someone vote for you?
Tipperary deserves better representatives, who want to actually work to better the county and not shout from the sidelines. I don’t care about power, money or politics. I care about people.
What is your number one priority for your constituency?
Drug and alcohol use is a factor in so many of problems in this country, high suicide rates and homelessness included. We need to rethink how we educate people, treat addicts and combat addiction, which means decriminalisation and moving resources into the health service, education and supports.
What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?
I want to get working on a nationwide renewal plan for our towns and villages... A plan like this would include ample resources for young people, usable and cheap public transport, and sustainable development of housing in villages and towns.
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