A candidate for Solidarity - People Before Profit.
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Murphy was first elected to the Dáil in the 2014 Dublin South-West by-election. He was re-elected in the 2016 general election. Murphy set up a new socialist political group in 2019 called RISE which is part of Solidarity/People Before Profit. Murphy is a former MEP. He was one of several protesters acquitted in 2017 of the false imprisonment of Joan Burton during water charges protests in Jobstown.
Question time
Why should someone vote for you?
We need to get rid of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil and we need a left government with socialist policies. Solidarity - People Before Profit is the only party saying we won't prop up Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil.
What is your number one priority for your constituency?
If I can only choose one, housing. Building public housing and having rent controls.
What one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new Dáil if you are elected?
To propose a green new deal with socialist policies.
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