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Equality Tribunal

All time
Backlog at WRC means people are waiting up to 4 years for employment cases to be heard
Teacher awarded €65,000 after school hires man who sexually harassed her
€47,000 payout for woman who was discriminated against because she was pregnant
Teacher to be compensated after principal insulted gay son
Woman "unfairly selected for redundancy" at golf club awarded €24,000
School ordered to pay €4,000 compensation after discriminating against separated dad
Woman put on leave after telling employer she was pregnant awarded €12,000
Polish workers lose discrimination case over McDonald’s English-only policy
Woman awarded €33k after security guard 'massaged her buttocks'
Woman told company were looking for "Irish nationals only" awarded €2,000
Barber awarded €6,500 after being inappropriately touched by her boss
Man loses case against TGI Friday's after being asked to wear a woman's t-shirt
Man awarded €28,000 compensation on grounds of discrimination at work
Minimum-wage employee who was working 70 hour weeks while heavily pregnant receives €55,000 in compensation
NUIG wants to rid itself of sexism by training staff to recognise 'unconscious gender bias'
Woman overlooked for promotion due to maternity leave awarded €70k
Barber who refused to cut woman's hair did not discriminate
"If you were loyal to the company, your pregnancy would not be an issue”
MS sufferer made to do 'boring, degrading and insulting' work awarded €20,000
McDonald's did not discriminate against an Irish woman because of her nationality
Teacher says nun asked "What about the homos?" during job interview
€24,000 for man forced to reduce hours and then retire at 66
School did not discriminate against expelled Traveller who waved fake penis at teacher
Separated man awarded €4,000 after being told not to attend his daughter's sports day
Polish Tesco worker awarded €12,000 for racial discrimination after taking a day off work
Speed van worker awarded €28k after petrol attack
Chinese pub worker gets €10,000 payout for sex and race discrimination
Receptionist wins €63k for victimisation and reduced hours after maternity leave
Born-again Christian council worker wins €70,000 in discrimination case
Lecturer wins €80,000 in discrimination case against NUI Galway
Woman with disabilities awarded €30k after employer refused to provide her with a chair
School discriminated against a student because he was Protestant
Lithuanian woman awarded €34k in Mayo discrimination claim
Transgender woman awarded €5k after AIB did not recognise her new name
Irish Prison Service to pay €85,000 to three employees over equality issues
State bodies account for nearly 30 per cent of employment payments upheld in 12 months
Prison officer recovering from cancer awarded €80,000 in employment tribunal case
Young employee dubbed 'Virgin Mary' by supervisors wins sexual harassment case
Traveller loses legal case over right to attend local school