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The Explainer: What will the next five years hold for the European Parliament?

Professor of European Politics at Maynooth University John O’Brennan joins us to look at what the next five years hold for Ireland’s new or returning MEPs. What will the priorities be for the European Parliament? And where will Irish politicians fit in?

THE ROLE OF the European Union has become much more prominent in Irish life in recent years.

It was never far from the headlines, but Brexit followed the range of protracted global crises has brought it into sharper focus.

This week on The Explainer, we’re looking at what the next five years might hold for the European Parliament.

Professor of European Politics at Maynooth University John O’Brennan examines what the policy priorities could be, and where Irish politicians will fit in.

The Explainer / SoundCloud

This episode was put together by senior producer Nicky Ryan and presenter Sinéad O’Carroll.
This work is co-funded by Journal Media and a grant programme from the European Parliament. Any opinions or conclusions expressed in this work are the author’s own. The European Parliament has no involvement in nor responsibility for the editorial content published by the project. For more information, see here.

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