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Fiscal cliff

All time
Column: For Obama, this inauguration will be very different than the first
Larry Donnelly
Back to work: Here are the stories you missed over Christmas and New Year
New US Congress sworn in ahead of tough spending talks
Obama signs 'fiscal cliff' deal into law (with an autopen)
Stock markets like it when there's no Fiscal Cliff. Who knew?
Deal reached to avoid tax hikes for middle-class America
The Evening Fix…now with added 1990s Daniel Craig
US Senate strikes deal on 'Fiscal Cliff', two hours after deadline
The Evening with 2 million added bubbles
Obama: 'fiscal cliff' agreement in sight but not done
US politicians still at odds on last day before fiscal cliff
Let's get fiscal: Obama to host talks on looming cliff at White House
Explainer: What is the 'fiscal cliff' and why does it matter?
European stocks rise after festive break
'Plan B' to avert fiscal cliff in the US fails
What's a fiscal cliff? Let Monty explain...
Naked protesters occupy Washington office over possible AIDS cuts
Back to work: Obama heads back to Washington as 'fiscal cliff' looms
Paul Ryan to remain as chair of House Budget committee