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Fresh Prince

All time
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air set for reboot as gritty drama
Britain's new royal baby unveiled to the world as Kate Middleton leaves hospital after giving birth
People really enjoyed Will Smith's response to Graham Norton when asked about a Fresh Prince reunion
The Ultimate Fresh Prince of Bel Air Lyrics Quiz
16 things that would happen if the Fresh Prince was set in Ireland
This couple announced their pregnancy with an adorable Fresh Prince-inspired rap
This political TV show just became the latest victim of Fresh Prince pranksters
Man calls political talk show, executes amazing Fresh Prince prank
Here is perhaps the most mortifying moment of last night's Rose of Tralee
This David Attenborough comment thread turned into an incredible Fresh Prince cover
6 of Uncle Phil's angriest moments on the Fresh Prince
RIP Uncle Phil: Actor James Avery dies aged 65
David Hasselhoff sings the Fresh Prince theme tune
Fortune tellers see romance, army career in royal baby's future
Will Smith took the worst penalty in the history of penalties today
12 reasons why Carlton and Will were the best TV friendship ever
VIDEO: Will Smith raps the Fresh Prince theme... to some schoolgirls
Poor Fresh Prince rap gets student arrested
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme tune... put through Google Translate
VIDEO: DJ Prince Charles hits the decks, spins some tunes
The Fresh Prince to make a comeback