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Gardaí break up gathering of 250 cars in breach of Covid-19 regulations

More than 700 people were involved in a large gathering of cars in Cork yesterday evening.

GARDAÍ BROKE UP an organised ‘car meet’ of more than 250 cars in Cork yesterday evening that breached Covid-19 regulations.

The gathering, which took place in Little Island, Cork, involved over 250 cars and around 700 to 800 people.

Gardaí received reports of the gathering and advised the group to disperse.

Some people had travelled from outside the greater Cork area and other parts of Munster.

Most participants were men and women in their 20s, but men in their 30s and 40s were also present, and some were accompanied by young children.

The guards said there was “little evidence of social distancing, wearing of face coverings, or general compliance with public health guidelines”.

A Senior Garda Inspector said the event was a “disgraceful gathering of persons, despite the health advice in the last few days”.

A man in his 20s was arrested for drunkenness offences and has been charged. He will appear in court at a later date.

One car was seized under Section 41 of the Road Traffic Act.

Gardaí said they would “like to remind the public that the Covid-19 pandemic remains a public health crisis and is a real threat to everyone, particularly the most vulnerable in our society”.

“The virus is still spreading. It is still leading to serious illness and death,” gardaí said.

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