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Gender Gap

All time
Watch our LIVE event: How to build gender and sex equity in healthcare
Emer Higgins TD: We can no longer rely on corporate goodwill - gender quotas are a must
Emer Higgins
Most women 'don't know how to start a pension' as surveys highlights gender gap
Poll: Should Irish companies have to publish difference in what male and female employees earn?
Male drivers rack up penalty points twice as often as women over a decade
'Everyday we work to close the gap': Are the rich still getting richer?
Girls turned off IT jobs by 'geeky, anti-social, overly masculine, nerdy image'
Could coding in schools help solve a major problem in the sector?
Ireland makes the top 10 in global study on gender gap
Opinion: The gender gap in sport is narrowing – let's keep going in the right direction
Michael Ring
This ad wants little girls to dream of being engineers - not princesses
The Evening Fix... now with added awkward text messages
7 inventions that put a stop to domestic rows
Guess which sport 230,000 Irish adults participate in every week?
Ireland among worst performers in increasing number of female directors
Gender gap: Irish women pay 'high price' for motherhood
Gender pay gap got wider during downturn - official report
75% of news journalists are men, study finds
Mind the gender gap: Ireland's rating is on the rise