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# government formation

    Green Party division on entering government laid bare as party concludes online convention
    Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Party parliamentary members endorse programme for government
    What happens next?: A new Taoiseach, postal votes and a Dáil sitting in the Convention Centre
    Carbon, cycling and housing: The main points in the draft programme for government
    Agreed timeline for rotating Taoiseach will see Martin take reins until end of 2022
    Leaders of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Party agree on draft programme for government
    No deal reached on government formation with party leader talks to resume
    Talks down to the wire as teams push to agree programme for government this weekend
    Ombudsman expresses 'grave concern' over potential abolition of Department of Children
    Still some 'heavy lifting' to be done in government formation talks, as teams work towards weekend deal
    Independents more stable than the Greens in government, says minister as weekend deadline set for deal
    'Progress made' but no breakthrough yet in Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Green Party coalition talks
    Greens, FF and FG to meet today for plenary session on programme for government
    Fine Gael 'treads carefully', but Fianna Fáil is eager to fast-track reopening of the country
    Opinion: 'Caretaker governments without any limitations on powers do no favours for democracy'
    Hugh O’Donnell
    Eamon Ryan says he wasn't thrown by letter that urged Catherine Martin to contest leadership
    podcast image
    The Explainer: 100 days after the election, what's happening with government formation?
    Catherine Martin will give 'serious consideration' to contesting the Green Party leadership
    Contingency plans for another election spark row between Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil
    Labour Party rules itself out of joining a FF-FG coalition government
    Social Democrats rule out entering coalition with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael
    Full week of meetings as FG and FF step up government formation talks with Green Party
    Cabinet decision about Leaving Cert exams to be announced this afternoon, Taoiseach confirms
    Ambitious emissions targets will cost the taxpayer, says top government official
    FF and FG give assurances on Sláintecare as talks get underway with the Greens
    Varadkar tells party he's confident new government can be in place by next month
    Green Party will enter coalition talks with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil
    Support for Fine Gael increases to 35% while Fianna Fáil is down four points, latest poll shows
    Harris warns government 'not sustainable for much longer', Donohoe sets July deadline to pass new legislation
    'Disturbing': War of words breaks out between the Greens and FG over 7% emissions target
    Varadkar pressed by opposition leaders on plans to ease restrictions in teleconference call
    FF and FG tell the Greens they want to 'tease out' how 7% emissions reduction might be achieved
    Labour Party asks Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil five questions on government formation
    McDonald writes to Taoiseach about getting cross-party buy in for lifting of restrictions plan
    Harris to smaller parties: 'Come on over, give us a hand, work with us through this pandemic'
    Varadkar hopes the Green Party will soon decide to enter into formal talks on government formation
    Green Party outline 17 demands for entering a coalition with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael
    Eamon Ryan dismisses suggestion of him becoming the next Taoiseach
    'Fianna Fáil is struggling with its identity, but we are up for the challenges ahead'
    Malcolm Byrne
    Fianna Fáil leadership can't say if a postal vote for members on a Fine Gael coalition will happen
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