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Sasko Lazarov
evening fix

Here's What Happened Today: Saturday

Here’s what made the headlines today.

 NEED TO CATCH up? The Journal brings you a round-up of today’s news.



download (3) Thousands marched across the country today in solidarity with Natasha O'Brien. Sasko Lazarov / Rolling News Sasko Lazarov / Rolling News / Rolling News



featureimage At least 40 people have been killed by Israeli strikes in Gaza today. PA PA

#GAZA The EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell has called for an investigation into a shelling attack in southern Gaza, which struck the offices of the Red Cross in the area.

#UKRAINE An overnight Russian attack has damaged energy infrastructure in Ukraine, the Ukrainian energy ministry has said.

#TENERIFE The search for British teenager, Jay Slater, who is currently missing in Tenerife, enters its sixth day.



A young pitch-invader was able to cunningly evade security for a photo with his idol during Portugal’s three goal win over Turkiye.

GQsf5y1XAAAlMSq A moment he'll likely never forget. X / Twitter X / Twitter / Twitter

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