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Procrastinating over mundane chores? These simple tricks will cut your housework in half

There are countless other things we want to do, but it has to be done.

A MANAGEABLE AND realistic cleaning schedule for your home can be hard to keep up with. Let’s face it, our lives are busy and cleaning isn’t always top of the priority list. That being said, having a manageable task routine can, in the long run, cut down on the time we actually spend doing chores. Little and often is the way to go and we’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to ease you into a life that’s less packed with doom-piles and more filled with activities you genuinely enjoy.

If it stills seems too much, keep reading for some inspirational cleaning accounts that will have you reaching for the marigolds in no time. 

basketwithbrushesragsnaturalspongesandcleaningproducts-modern Shutterstock / Anna Puzatykh Shutterstock / Anna Puzatykh / Anna Puzatykh

By the time the weekend rolls around the last thing we want to do is spend any of our hard-fought, free time cleaning. Procrastination can arise for a number of reasons, quite often it’s a sense of overwhelm or foreboding from the task itself, so how do we combat this? Dividing up your tasks into daily and weekly is what will be a game changer for you and if you stay consistent with it, you’ll be surprised by how your free time will open up.

Dividing and conquering

What do we mean when we say dividing and conquering? Breaking down chores into manageable chunks that are spread out over daily and weekly tasks will take the weight out of those mundane chores you’re struggling to get going with. Prioritising and identifying the chores based on necessity is a good way to kick things off, for example; the beds have to be made daily, this falls into the daily task category and instantly changes from something we have to do, to something that just gets done. A simple and efficient way to divide up the tasks can be found below, of course, tweak these tasks to your own home’s needs and allow for flexibility: 

Daily tasks

  • Make the beds
  • Wipe the counters
  • A load of laundry
  • Hoovering

Weekly tasks

  • Fridge clean out
  • Dusting
  • Bathrooms 
  • Mop the floors

tiredhouseholdcleanuphousekeeperasianyoungwomangirlhand Shutterstock / Kmpzzz Shutterstock / Kmpzzz / Kmpzzz

Set a timer and go, go, go!

Although dividing and conquering is a strong way to approach your tasks, some people work better on a deadline. Speed cleaning is an online trend where you simply set a timer and have at it, countless cleaning accounts on TikTok and Instagram swear by this technique and it’s certainly worth a try. Setting a timer can definitely help when it comes to carving out that time needed to perform household tasks, and the good aspect of it is, it always come to an end. The timer method will help you focus on the task at hand while creating a sense of urgency to get the job done – a powerful motivator that will lend itself to your efficacy. 

Be inspired

Speaking of inspiration, there are people in the world who dedicate their lives to, not only cleaning, but documenting the process and putting it online for our consumption. It’s the land of cleanfluencers and it’s packed full of readily available knowledge to help you on your cleaning journey. Mrs. Hinch as a cleanfluencer is one of the best, with over 4 million followers on Instagram, it’s safe to say she knows her stuff when it comes to keeping a home tidy. 

HomewithRoo is fairly new to the cleanfluencers space, but we can’t stop watching her weekly speed cleans. Her take on cleaning and admittance that it doesn’t come naturally or hand in hand with being a tidy person, is a breath of fresh air. Come for the cleaning inspiration, stay for the adorable cat content and funny voice-overs. 

GoClean is an American cleaning account that provides ample inspiration and is a must-watch for those looking at tackling the grittier household tasks. If you’re committed to staving off dusty blinds or hell-bent on banishing the grease from your kitchen, the hacks available on GoClean will see you through. 

Give yourself a break

We need to stay clear on what our goals are here – there’s a saying that a clear home equates to a clear mind, and it’s a valid point. By clearing the decks and having a clean space to live, we’ll probably feel better (and a tad smug). But remember, whether you complete your cleaning routine or not does not contribute to who you are as a person. It’s only cleaning! Reward yourself if you get more done than expected, and if you don’t, try again tomorrow. 

If all else fails, a tried and true method to get some work done is invite guests over, we guarantee you’ll clean like you’ve never cleaned before!
