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'It was sprayed in the playground': Widespread use of chemical weedkillers by councils

The amount spent by local authorities on pesticides varies from less than €1,000 to about €300,000 a year.

Noteworthy - IN THE WEEDS Investigation. Pesticide linked to cancer still the backbone of weed control for many councils across Ireland, with some not keeping records required by EU law. At least 28 councils applying chemical herbicide, with 19 confirmed as using glyphosate products in 2022. Local authorities' spend on pesticides varies from less than €1,000 to about €300,000 a year. Campaigner: Alternatives have to be prioritised... spraying should not be done in public areas.


“I REMEMBER WALKING past a creche and saw that the grass underneath a slide where the children were landing was actually sprayed.”

Seven or eight years ago, James Walsh started to notice weedkiller being used in many public areas in his native Co Cork.

“I noticed it before my son was born but I thought I wouldn’t let my child play there. [Then], I became more and more aware of it. I started noticing it everywhere.”

He realised spraying was taking place along road verges, in playgrounds, footpaths, schools, gyms, parks and along rivers.

“It was sprayed around the playground, along secondary roads,” he told Noteworthy.

One of the issues is that it can take seven days for the grass to change colour after it is sprayed with weedkiller, he said. When road verges are sprayed, “it’s invisible” and there are no warning signs so “you have a huge risk as a child walking to school or just going for a cycle”.

Plant protection products (PPPs) – all collectively referred to as pesticides – include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and biological controls.

Some active ingredients in pesticides are linked to health risks, including glyphosate – the controversial chemical found in popular weedkiller Roundup – which the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the cancer arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined is “probably carcinogenic to humans”.

Walsh wanted to do something about it, so, in 2020, he started a petition to ban herbicides in public areas. He travelled across Ireland and gathered over 5,000 signatures. In May this year, the petition was considered by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Public Petitions.

At the hearing, a large proportion of the debate was dedicated to pesticide use by local authorities with Walsh telling the Committee that in order to comply with Irish law, “pesticides should not be used in areas used by the general public” without “documented evidence to state why an alternative would not work”.

“Alternatives must be prioritised,” Walsh stated. Our findings show this is not the case.

Playground with swings visible and sprayed grass along its fence. With photo insert of a mushroom seat and balance poles with yellow grass underneath from herbicide treatment. James Walsh documents spraying in public areas such as this playground in Youghal Co Cork James Walsh James Walsh

As part of our IN THE WEEDS series on pesticide use by public authorities, Noteworthy conducted interviews with campaigners, scientists, policy experts and community groups, as well as over 60 Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) requests and dozens of press requests. Today, we focus on councils and reveal:

  • At least 28 out of Ireland’s 31 local authorities are still using chemical herbicide, of which at least 19 are using glyphosate-based weedkillers as of this year
  • The amount spent by local authorities on pesticides is highly variable, between less than €1,000 to about €300,000 a year
  • Most councils are considering or using some alternative to chemical weedkillers in public areas
  • Data on pesticide use is gathered inconsistently between local authorities, with some councils not keeping records required by the EU’s Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive
  • Community groups, scientists and individuals are “very concerned” about the use of chemical weedkiller in public areas such as schools and playgrounds and are calling for a ban on its use

Part one of this series reveals thousands of litres of pesticides are being used on Irish roads and forests each year. Part two shows that government inspections found issues in how nine out of 10 vendors handled pesticides

Also, have a listen to The Explainer x Noteworthy podcast where reporter Anthea Lacchia and campaigner James Walsh talk to Susan Daly about this investigation:

Hundreds of thousands spent on pesticides each year

Over the past number of months – through AIE and press requests – we gathered information from local authorities on pesticide use. We can reveal that at least 28 local authorities are still using chemical-based herbicide.

All but one council supplied this information to us, with Kerry County Council not responding in time for publication – despite multiple reminders – and Westmeath issuing a partial reply.

Roundup is still used by most local authorities, with records showing the last known year glyphosate-based herbicides were purchased or used was 2022 for 19 councils, 2021 for 5 councils, and 2020 for one.

Glyphosate – a weed-killing chemical found in herbicides such as Roundup – is “probably carcinogenic to humans”, with its manufacturer Bayer recently settling a wave of lawsuits which linked years of its use to non-Hodgkin lymphoma - a type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic system. 

The chemical will kill most plants as it inhibits their growth. It was developed by Monsanto – acquired by German chemical company Bayer in 2018 – and has been used since the 1970s.

Despite these health concerns, glyphosate-containing herbicides are readily available in Irish hardware stores from brands such as Roundup, Weedol, Doff and Resolva.

Generally, council spend on pesticides is in the order of €5,000 to €20,000 a year, but the estimated amount spent per year is varied, with Cavan County Council spending less than €1,000 per year and Cork City Council spending over €100,000 per year (including on glyphosate-free herbicide).

South Dublin County Council was the biggest spender, with their pesticide bill at least €1.6 million from 2017 to 2022 – including in the region of €322,000 in 2020 and €243,000 in 2021. This included contractor spend – under a road sweeping contract – and council spend.

Waterford County Council spent about €430,000 across the same period – almost €80,000 on average per year, with Wicklow spending around €126,000 – around €23,000 annually, not including a herbicide-free weed-killing machine which cost over €26,000.

While most councils sent us some form of data on usage of pesticides, this was not collated in a uniform or centralised way, with some districts not holding any records and others holding partial information.

Some councils returned pesticide application sheets, while others returned summary statistics on usage, with others holding no records at all. For many councils, pesticide usage data is recorded on paper-based record sheets, making data difficult to collate.

The most commonly used pesticides by local authorities are herbicides or weedkillers.

Typical reasons for spraying, mentioned in pesticide record sheets, included removing trip hazards from footpaths, removing weeds around site infrastructure and from road junctions as well as controlling invasive species such as Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, giant hogweed and giant rhubarb (Gunnera).

Japanese knotweed is “an increasing problem on public property and other open spaces”, a spokesperson for West Clare’s Municipal District (MD) told Noteworthy, adding that, mainly due to funding, they do not have an eradication programme in place but “a national response is required”.

Alternatives to weedkiller being used or trialled include foam or heat-based methods, salt and vinegar, cutting hedges at road verges, mechanical brushes and manually removing weeds.

Virginia and James are holding a paper sign saying - Petition to ban herbicides in public places - and are standing in front of the shopping centre. James Walsh (right) gathering signatures at Mahon Point Shopping Centre with Virginia O’Gara James Walsh James Walsh

Glyphosate still ‘backbone of weed control’

Most councils are still reliant on glyphosate-based herbicides, but aware of the need to research and trial some form of alternative to chemical herbicides for weed control.

In Clare, a 2020 guidance document notes: “At present glyphosate products form the backbone of the weed control programme of the MD of Ennis. There is no guarantee that glyphosate products will be available into the future, therefore it is vital to research non chemical control alternatives.”

A spokesperson for Ennis MD told Noteworthy that currently they use “mechanical brushing and spot treatment with herbicides following risk assessments” to control weeds. They added that, while they anticipate a “future move to greener alternatives”, these alternatives are “less effective, much more expensive and labour intensive.” Restrictions include investment in specialised equipment and funding, they said.

An internal memo by Ennis MD seen by Noteworthy, dated May 2020, notes: “It is highly unlikely that glyphosate will be available to the amenity sector to the extent it has been, for much longer. Irrespective of how the EU licence renewal develops the fact remains that the public have a reduced tolerance for its use.”

Glyphosate’s use is currently approved in the EU until this December, with a decision on its reapproval expected next July. Recently, the European Commission also announced proposed new regulations which would reduce the use of chemical pesticides overall. 

Apart from three councils that did not have any records as evidence that alternative solutions were considered or implemented, all the remaining local authorities were considering and using alternatives.

Since 2020, Louth County Council told us they are using only “organic non-pesticide products”, and at least two councils – Cork City and Dublin City Councils – are only using chemical herbicides to treat invasive species.

A number of other councils – mainly in Dublin – have implemented a full or partial ban of glyphosate-based herbicides, with all having exceptions for the management of invasive species. This includes Dublin City Council who stopped purchasing glyphosate-based herbicides around four years ago.

Tweet from @MarinoLiving - Look at the change this year on the edges of our circles - since @DubCityCouncil stopped weed spraying we have gained a wonderful border for butterflies & bees #marinobiodiversity. With photos of a black wrought iron fence initially with dead vegetation and then with yellow flowers and clover. Reaction from Marino Residents' Association in 2021 after Dublin City Council stopped spraying the park edges @MarinoLiving @MarinoLiving

About the same time Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council started taking a manual approach to weed removal with chemical controls only being used in a “very limited” number of locations, such as Killiney for management of giant hogweed.

South Dublin County Council has introduced a partial ban on glyphosate-based herbicides – banning their use in public parks, playgrounds and public gardens.

Fingal phased out chemical herbicide in public parks and open spaces, but told Noteworthy that “current staff resources will not facilitate additional maintenance visits” that are required to enable the use of alternatives to spraying in its 26 rural graveyards.

Ultimately, as Fingal County Council notes, trials indicate “there is not one single replacement alternative to glyphosate, but instead it will require multiple changes in how we design and maintain the public realm”.

Last year, Kildare County Council stopped using herbicide on lands in their parks department with “occasional deviation on some roundabouts”. The council are also leading a research project looking at assessing alternatives to herbicides.

Some councils told us they are currently preparing pesticides policies. For instance, Carlow County Council is preparing a pesticide reduction strategy; Wicklow has recently adopted a glyphosate policy, and Fingal is preparing a herbicide policy.

However, Walsh is not satisfied that alternatives are being prioritised by public authorities. At the Oireachtas Committee he used examples of around the country of spraying on road verges with “children forced to stand in this pesticide when they were walking”. He told the Committee: 

The legislation provides that alternatives have to be prioritised, documented evidence is needed and spraying should not be done in public areas. 

‘Probably carcinogenic to humans’

Glyphosate has been the subject of two recent high profile court cases in the US. In 2020, its manufacturer Bayer agreed to settle a wave of lawsuits over the potential carcinogenic effects of the herbicide.

The courts found that years of use of the popular weedkiller had caused non-Hodgkin lymphoma with settlements agreed for more than 100,000 people.

In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans”. At the same time, Bayer, the manufacturer of glyphosate, contests IARC’s finding and maintains that its products are safe.

Dr Claire Kilty, Acting Head of Research for the Irish Cancer Society said that discussions around this “are very complex and dependent on circumstances”. Based on the latest evidence from the WHO, she added that “those who only occasionally use products such as Round Up” should not “be overly worried about possible cancer risk”.

However, there is a possible cancer risk for “people who are exposed to large amounts of it for prolonged periods of their lifetime” and to mitigate this, Kilty said that those who use weedkiller regularly should use appropriate protective equipment.

A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found glyphosate in 80% of 2,310 urine samples from adults and children in the US. “Most exposure appears to be via consumption of glyphosate-contaminated food,” professor Phil Landrigan, Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College told Noteworthy.

As a paediatrician who has long been concerned about the impacts of environmental exposures on children’s health, I am deeply worried about the possible consequences for children’s health of widespread exposure in their food to a probable human carcinogen.

“It’s not just humans we need to protect, it’s all the other species in the environment,” said Elena Zioga, a PhD student at Trinity College Dublin who is researching pesticide contamination in flowers. The PROTECTS project is funded by DAFM and is investigating pesticide effects on the ecosystem, focusing on soils and pollinators.

Yellow and black bumblebee with a white tail sitting on Elena's white lab coat sleeve. She is wearing blue gloves and holding a clear plastic bag full of yellow flowers. A bee lands on Elena Zioga during her field research Elena Zioga Elena Zioga

She checked thousands of flowers for pesticide residues in their nectar and pollen. Her research is still ongoing and soon to be published, but she found contaminations and detected “a lot” of the 11 pesticide compounds she was looking for, she told Noteworthy.

“There isn’t a clear understanding yet of whether glyphosate does affect bees or not and whether there is significant risk there,” said Dr Dara Stanley, lecturer in applied entomology at University College Dublin, who is leading PROTECTS as well as another project examining pesticides and bees.

“The one thing we do know for sure is that it kills plants, and bees need plants to feed on, so it does reduce the flowers that are available for bees,” she said.

In the EU, glyphosate’s use was approved by the European Commission from 2017 until 15 December 2022. A decision on its re-approval was expected in December, but is now anticipated next July.

In Ireland, there are also over 4,500 signatures across 14 campaigns asking local authorities or retailers to stop using and selling glyphosate. This is in addition to Walsh’s petition seeking to ban chemical herbicide use in public areas.

Use of pesticides in Ireland has remained quite stable from 2012 to 2020. This is based on sales of so-called plant protection products (PPPs) – all collectively referred to as pesticides – which include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and biological controls.

However, these figures relate to pesticides sold for agricultural use and little is known and published about its use outside of agriculture.

Pesticides being used in public areas

When it comes to public areas, the EU Sustainable Use of Pesticide Directive (SUD) states member states should “ensure that the use of pesticides is minimised or prohibited in certain specific areas”, including public parks and gardens, sports and recreation grounds, school grounds and children’s playgrounds as well as protected nature conservation areas.

In Ireland, the law governing sustainable use of pesticides, which enacts the SUD, makes it clear that pesticides should not be applied in “areas used by the general public or vulnerable groups” or environmentally sensitive areas.

This includes public parks, hospitals, public schools, public playgrounds and areas of nature conservation. In these areas, pesticides shouldn’t be used unless a risk assessment shows a pesticide is necessary.

Another requirement is that priority must be given to non-chemical methods. This is referred to as integrated pest management, with those who apply pesticides are required to keep records of this.

2019 EU Audit of Ireland, however, found that it was “not verified” that risk assessments were being carried out, meaning that the Irish system cannot ensure herbicides are only used when there is no other viable option available.

Some councils not keeping required records

DAFM’s Pesticide Controls Division sent all local authorities guidance last year and again this year to ensure compliance with the SUD. This sets out requirements and mentions that “risk assessment records may be requested during DAFM inspections”.

It states that local authorities must keep pesticide application records of all sprays and maintain integrated pest management (IPM) records, which they must be able to produce during DAFM inspections.

Despite these requirements, some councils are not keeping all the records required, with our investigation finding that six councils did not have any pesticide application records.

This includes Offaly County Council who also had no IPM records. A spokesperson noted these elements were “under review”.

Some council sections told us they were in the process of developing “formalised recording protocols”, such as Monaghan’s Municipal District (MD). Others, including Ballybay/Clones MD in Monaghan and Roscommon County Council, mentioned lack of “resources” when it comes to keeping records.

Wicklow and Cavan County Council did not have records of risk assessments or IPM records. When it comes to IPM records, Cavan told us they are in the process of adopting a “new system”, following guidance from DAFM. A Wicklow County Council spokesperson told Noteworthy: 

Until recently, there was no formal structure in place for record keeping for pesticide application and nor was there an obligation for such record keeping.

They added that the council’s recently adopted glyphosate policy addresses such record keeping and it previously used financial records “to identify the quantities of products”.

We also asked whether council staff or contractors were trained in safe use of pesticides, and every local authority confirmed some form of training had taken place.

A 2018 inspection by DAFM of Portlaoise Municipal District found that good practice was being followed, but also noted for “operators to start keeping records on dedicated record sheets”. A separate inspection of the Graiguecullen area of Laois County Council in 2018 had a similar finding.

Copy of a written pesticide application record for amenity areas with four entries - two from 2021 and two from 2022 - all for the Portarlington area to treat weeds. Water volumes vary from 100 to 130 litres. Pesticide application record for treatment of weeds on kerbs and paths in Portarlington Co Laois Laois County Council (via AIE request) Laois County Council (via AIE request)

Not all councils keep a record of what and how much pesticide was used by contractors. For example, Kildare County Council told us that the reason no records were available is “all our spraying is done by contract and the information is held by them”.

However, in its guidance letter, DAFM writes that “the use of contractors to conduct the application of PPPs [pesticides] does not waive the LA’s responsibility in terms of compliance with the SUD. If the LA employs a contractor, the LA must only use trained and registered PUs [professional users]. In addition, pesticide application and IPM records must be available for inspection.”

Given this guidance, Noteworthy asked Kildare County Council why records were not available. A spokesperson said that “since its introduction by the Department of Agriculture, Kildare County Council has endeavoured to comply with the requirements set out in the Directive”.

A DAFM spokesperson told Noteworthy that all “professional users are obliged to maintain records of the plant protection products they use for three years” and that these records can be requested by authorised officers to verify compliance with the regulations.

One problem is that legislation and guidance on IPM can often be “vague, allowing public authorities or farmers to move around them,” said Henriette Christensen, senior policy adviser with Pesticides Action Network Europe, a network of NGOs working to replace the use of hazardous pesticides with ecologically sound alternatives.

In her experience, definitions of risk assessment and IPM are “never clear”, allowing for loose interpretations and “many gaps”. To solve this, she said that “it’s really, really time to make public areas pesticides free. It’s happening in many countries,” she said.

France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden have adopted national legal provisions to ban pesticide use in public areas such as playgrounds and parks. In France, the ban extends to private gardens.

‘Stop and think’ before you spray

Since local authorities received guidance in 2021, “there have been positive changes”, said Walsh. “A lot of councils have made huge improvements. Cork city announced they would stop using it [chemical-based weedkillers], and other counties are starting to put motions in.”

For example, James Walsh noticed that “driving from Youghal to Middleton, you can see that there’s nothing sprayed. It’s beautiful. The flowers are left to blossom. They are using alternative methods and it’s successful… But they are still spraying other roads in Cork. I can’t see why – there should be a-one-fits-all solution.”

AIE records confirm that along the N25, from Middleton to Youghal, “weed control by pesticides has been discontinued since the end of 2020″.

Cork City Council’s operations division stopped using glyphosate-based weedkiller in 2022, while its parks division uses chemical herbicide, including glyphosate, but only for invasive species treatment. Cork County Council also developed an awareness campaign in 2021, to encourage people to “stop and think” before you spray.

Three photos of yellow vegetation around signs on the side of the country roads. Dead vegetation along the verge and under signs around Ballylaneen Co Waterford in June 2022 Noteworthy reader Noteworthy reader

Elsewhere on Irish roads, a Noteworthy reader contacted us with concerns about spraying along roads in Waterford near Annestown, Kilmurrin, Bunmahon, and Ballylaneen, including near a bridge over a tributary of the Mahon River, with potential for contamination.

We asked Waterford County Council about reasons for spraying and the quantities used. A spokesperson said that the council “does undertake some spot treatment and have done at the above locations in 2022 to address vegetation growth along kerbs, footpath edges, warning signs and other street furniture. Herbicides applied by trained personnel are used sparingly and selectively, and are not overused.”

One of the three signs on the pole at the treated area points to Kilmurrin Cove. There are green fields and a forest in the background. Sprayed grass under a sign at Kilmurrin Beach Co Waterford in June 2022 Noteworthy reader Noteworthy reader

Pesticide usage ‘not collected’ by TidyTowns

In additional to councils, TidyTowns groups were raised by the Joint Oireachtas Committee in May, with the chair – Sinn Féin TD Martin Brown – asking if they were using pesticides, with no answer provided, and Walsh stating that “it would make a significant difference” if the groups “were aware of the legislation”.

Several councils said they were engaging with local TidyTowns committees, with Monaghan noting that these committees have expressed concern with the overuse of pesticides, “however they consider the use of PPPs [pesticides] more effective for their needs than either of the alternatives trialled to date”.

Roscommon County Council told us that “considerable maintenance of open spaces/vegetative areas in County Roscommon is carried out by voluntary groups such as TidyTowns, Cemetery Committee’s and Housing Estate Management Groups”.

Since these are private community-led groups, the council “has no oversight on what volume of PPPs such groups use. However, as a local authority we strongly encourage and advise such groups in the sustainable use of PPPs in their respective environments.”

However, some local authorities are aware of what herbicide is used by TidyTowns, with Tipperary County Council noting that 18 litres of Roundup were applied in Cahir Town over the past three years by TidyTowns “who have a trained user”.

In May, Wicklow County Council noted, in response to a questionnaire from the Public Petition Committee, that their intention was to “write to the National Board of the TidyTowns to ensure that the marking system benefits TidyTowns Committees that use alternatives to chemical herbicides or practise ‘leave as is’ methods”.

We asked TidyTowns whether they had records of pesticide usage and risk assessments, but were told that “the information sought is not collected or collated”.

A handbook on nature and biodiversity for TidyTowns encourages biodiversity-friendly actions, such as implementing the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan and reducing mowing, but pesticides are not mentioned.

‘Parents are very concerned’

Seven women with Pesticide-Free Derry t-shirts are standing in front of a billboard which also says Pesticide-Free Derry. Two of the women are handing the then-mayor a t-shirt. The Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group at the launch of the Pesticide-Free Derry campaign Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group

On the island of Ireland, the Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group, a cross-border group based in Derry and Donegal, has been spreading awareness of the risks posed by pesticides through workshops on environment, health and cancer prevention.

Jacquie Loughrey, the group’s education and prevention officer, became interested in cancer prevention after she was diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago. She is now in remission but said that her mother passed away from the same cancer.

Loughrey is particularly concerned about pregnant women and children who are “more vulnerable” to pesticide exposure. Children are also “more likely to spend more time in areas that have been treated, for example grassy play areas”, she added.

She hopes to help change people’s perception of “what a weed actually is”, from something “nasty or “to be exterminated”, to something that is needed by bees and butterflies.

I would encourage the authorities to use the precautionary principle and if possible stop using something as dangerous as glyphosate, particularly near children. Parents on the ground are very concerned.

“I am not saying that glyphosate can’t be used when it’s completely necessary, for instance to treat invasive species. But there are alternatives.”

The Pink Ladies adopted a Green Mile in Derry and, supported by Triax Neighbourhood Renewal team – a community environmental group, “made boxes for plants and placed them at the bottom of street signs and lamp posts” to discourage spraying. However, “the message was lost on the agency responsible as they sprayed around the boxes”.

“What it comes back to is that at this moment glyphosate is legal.” She said that “we’re stuck with this problem” until the EU decides about its re-legislation.

A wooden box around a sign post with shoots of flowers coming up inside. Treated grass that has turned yellow surrounds it. The Pink Ladies installed boxes to deter spraying but the message was lost on the agency responsible Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group

Ban on pesticides ‘in sensitive areas’

Earlier this summer, representatives from DAFM told the Joint Committee on Public Petitions that they do about five inspections of local authorities per year, “with 45 inspections over the past ten years”.

They also noted that they “regulate and provide guidance but it is up to local authorities whether they want to use glyphosate” and added that “a number have decided not to”.

About 30 inspections of “non-primary producers” – including local authorities, golf clubs and landscapers – are planned annually, a spokesperson from DAFM told Noteworthy, adding that five inspections of local authorities are due to take place in 2022.

“There are currently no proposals to increase the number of inspections on local authorities,” the spokesperson said.

DAFM told us “information and guidance on compliance” is given through workshops and updates to stakeholders including local authorities, as well as through their website.

In June, the European Commission announced proposals for new regulations that would set EU-level legally binding targets to reduce the use and risk posed by chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030.

It also includes “a ban on all pesticides in sensitive areas”, including public parks or gardens, playgrounds, recreation or sports grounds, public paths as well as protected areas and any ecologically sensitive area to be preserved for threatened pollinators.

“That’s very ambitious. I really hope they will do it,” said Trinity College’s Elena Zioga, who felt “the least we can do” is ban herbicides and other harmful pesticides from public areas. “For the European Commision to say these things it means we are in a very bad spot.”

Research shows that “there are contaminations everywhere and this is very, very alarming. It goes far beyond pollinators”, she added. “We’re speaking about the environment, about the water that we are drinking.”

Walsh enthusiastically welcomed this proposal which he said, if implemented, “means that it’s a worry off people’s minds” making “the place more attractive, more enjoyable and safer”. 

“It’s the right thing to do… It would be brilliant for everybody to enjoy the environment a bit more and makes it more beautiful as well.” 

Our full IN THE WEEDS investigation is out now. Part one of this series reveals thousands of litres of pesticides are being used on Irish roads and forests each year. Part two shows that government inspections found issues in how nine out of 10 vendors handled pesticides 

Design for IN THE WEEDS - person with work trousers holding canister and sprayer with weedkiller coming out of the nozzle.

This investigation was carried out by Anthea Lacchia. It was proposed and funded by readers of Noteworthy, the investigative journalism platform from The Journal.

You can support our work by submitting an investigation idea, funding a proposed project or setting up a monthly contribution to our general investigative fund HERE>>

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    Install the app to use these features.
    Mute Kevin Conway
    Favourite Kevin Conway
    Dec 13th 2017, 6:55 AM

    I’m delighted….. let the implosion begin.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:56 AM

    @Kevin Conway: Massively significant.

    Republicans will now be considering just how toxic Trump can be. 35% approval rating = losing the mid terms and their majority.

    They’ll try to rush through Tax Reform. Them I’d they can do that they might look to Dump Trump even pre mid terms.

    Will Mueller give them a reason to do so?

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    Mute Ger Kelly
    Favourite Ger Kelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:12 AM

    @Kevin Conway: what’s shocking is how many still voted for Moore

    See 4 more replies ▾
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    Mute Rob Cahill
    Favourite Rob Cahill
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:36 AM

    @Ger Kelly: These people put their superstitions above everything else. Him being a pedo was a lesser evil than Jones being pro choice. F@#ked logic for a normal person but this is Alabama.

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    Mute ktsiwot
    Favourite ktsiwot
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:56 AM

    @Ger Kelly: a lot of god fearing, black hating, pedo lovers left.

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    Mute Boo!
    Favourite Boo!
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:16 AM

    @Ger Kelly: Yip…agree. V slim but important win. Worring how many voted moore

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    Mute Dave O Keeffe
    Favourite Dave O Keeffe
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:39 AM

    @Boo!: it’s Alabama, that is a very good win for a Democrat considering any Republican g ts a 20-30 point head start

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    Mute Joseph Murphy
    Favourite Joseph Murphy
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:13 AM

    There’s no way Trump himself wrote that tweet. lol. I expect a more Donald-esque outburst later on once he gets his phone back from his carer.

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    Mute DaisyChainsaw
    Favourite DaisyChainsaw
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:57 AM

    @Joseph Murphy: His lawyer at it again?

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    Mute Rob Cahill
    Favourite Rob Cahill
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:05 AM

    @Joseph Murphy: The lack of any apology makes it look like him, The lack of spelling and grammar mistakes makes it look like someone else.

    See 1 more reply ▾
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    Mute Tricia Golden
    Favourite Tricia Golden
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:30 AM

    @Joseph Murphy: I said the exact same thing.

    I expect the implosion in 3…..2…..1……

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    Mute Charles Coughlan
    Favourite Charles Coughlan
    Dec 13th 2017, 6:59 AM

    Delighted, this is more of a vote for dignity and a vote against Trump,

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    Mute P.J. Nolan
    Favourite P.J. Nolan
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:42 AM

    @Charles Coughlan:
    Absolutely a good result but Jones only barely won over a pe*do so unless the local Republicans are dumb enough to put Moore up again Jones is virtually certain to lose again in November.
    Still, hopefully it’s a start of something!

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    Mute Dave O Keeffe
    Favourite Dave O Keeffe
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:40 AM

    @P.J. Nolan: unless he does something good for the area. Who knows, voting Democrats might be contagious

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    Mute P.J. Nolan
    Favourite P.J. Nolan
    Dec 13th 2017, 1:54 PM

    @Dave O Keeffe:
    Ha ha you never know! Time is against him.

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    Mute Tom Tom
    Favourite Tom Tom
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:23 AM

    Roy Moore has lost, but he’s refusing to concede the race. He says he likes his chances because they’re minor.

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    Mute Dave O Keeffe
    Favourite Dave O Keeffe
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:41 AM

    @Tom Tom: is he waiting on the electoral college?

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    Mute The Guru
    Favourite The Guru
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:04 AM

    Man who prosecuted KKK wins by less than 1% over kiddy fiddling bible basher. Still as Donald says, a win is a win.

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    Mute Jane
    Favourite Jane
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:14 AM

    @The Guru: it’s a start

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    Mute Daphne
    Favourite Daphne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:01 AM

    @The Guru: Given that the state was Alabama, it’s perhaps more of a win than it first appears. The tide is changing again.

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    Mute Jonathan Gaffey
    Favourite Jonathan Gaffey
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:45 AM

    @The Guru: wow that is depressing!!.

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    Mute Mel Fitzpatrick
    Favourite Mel Fitzpatrick
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:40 AM

    This is the first time in I don’t know how long that I’ve woken to actual good news. Fantastic, let the wheel removal commence

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    Mute Sean O'dowd
    Favourite Sean O'dowd
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:01 AM

    Great news, change in the right direction for once # Selma.

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    Mute Dermot Lane
    Favourite Dermot Lane
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:29 AM

    Trumps advisors are going to get a bollicking. They were so sure their man would win thet Trump came out bigly in his support during the last few days, convinced he was backing a winner.

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    Mute Tricia Golden
    Favourite Tricia Golden
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:45 AM

    @Dermot Lane: Which is EXACTLY why I’m expecting an implosion on Twitter……..

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    Mute John M
    Favourite John M
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:17 AM

    A sign of the times that I am surprised the perve lost

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    Mute Jurgen Remak
    Favourite Jurgen Remak
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:06 AM

    That’s a sweet victory for the Dems. Nice to see that creep and Trump supporter lose. No Ten Commandments in that office then.

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    Mute Fiona deFreyne
    Favourite Fiona deFreyne
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:29 AM

    Excellent news. This will impede the reign of Trump.

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    Mute W
    Favourite W
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:14 AM

    Five years ago the Republican won this seat with 97% of the vote under Sessions. The Trump party is now officially rat poisen….drag it into your own back yard at your own peril.

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    Mute DaisyChainsaw
    Favourite DaisyChainsaw
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:01 AM W: Aside from Toxic Trumplethinskin in charge, half of Alabama (a byword for inbred, racist hicks) decided to go against the stereotype and vote for the decent, progressive candidate, rather than a child molester. There’s hope for the Septics yet…

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    Mute Paul Furey
    Favourite Paul Furey
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:12 AM

    There is a god! Well there are at least 4000 of them!

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    Mute Ste Collins
    Favourite Ste Collins
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:25 AM

    A win here for humanity !!

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    Mute Dave Murray
    Favourite Dave Murray
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:20 AM

    Ha ha brilliant.

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    Mute Francis Mc Carthy
    Favourite Francis Mc Carthy
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:13 AM

    The poor Trump fans will be heard sobbing all through the night.
    What I did find kind of amusing,is that the Trump fans,they never brought up the ‘Foundation for ‘Moral’ Law’ ..hahaha ,Moral Law ,that one cracks me up

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    Mute DaisyChainsaw
    Favourite DaisyChainsaw
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:02 AM

    @Francis Mc Carthy: Hey, shagging 14 year olds is in the bible!

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    Mute Brian O Reilly
    Favourite Brian O Reilly
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:20 AM

    Very Conservative State Alabama never thought I would see it vote Democrat,The Republican Party will throw Trump overboard,when it threatens their Representation in both Houses now.Great start to the day.

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    Mute Malachi
    Favourite Malachi
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:26 AM

    Roy Moore shouldn’t have been anywhere near the US congress in the first place, the fact that he was so close is very telling. That said, credit to the Alabamans who voted Dem and credit to those who chose to write-in.

    Not easy for a lot of people from ultra-conservative backgrounds to go against their candidate, but it seems many did so for the greater good. A lot of people said it couldn’t be done. Fair play.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:26 AM

    Why are people from Ireland acting like it’s gonna effect them, ahh yes the oul anglo Alabama- Ireland connection, forgot about that. I live two states over from Alabama, an I couldn’t give a toss.

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    Mute Fiona deFreyne
    Favourite Fiona deFreyne
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:32 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: many people in many have an interest in events outside of their own country.

    Trump, as President of the US, has enormous and detrimental influence over global affairs. Anything which undermines Trump’s political power is good for the US and for other countries. Trump really needed Moore’s support in the Senate. He did not get it.

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    Mute bmul
    Favourite bmul
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:33 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: trumps policy’s effect people all over the world even you 2 states over

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    Mute Andrew Giles
    Favourite Andrew Giles
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:40 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: must be Dublin, Kentucky then.

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    Mute alphanautica
    Favourite alphanautica
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:43 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: Irish people also like Hollywood movies, Premier League Football and food from Italy. Weird isn’t it?

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    Mute WinSomeLoseSome
    Favourite WinSomeLoseSome
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:35 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: you care enough to post.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:39 AM

    @alphanautica: politics are different from movies sports and food, just thought I’d point that out to ya. Some people living in Ireland I guess think they are important enough that they feel like whatever Trump does will effect there day to day let that set in for a minute. Did you wake up everyday when Obama was president, an think, today is gonna be a good day, this is basically what your saying.

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    Mute Cathal S Byrne
    Favourite Cathal S Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:41 AM

    @Fiona deFreyne: do you think Hilary would have been detrimental to global affairs?

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    Mute DJ François
    Favourite DJ François
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:45 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: You gave enough of a toss to have a whinge about it though

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:47 AM

    @bmul: it doesn’t really effect my day to day Life to be honest, life is good here easy to get a job cost of living is cheap. It’s maybe the fact I’m out for myself an wife , and I’m not so ego-centric that I believe my social media martyerdom is gonna save the world, your gonna bring down Mr big bad Trump on a social media site 3,000 miles from the USA good luck with that.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:52 AM

    @WinSomeLoseSome: yeah I like a good oul laugh with this. I mean c’mon nobody can really take themselves seriously on a social media forum. Have ya seen the amount of political nonsense on the journal? I do like to throw an opinion out there, but that’s all it is.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:59 AM

    @Fiona deFreyne: the problem with people who hate Trump is, they will believe in anything social media says, without proof, was your convicted yet, or does that matter now.? Social media= he’s guilty, real world= we’ll have to see, ya know that whole evidence thing an all.

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    Mute Mitch Peterson
    Favourite Mitch Peterson
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:59 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: The butt-hurt is strong with this one…

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    Mute Mitch Peterson
    Favourite Mitch Peterson
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:02 AM

    @Cathal S Byrne: OMG Cathal I can’t believe you just mentioned Hilary!!! FFS man, cant you just be glad that this race turned out ok?

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:04 AM

    @Ted: Oklahoma City is where I live around the population as Dublin, lots of conservatives an this is gonna blow your mind, I Know you won’t believe this there’s also alot of liberal people as well, I mean what your saying is in every small town in the 4th largest country in the world, everybody is clueless, please tell me you see the iriony?

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:12 AM

    @Mitch Peterson: honestly I’m not that invested into politics well not through social media, I’m off work 2mo smoking a bit, it’s 3 in the morning an I’m getting a laugh at how people can become so politically irate over a social media forum, like there gonna change the world over there phone with what they have to say. It’s kinda of funny, lots of thumbs up for being liberal, congratulations, ghandi would be proud.

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    Mute Cathal S Byrne
    Favourite Cathal S Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:16 AM

    @Mitch Peterson: yeah man….my point wasn’t directed at you man.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:23 AM

    @neilo: no comment away I think it’s funny, that how politically emotionally invested people get on a social media forum, telling the president of America how he should act , like it’s going to make a difference. There’s at least 20 articles a day about American politics , 90% of the comments are usually slagging trump, like somehow they’ve claimed a moral social media victory of the president of the USA. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a sh#t .

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:41 AM

    @neilo: haha you’re so emotional, I care about my wife, job, house. Ya know things that are everyday. I don’t have the ego-centricity to say something on a social media forum and take it so seriously and literal, that somehow what I say will make an impact, that’s delushional

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    Mute Peter O'Connor
    Favourite Peter O'Connor
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:41 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: yes actually. But since the rise of the Tangerine Throne every straw is being grasped to affirm our sanity and hopes for the future. Any future actually.

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    Mute Mitch Peterson
    Favourite Mitch Peterson
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:42 AM

    @Cathal S Byrne: Well, mine was directed at you, man! I mean, to shoehorn Hilary into this article… just really pathetic stuff. Business must be really slow on Wednesdays. But, like I said, lets just be happy that Moore lost, that is something we can agree on!

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    Mute Sean
    Favourite Sean
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:43 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: Well if you don’t even care, none of us should.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:48 AM

    @Peter O’Connor: is that from a fictional show? I honestly don’t know, all I do know is using opaque quotations online means your very intellectual.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:55 AM

    @Sean: hey I’m all about helping out others an what not in the local community, and seeing where it goes, Im just saying when there’s about 30 articles a day on American politics, on a social media forum. People aren’t really caring, they just think, Trump bad, must insult. Like somehow they’ve a moral victory, I mean what a waste of time.

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    Mute Mark Mcloughlin
    Favourite Mark Mcloughlin
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:21 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: Because most people over here are idiots and they like what they are told to like

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    Mute Dave O Keeffe
    Favourite Dave O Keeffe
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:46 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: its not even 5am, go back to bed, you’re drunk

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:08 AM

    @Dave O Keeffe: ahh yes let’s hear what the righteous one will say, gather around fellow social media people and let’s hear what lord Dave has to make of it, I’m sure your contribution in a comment section will pave the way for future generations of social media journal people to rebel and live in a utopian world, via the journal app.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:22 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: I’m not drunk , as I stated earlier I’ve smoked a bit and I’m getting a laugh at all the comments being emotionally nonsense , like how people make a joke about Trump being Mr badman. So they’ll post the typical know it all Trump an the Republican party are like this and there like that, blah blah blah , and yet somehow they are convinced they won a moral debate to an online forum that really nobody cares about. Talk about crazy.

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    Mute Francis Mc Carthy
    Favourite Francis Mc Carthy
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:57 AM

    @Mark Mcloughlin – do you ever tire of posting nothing

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    Mute Francis Mc Carthy
    Favourite Francis Mc Carthy
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:03 PM

    @Jonathan Byrne: i honestly couldn’t care less if you live in the States.So what if you do? It automatically doesn’t mean that you know wtf is going on around you.There are a fair few commenters on here that would tear you apart regards issues in America..You’re probably the guy that picked up an American accent after one hour..

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:14 PM

    @neilo: well women are more emotional than men, ehh I’m not on Breitbart, I don’t see the point, my wife runs a non-profit organization that helps with community development, so I help her out with that. That’s probably more than the average social media folk who comment on how things are negative, Trump is bad Republicans bad , go socialism ! It’s all nonsense, or ya could go out and do what you can for the local community. Me personally I’ll go with helping the community. I’m only doing this now cause I’m stoned and I’m getting a laugh, about how righteous some people act on the comment section like there the next ghandi or something. All from the comfort of there phone an probably don’t do anything for the local community.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:25 PM

    @Francis Mc Carthy: na I’ve only been here 2 years , still very much so irish, and why would that make a difference? No but I work in retail an talk to alot of people on a daily basis an they share there opinions, and after the commenters tear me apart (on the journal no less) what happens?, I’ll be wrong, so what me being in wrong about something doesn’t change a thing,

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:39 PM

    @Peedur Dante: people have been fascinated with the president of the USA for years, have they not? In not saying you shouldn’t be interested , I’m just saying your not making any impact, haha it’s so funny how wound up ya get, that you have to slag my beard, should I be liberal and offended? Na ! Never trust anybody who tells ya what’s good and not good for on a social media forum, they just become obsessed with wanting ya to agree with them. And nobody learns anything.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:47 PM

    @Peedur Dante: I’m sure you gave someone who doesn’t agree with ya much consideration, an what does it really matter, if you agree or not, social media forums isn’t gonna solve anything, it’s just a laugh, what’s even funnier is some people who get very angry on this with there opinion, and that’s all it is, think they know all the soci-political answers, that is so dilusional, ya can’t help but laugh.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:51 PM

    @Peedur Dante: ohh you use stoner references, your very clever, you should be a comedian.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 1:06 PM

    @Peedur Dante: discuss ideas? See I do that at local community fundraisers because it’s beneficial, discussing ideas on a social media forum is a waste of time, mock people? The comment section of American politics has been beating to death, with usually the same drivel from the same people. And nobody learns anything from biased anti president rhetoric, so that’s why I take the p#ss. I never said no people help out in the community I said some, yeah it makes me feel good to help out in the community, like it should make anybody feel good. Well I’m off for a little nap, in this great affordable city of Oklahoma, enjoy crying an insulting people who don’t agree with ya, hope it all works out well,

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 1:12 PM

    @Peedur Dante: well you just told to not smoke weed, an that your not a fan of beards, aren’t you telling me what not to be interested in? Yeah sounds like a contridictian .

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:01 PM

    @Peedur Dante: I thought it was the people that voted for him ? An that’s why he got elected. But you can go on about your Russian conspiracy theory

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:07 PM

    @Peedur Dante: a more honourable person? You’ve just insulted someone who doesn’t agree with ya, tell me again how’s that honourable again?

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:13 PM

    @Jonathan Byrne: sure. You just keep burying your head in the sand. Good boy

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:17 PM

    @Jonathan Byrne: god you are so tedious

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:22 PM

    @Peedur Dante: ok that sounds a little parinoid, who’s us? I’m having a laugh at everybody, and I want people to have a laugh back, what’s wrong with that? Don’t take the comments so personal. Jesus !

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:30 PM

    @Michael farrelly: ahh ok. Or I could get worked up about a president of a country , that will have no outcome on my day to day life. As I said I’m fully taking the pis# on this , because a couple of comments on this , is hardly impactul. Whatever your political opinion is.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:34 PM

    @Peedur Dante: well I think your an idiot, so I guess the feeling is mutual, good look trying to get everyone to agree with ya.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:35 PM

    @Michael farrelly: ok. Don’t take it personal I guess.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 3:11 PM

    @Peedur Dante: he’s an NBA basketball player, called Steven Adams. An yeah he’s pretty well looking for a guy, but he also has alot of money to look well. Thought I’d give ya a little info on him, because I’m sure you haven’t a clue about sports in the USA. It sounds like you need a bit of psychotherapy.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 3:18 PM

    @Jonathan Byrne: an yes I am small to him, that’s because he’s 7 foot 2 inches, alot of people are small in comparison to him.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 3:51 PM

    @Peedur Dante: well you just did, all you’ve really done is comment oh how I look in the picture, for the most part. Which is kinda creepy, an a little psychotic. Did you ever think the reason you get so wound up on this sort of discussion on social media, is because your probably the one that needs help.?

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 4:20 PM

    @Peedur Dante: yeah I couldn’t sleep, some nights go like that, an I’ve the day off work today. Well I’m insulting ya on your political opinion an your insulting me in a how I look one. If you can’t see the difference then well ya need help. An I’ve only been really taking the pis# out of you for the most part. ” Doing drugs all night” ehh so fu#king what, I can do what I want.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 4:42 PM

    @Peedur Dante: yeh Kool, peace ou !

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    Mute Justin Barrett
    Favourite Justin Barrett
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:51 AM

    What a victory! An indictment of Trump’s disastrous Presidency and the beginning of the end for the racist Alt-Right!

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    Mute Casper
    Favourite Casper
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:11 AM

    It’s great to see so many comments against Trump no matter what our backgrounds are, his brand of politics should never be accepted

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:27 AM

    @Casper: but people did except his brand of politics, that’s why he’s president, no?

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    Mute Dell
    Favourite Dell
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:30 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: I would say, not for much longer. The republicans will get rid of him, he is now toxic to their party.

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    Mute Casper
    Favourite Casper
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:47 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: I was referring to the Irish people and more specific the people that comment here on the journal

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    Mute Deborah Behan
    Favourite Deborah Behan
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:40 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: so you voted for him!

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:43 AM

    @Casper: your asking the people who comment on an Irish social media forum, to stand against what exactly? I’m sure you’ll make a difference on the journal, pffft, insanity.

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    Mute Casper
    Favourite Casper
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:01 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: read both my comments again where does it say I am asking people to stand against something, it doesn’t, I am only expressing my opinion yes it’s my opinion and I am entitled to it now get lost or else find someone else to have a little argument with lol

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:11 AM

    @Deborah Behan: well I’m Irish, so what do you think?

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:30 AM

    @Casper: lol, really? totally crushed any meaning in your over the top emotional burst of stating the obvious that you have an opinion. Your opinion on a social media forum an my opinion doesn’t mean sh#t that’s why you take these articles as a joke. As I said how articles are there on American politics on a daily basis, you think the american Senate go ya know let’s go to the journal app an see where we should lead the USA.

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    Mute Casper
    Favourite Casper
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:38 AM

    @Jonathan Byrne: have a nice day young man

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 11:56 AM

    @Casper: your opinion was very articulate and knowledgeable , thank you.

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:53 PM

    @neil what are doing it’s 1 in the afternoon, ya gotta be on the dole.

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    Mute Del Bear
    Favourite Del Bear
    Dec 13th 2017, 1:23 PM

    @Jonathan Byrne: people who work get lunch breaks..they typically take them around 1pm in the afternoon…

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:04 PM

    @Del Bear: well he was comment alot longer than a hour

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    Mute Jonathan Byrne
    Favourite Jonathan Byrne
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:40 PM

    @neilo: ha that was good :)

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    Mute White Rabbit
    Favourite White Rabbit
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:54 AM

    Imploding biggly

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    Mute Jimmy Bennett
    Favourite Jimmy Bennett
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:21 AM

    Great news, a victory for common sense and human decency. Funny to see the tears of the Trump supporters on here too. This is the beginning of the end for their orange-faced idol.

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    Mute Cathal Leonard
    Favourite Cathal Leonard
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:23 AM

    I was beginning to think that it was a prerequisite to be a paedophile rapist o/and a molester to get elected in America.

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    Mute Larry Doyle
    Favourite Larry Doyle
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:17 AM

    Being a Republican President that loses a senate seat in Alabama, that was safe for the last quarter of a century, puts Trump in a very weak position. All Republican Senators and Congressmen will, over the Christmas “holidays”, be thinking – “What does supporting Trump gain me and what does supporting him lose me?”

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    Mute Clarke's Patriots
    Favourite Clarke's Patriots
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:33 AM

    Moore and Trump just got malled lol

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    Mute Deborah Behan
    Favourite Deborah Behan
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:39 AM

    @Clarke’s Patriots: lol!

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    Mute Thought for Food
    Favourite Thought for Food
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:15 AM

    What strikes me the most in these comments is how not a single one of the allegations made against Moore has been proven. Yet the majority of commenters here act as if the man has been tried, convicted and sentenced in a court of law.

    It’s a worrying state of affairs when someone can accuse you of something that allegedly happened over 30 years ago and ruin your name and livelihood in the process.

    If you “liberals” think you’re standing up for decency and morality in society, explain how you can label a man a child molester and rapist based on hearsay and rumour.

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    Mute Dell
    Favourite Dell
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:22 AM

    @Thought for Food: there was more than one someone, the statute of limitations had passed so he can’t be tried and his Conservative comrades also believe he’s a pedophile but had to do an about turn and go along with the orange thing they call their president so he could get a bill passed that would ensure lower taxes for themselves, his buddies and himself long after he is impeached.

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    Mute Malachi
    Favourite Malachi
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:02 AM

    @Thought for Food: “can ruin your name”

    I’ll stop you right there. Roy Moore was already a piece of human garbage before the allegations, and he was still a piece of garbage after he admitted the relationships with young teens.

    The guy declared that 9/11 was God’s punishment for allowing homosexual behaviour in America. He didn’t have a good name left to ruin.

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    Mute Mitch Peterson
    Favourite Mitch Peterson
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:07 AM

    @Thought for Food: What strikes me is that you think Donald Trump is worthy of your loyalty. If you “idiots” think you’re standing up for decency and morality in society, you are wrong.

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    Mute Donal McCarthy
    Favourite Donal McCarthy
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:33 AM

    @Thought for Food:

    There was more than enough evidence to disqualify Moore as a suitable candidate for election, including the fact that he was banned from a mall for bothering teenage girls.

    And you’re right, he has not been tried, convicted and or sentenced in a court of law – he has simply lost an election.

    In reality, the RNC are doing a happy dance abou this.

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    Mute Sean
    Favourite Sean
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:46 AM

    @Thought for Food: What strikes me is that your first thought is to protect the abuser. Why is that I wonder?

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    Mute Larry Doyle
    Favourite Larry Doyle
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:05 AM

    @Thought for Food: This man has been removed from his job as a judge twice. On one occasion the entire bench of the Alabama Supreme Court called him a liar, that is as good as any conviction as far as I’m concerned – along with the fact that he was rejected by the majority of Alabama voters.

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    Mute Deborah Behan
    Favourite Deborah Behan
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:39 AM

    @Thought for Food: he lost. Get over it snowflake. Or paste in what ever was said to Hillary’s supporters after she lost.

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    Mute Liam O'Reilly
    Favourite Liam O'Reilly
    Dec 13th 2017, 1:08 PM

    @Thought for Food: He admitted ‘dating’ 14 year old, but he said it was OK because the childs mother consented on their behalf apparently. I don’t see anyone acting here like he has been convicted. He did not get elected to the senate because democracy is a popularity contest and creeps who ‘date’ children when they are in their 30′s are not very popular.

    If you ‘conservatives’ think you’re standing up for tradition and christian values in society, explain voting for an adult male who admits trying to ‘date’ children.

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:09 PM

    @Thought for Food: you’ve gone very quiet. Does the avalanche of sensible answers overwhelm your redneck neo con viewpoint ?

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    Mute ₱I₷₠₷ ੩⑭
    Favourite ₱I₷₠₷ ੩⑭
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:44 PM

    @Thought for Food: You REALLY have your head up your hole.

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    Mute ianglen
    Favourite ianglen
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:42 AM

    Decency won in Alabama. Moore was a disgrace.

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    Mute gerry fallon
    Favourite gerry fallon
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:23 AM

    Moore is less!

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    Mute goon4life
    Favourite goon4life
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:03 AM

    Republicans/democrats….2 cheeks of the same arse

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    Mute Kevin Conway
    Favourite Kevin Conway
    Dec 13th 2017, 7:10 AM

    @goon4life: butt…. the arsehole in between is trump

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    Mute Alphonsa
    Favourite Alphonsa
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:00 AM

    @Kevin Conway: bum bum

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:04 PM

    All those trump supporters are very thin on the ground in commenting on this article. Not so gung ho now. Well done to the people of Alabama. Faith in people restored

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    Mute Larry Doyle
    Favourite Larry Doyle
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:26 PM

    @Michael farrelly: They are just tried from all that winning……..sorry whining.

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    Mute Ben McArthur
    Favourite Ben McArthur
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:07 AM

    Delighted Moore lost, but what strange comments. If he’d won, would it have been a great endorsement of Trump? I doubt it. Something something redneck marrying your 15 yo cousin.

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    Mute Dell
    Favourite Dell
    Dec 13th 2017, 8:16 AM

    @Ben McArthur: I think it would have. I think the reason he lost by so little is because trump endorsed him. He’s a suspected pedophile, he should have lost by a hell of a lot more.

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    Mute Larry Doyle
    Favourite Larry Doyle
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:11 AM

    @Ben McArthur: Trump recorded a robo call inviting Alabama voters to watch him have relations with that “redneck”.

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    Mute Deborah Behan
    Favourite Deborah Behan
    Dec 13th 2017, 10:42 AM

    @Ben McArthur: most were expecting him to win which would also have been damaging to Trump and the Republicans.

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:05 PM

    trumps endorsement hurt Moore bigly

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    Mute Michael farrelly
    Favourite Michael farrelly
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:10 PM

    This is the beginning of the end for trump

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    Mute johnp
    Favourite johnp
    Dec 13th 2017, 9:52 AM

    Hope Steve bannon gets his ass kicked for this Moore was his guy just like trump. Conservatives are already turning on him well done Alabama

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    Mute Paul O'Neill
    Favourite Paul O'Neill
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:50 PM

    In Birmingham, they love the Governor!

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    Mute ₱I₷₠₷ ੩⑭
    Favourite ₱I₷₠₷ ੩⑭
    Dec 13th 2017, 2:53 PM

    @Paul O’Neill: Boo boo boo!

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    Mute Patricia Christie
    Favourite Patricia Christie
    Dec 13th 2017, 12:22 PM

    Then what are you doing on here? Feelings hurt?

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