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All time
Houses to be knocked - because they're not medieval
Er, that's not Anglo Irish Bank...
Does religion play a negative role in our society? 36% of Irish people think so
Healy: 'There’s a lot of satisfaction in being able to lift a lot of weight'
Assault victim kidnapped by group of men, taken to town's outskirts for beating
It'll be a sunny Easter, with temps of up to 16 degrees
Two men stamp on head of victim outside shoe shop
Blood, swords and Iceland: A new way of looking at the Battle of Clontarf
The Anglo verdicts are in...but what next for the banking inquiry, David Drumm and Seán Fitz?
Poll: Will you take an alcoholic drink today?
Fancy finding your inner pilgrim this weekend?
Funeral for Peaches Geldof to be held on Monday
Column: Don't waste your Easter weekend nursing a hangover – follow these easy tips
Shelly Browne
Kilkenny hurling, the Sydney Swans and the Fennelly link between them
Mother campaigns for EpiPens to be widely available after her daughter died on O'Connell St
Silent vigil for two Irish peacekeepers tortured and murdered in Lebanon
Waiting game at the Anglo trial: 'You never can guess when a jury will make up their mind'
Here's how much the government has paid out to homes affected by flooding
Children were the victims in a quarter of all 2014 racist incidents reported so far
Here's What Happened Today: Thursday
Ireland sees first bankers convicted of giving illegal loans
Missing 15-year-old found safe and well
16 reasons why Waterford's Tony Browne is a hurling legend
€10m found as large-scale fake cash operation busted on Dublin's northside
The Air Corps took these photographs of Dublin by air and they're stunning
Two women arrested this morning over the Jean McConville case have been released
Column: Is there really a glass ceiling for women in the workplace – or is it just for mothers?
Andrea Mara
This ad should stop you from texting and driving
Waterford hurling legend Tony Browne has retired
Anglo pair could each face five years in prison for each offence
This is Stella. She helped seize €120,000 worth of cannabis today
AFL clubs chasing Red Hand starlet McKenna as he catches the eye in trials
Stressed Trinity students studying for their exams can now get "canine therapy"
Roads in Mayo get prayers and blessings in a bid to reduce road deaths
Battle of Clontarf comes to life (Game of Thrones style) on Twitter
Senators pass law banning smoking in cars with children - and the government's backing it
Cannabis plants seized at Wicklow house
Lunchtime Fix: 6 things you need to know