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All time
Thirteenth person arrested in connection with organised crime in South East
Column: I’ve been involved in politics since before I could vote – but it's still a man’s world
Emer Higgins
Drive In cinema comes to Dublin
SNAPSHOT: This tribute to Brian O’Driscoll is pure class
EU wide survey on violence against women shows startling statistics
Actual props from latest Wes Anderson film on display in Dublin
So long Pensions Reserve Fund, hello Strategic Investment Fund
One per cent of ALL the trees in Ireland's forests fell down in the storms
Take that Luxembourg. Ireland now 'European domicile of choice' for investment funds...
Community-based schizophrenia treatment in low income countries better than facility care
Poll: How long on average do you last in your Lenten vows?
Councillor accuses Travellers group of "playing politics" over Cork site
Man dies after 4x4 goes off the road and crashes in Sligo
Appeal to find 1946 All Ireland medal stolen during 'brutal' tiger kidnapping
Staff injured as armed men hold up Dublin pharmacy
Column: Unlike many of my peers, I was given the amazing opportunity to work at CERN
James Casey
AIB lost €1.7 billion last year, but that's much better than the previous year
TCD scientists find significant increases in MRSA strains outside of hospitals
One in three European women have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15
Social Justice Ireland says Government’s new tax proposals should be rejected
Here’s What Happened Today: Tuesday
Further €36,000 discovered during investigation into money laundering
Pics: Thousands of farmers rally at Department of Agriculture over beef price cuts
5 talking points ahead of Ireland v Serbia
12 arrested and 8 shotguns seized in garda operation targeting burglary gang
"We're in limbo": Kilcock residents face sixth night without street lights
Silvio Berlusconi is not allowed to come to Dublin
Over €1 million unclaimed every year in refunds of change from Dublin Bus
Deal reached on 10 bed unit for CF patients in Cork University Hospital
Irish deficit now at €1.7 billion
Davy Fitz: 'I used to dread getting up in the mornings and going out on the bus, absolutely dread it'
Union agrees to co-operate with Aer Lingus pensions investigation
Brian O’Driscoll: I want to be remembered as a team player
Concern that banks are only tackling "easy" mortgage arrears cases
The State has paid all damages and costs awarded to Louise O'Keeffe
Irish consumers are happier than they have been in seven years
Update: Volunteers have two more days to raise funds to save eight horses
Cross-party TDs at least agree on one thing, the need to tackle alcohol abuse