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All time
Man injured in Finglas shooting as two suspects flee scene
Over 50 horses seized from Cork site
One arrested after armed robbery at bank in Montrose
Man attempts Post Office robbery armed with knife
Here’s What Happened Today: Tuesday
18 unmistakeable signs you're a Southside Dubliner at heart
Sligo community hospital becomes latest to adopt smoke free campus policy
Poland v Ireland, International Friendly
Former hurler aiming to feature in Paralympics after suffering sight loss
Beautiful Payday as Bono set for multi-million dollar windfall from magazine sale
Elderly man 'in shock' after robbery by four masked men
McFadden ruled out as BOD joins Kearney and Sexton on doubtful list
Column: Laughter at World Toilet Day is worth it if it highlights that sanitation is a human right
Michael Doorly
An Open Love Letter to the Men of Ireland
IMPACT warns Bord na Mona merger would give Coillte a 'weak voice'
David Wallace: I would love to see Sean O’Brien at No.8 with licence to play
The "Waterford blaa" is now a protected term
Gardaí seize €34,000 worth of cannabis in Drogheda
Man in court over fatal Cork crash seven months ago
Union boss warns that ESB industrial action could hit power supplies
Poll: Should employers provide free car parking for employees?
Irish Rail tweets that they're coming for the truck driver who hit a bridge
Proof That It Snowed Pics of the Day
UCD students complain of lack of respect on campus
Number of Indian students studying in Ireland set to double
Martin O'Neill hoping for more eastern promise in tough Polish assignment
Volunteers sought for study on stress levels among dementia caregivers
Paddy Power says lower-than-expected profits because of 'unfavourable' sports results
TY course leaves it up to teenagers to teach their peers about internet etiquette
Irish nanny charged with murder in Massachusetts to appear in court
Ireland has highest birth rate of all 27 EU nations
Martin O'Neill: I've spoken to James McClean about latest Twitter gaffe
Appeal court finds Anthony Lyons sentence too lenient
Thomas Byrne found guilty of 50 charges in fraud trial
Here’s What Happened Today: Monday
Robbie Keane to sit out Poland game due to Achilles injury
Column: What does it mean to be Irish in the 21st century?
Raymond Keogh
Teenager 'in a stable condition' after being shot in legs in Coleraine