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# LE24

Last month
June 2024
Fianna Fáil won the highest number of council seats in the local elections. Is the party back?
Party members say they aren’t taking anything for granted.
Over 100 far-right candidates stood in this year's elections: Could they become a political force?
Five far-right councillors were elected this year – the first breakthrough for the movement.
Around 100 candidates with far-right views ran in this year's elections - most of them outperforming the movement's previous best in 2020.
Social media has proved a successful platform for a number of those who were elected or who threatened to win seats.
'You can't erect a tent wherever you want' - Taoiseach responds to 'cruelty' accusations
Five key takeaways on what went wrong for Sinn Féin and what it needs to do to up its game
The party needs to spell out clearly what alternative it is offering the electorate.
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael top EU poll in Dublin as council results disappoint Sinn Féin
Baby and Britto: Fine Gael's father-and-son team take two seats in South Dublin
Taoiseach says local elections an 'unmitigated disaster' for Sinn Féin and rules out early election
Coalition bullish and sticks the boot in, saying predictions of SF-led Govt ‘have been shattered’
Questions are being asked today around whether Sinn Féin has run too many candidates across the country.
Government websites hit with cyber attack day before elections, pro-Russian hackers suspected
Elections: Should you vote the whole way down the ballot paper?
And what exactly is PR-STV? Allow us to explain.
Leo Varadkar grilled about lack of services for children, Phoenix Park and gout on his home turf
A few constituents in the Fine Gael stomping ground in Castleknock spoke about the new leader Simon Harris.
Some migrant candidates afraid to canvass or use posters amid fears their children will be targeted
The Immigrant Council of Ireland has raised concerns about candidates being threatened, as well as voter intimidation, ahead of Friday’s elections.
This year
Far-right candidates will 'get a shock' come election count day, says O'Gorman
McDonald says 'traitors and sell outs' label directed at Sinn Féin not defining feature of campaign
Harris wants taxation and planning related to the bulk buying of homes to be reviewed
Bottom of the class: Fianna Fáil running fewer women in local elections than any other party
Minister makes orders that local and European election voting take place on 7 June