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no longer taoiseach

Varadkar: 'I can now be more frank. Trump re-election wouldn't be good for the world'

Varadkar says his biggest worry is Trump won’t protect Ukraine.

LEO VARADKAR HAS said that since he no longer holds higher office he can now speak more freely about his views on Donald Trump.

Speaking to The Journal yesterday, the former Taoiseach said since he left office he “can be much more frank”.

“I was never concerned about the consequences for me. But when you hold office, you have to be concerned about the consequences for the country.

“I don’t think it’s a good thing for America or the world for President Trump to be re-elected,” said the Dublin West TD.

He said his “biggest worry” is that Trump wouldn’t protect Ukraine and would potentially do a deal with Russia.

Trump’s is major interest is China and American competition with China not Russia, said Varadkar. 

“I think if Ukraine didn’t have American support, Europe would struggle to step up to fill that gap. And if Ukraine falls under control of the Kremlin, we’re looking at more refugees, more inflation. and of course, 30 million people no longer being able to choose their government,” he said. 

US President Joe Biden said yesterday that the presidential campaign had “entered uncharted territory”.

Speaking at a fundraiser in Greenwich, Connecticut, he said the former president “wants you to believe it’s all rigged. Nothing could be further from the truth”.

This isn’t the same Trump that got elected in 2016. He’s worse.


Biden said: “It’s reckless and dangerous and downright irresponsible for anyone to say that it’s rigged just because you don’t like the verdict.”

He added that the justice system was a core of American democracy and “we should never allow anyone to tear it down”.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was convicted on all counts related to a scheme during his 2016 presidential campaign to pay off adult film actor Stormy Daniels, who said the two had sex.

The former president labelled the verdict politically motivated and has blamed it on Mr Biden while seeking to make himself a political martyr in the eyes of supporters, suggesting that if this could happen to him, similar things might befall them.

Speaking about Biden and Israel, Varadkar said he believes the US president’s heart has “always been in the right place”, stating he’s always been in favor of a two-state solution.

“But I think sometimes people in Ireland buy into this idea that Israel is just a tool of America and America can press the on switch and off switch. It’s much more complicated than that. And also, the reality is there can only be a ceasefire when both Hamas and Israeli government agree to it. And neither have agreed to President Biden’s ceasefire plan. I hope they do,” said Varadkar. 

With reporting by Press Association

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