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As it happened: Everything you need to know about the spring statement

The government’s big announcement in the Dáil has been been criticised as a ‘PR exercise’. Here’s how it all unfolded.

THE GOVERNMENT IS outlined its intention to cuts taxes and increase spending every year from now until 2020 in an ambitious but light-on-detail Spring Economic Statement in the Dáil today. In what is seen by many as the opening salvo of the  general election campaign, the opposition hit out at efforts to buy the next election.

Here are the main points of the Spring Economic Statement: 

  • Budget 2016 will see a 50:50 split between tax cuts and spending increases totalling between €1.2 and €1.5 billion.
  • Government forecasts employment to pass 2 million people by the end of the year with all jobs lost during crisis expected to be replaced by 2018.
  • Net outward migration expected to cease next year with a return to inward migration from 2017 onwards.
  • Economy to grow by 4 per cent this year with growth of 3.25 per cent per annum being forecast in following years.
  • Noonan to meet with six main banks to discuss mortgage rate reductions next month. Government to unveil plans to help distressed mortgage holders in coming weeks.
  • Emergency public pay measures to be gradually unwound. Talks with unions to begin in coming weeks following government approval earlier.
  • No mention of bank debt deal in Michael Noonan’s statement.
  • Pledge to announce measures on mortgage distress in the coming weeks.
  • Opposition parties criticise ‘PR exercise’. Fianna Fáil say statement offers nothing for struggling mortgage holders. Sinn Féin tells government its plans are “fiscal vandalism dressed up as fiscal rectitude”.

Here’s how it all unfolded: 

Hello and welcome to our liveblog of the government’s Spring Economic Statement. I’m Hugh O’Connell and over the next few hours the coalition will be outlining its plans for tax cuts and spending increases over the next five years in statements to the Dáil.

Proceedings kick off at 2pm but before that we have Leaders’ Questions at 1.30pm, where Enda Kenny will be quizzed by opposition party leaders. Well be bringing you live coverage of that here and you can also watch proceedings in the livestream above.

Some people aren’t that excited about today, including most of the general public and opposition TDs :

Do you care about the Spring Statement? Let us know in the comments.

Speaking on RTÉ’s News at One, Transport Minister Paschal Donohoe claims that today’s Spring Statement is a “standard procedure”. Despite the fact we’ve never had a Spring Statement before. Ever.

The scene in the Dáil right now. Leaders’ Questions is about to get under way

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Ceann Comhairle Seán Barret warns TDs to be “conscious” of the need to stick to the time limits so we can get the Spring Statement under way at 2pm.

Fianna Fáil’s Micheál Martin is raising the Siteserv issue and says the decision to allow KPMG investigate IBRC sales is a “political error”.

Meanwhile, some people are very excited altogether:

“A lot of guff has gone on publicly,” says Martin, who’s asks Enda Kenny if he an assure the Dáil that the activities on the Siteserv share register will be covered by the inquiry and that there will be “full transparency” in terms of the personnel involved.

Enda Kenny says that the interests of the government is for the taxpayer and that the facts in respect of the Siteserv sale should be made available as quickly as possible. He essentially says that a Commission of Investigation into the Siterserv controversy would take too long.

Enda Kenny says, if necessary, the government are quite prepared to legislate for a further independent analysis of this by the office of the C&AG.

He concludes with his usual potshot at Fianna Fáil: “The only reason that the board of IBRC were taking decisions on behalf of the taxpayer was because of the decision of your own government… which caused absolute economic mayhem.”

“But of course you conveniently forget about that,” Kenny concludes.

Martin shoots back by noting that Kenny and his party voted for the bank guarantee and asked for it to be extended.

Micheál Martin again asks why there was not an independent inquiry. Enda responds:


What Deputy Martin would like to thinks is there was some sort of cover-up.

Lots of shouting from across the chamber. Now we move on to Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams, who is also asking about Siterserv. He says Kenny seems insistent on proceeding with a review that no one has any confidence in.

Adams asks Enda Kenny when Michael Noonan informed him of the Department of Finance concerns about goings on at IBRC. Kenny responds that Department kept him informed of the promissory note deal and plans to liquidate IBRC.

“I don’t have the date, but he kept us updated on the IBRC,” the Taoiseach says in a surprisingly brief answer.

Kenny to Adams:

I think, deep down, you have problems with the institutions of the State here.

Taoiseach is essentially reverting back to his usual form during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil, ignoring questions to launch his customary partisan attacks.

Kenny notes that liquidation of IBRC saved “serious money” for the taxpayer. We now move on to Paul Murphy who is citing George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth… This should be interesting.

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Paul Murphy also raising Siteserv issue and asks Taoiseach if the investigation meets the requirements Tánaiste laid out in Dáil last Thursday, that inquiry needed to be independent and carried out by a competent authority.

Paul Murphy asks if Michael Noonan should resign. Laughter in the Dáil. Enda Kenny says “that last retort” is hardly worth of an answer.

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Taoiseach repeats much of the answers he has already given to Gerry Adams and Micheál Martin.

Uh-oh: Ceann Comhairle Seán Barrett asks Paul Murphy to withdraw a remark that Michael Noonan deliberately misled the Dáil. Murphy says Noonan did. Barrett’s not happy and says that Murphy cannot make charges like that against any minister in the Dáil.

“I withdraw the ‘deliberate’,” Murphy says, before he then goes on to say that he “misled the Dáil”, exempting the word ‘deliberate’.

There’s a bit of a row breaking out now.

Murphy moves on and calls for a broad inquiry to the IBRC issue… “We need to go deep into the rabbit hole that is Siteserv,” he says.

Enda wraps up by saying a Commission of Investigation would lead opposition to claim that government was putting off finding out what happened until after the election.

And now for the Spring Economic Statement. Hold on tight.

Michael Noonan: Since taking office in 2011, the government has determined to fulfil the mandate given to us by Irish people, to repair economy and public finances, to give hope and confidence to our citizens of a better future. Scale of crisis has been unprecedented.

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Noonan: Such a bright future is not guaranteed and is contingent on a continuation of policies and reforms introduced and being followed by this government. There are external risks, but choices taken in this house are important.

Noonan: The ‘if I have it, I spend it’ is by far the biggest risk to recovery…

Noonan: The young people who have left are coming back and they will continue to do so. The public finances are under control. Debt levels to move down to European average.

As a result, we will be in a position to implement another expansionary budget this year and every year to 2020.

Noonan says the Irish economy will grow 4 per cent this year and has the capacity to expand by around 3.25 per cent every year up to 2020.

Noonan: 95,000 net new jobs have been created since the low-point of the crisis.

Noonan: A continuation of the current strategy will see two million people at work by the end of 2016. The employment lost during the downturn will be recovered by 2018 and there will be more people working in Ireland by 2020 than ever before.

Noonan: “Over the remainder of the decade we expect all sectors of there economy to contribute to growth an employment.”

The Minister for Finance goes on to outline growth in the area of tourism, foreign direct investment, International Finance Services, construction, agri-food, payment technologies and…. Irish Water.

Noonan: Irish Water will invest €5.5 billion between 2014 and 2021.

The investment is also required to prevent the massive wastage of water through leaks and to ensure a reliable safe water supply for all our citizens.

Noonan on mortgages, says it is the “single biggest debt most people will eve take on” and that government is “actively considering a range of options to strengthen the mortgage arrears framework”.

He says there will be an announcement on this “in the coming weeks” with a particular focus on enhancing the role of the Insolvency Service of Ireland, and the range of solutions through an insolvency arrangement.

Michael Noonan tells Dáil that government will have between €1.2 and €1.5 billion available for tax cuts and public spending in the next Budget in October. “The final scale of the space will become clearer closer to the Budget,” he says.

Noonan says that Fine Gael and Labour have agreed a 50:50 split between tax cuts and spending increases in Budget 2016.

Noonan says that reducing the State’s debt burden remain a key priority for government and points to measures already taken. He says that the government intends to offload State’s share in banking system.

The exit strategy about recovery of the full cost of the taxpayer’s investment in these institutions and sing the proceeds to further reduce the debt.

Noonan: “The sale of 25% of PTSB that concluded yesterday, further improves the position and I am now confident that all the taxpayers money invested in AIB, BOI and PTSB will be fully recovered.”

Michael Noonan now moves into ‘attack the opposition’ territory:

“The forecasts for future Budgets are contingent on continued sensible economic and budgetary policies being pursued. Prudent policies support growth, support job creation and generate the taxes and the fiscal space for further investment in the economy.

“The scale of the fiscal space available in later years will be determined by the growth and if the wrong policies are pursued, the economy will not grow and the fiscal space will not materialise.”

Michael Noonan escalates attacks on the opposition parties:

In fact the principal domestic risk to Ireland’s continued economic growth is the tax and spend policies of the Opposition.

Unfortunately the policies proposed by the opposition will do exactly this. They will increases taxes, increase expenditure, increase debt, lower growth rates, reduce tax buoyancy and cost jobs. The policies of the opposition will again cause the economy to spiral downwards.

You were wondering about the corporation tax issue, weren’t you? You were worried it might be raised, weren’t you? Well, worry not:

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The 12.5% corporation tax rate will stay. This is a red line for the Government.

Michael Noonan:

A Cheann Comhairle, we must never again repeat the mistakes that left Ireland on the verge of bankruptcy in 2010 and resulted in a lost decade and such hardship in the lives of so many people.

Michael Noonan concludes by saying he looks forward to contributions from Brendan Howlin and the opposition parties.

Órla Ryan will guide you through Howlin’s statement now…

Brendan Howlin is up now:

Today is about recognising the point we have reached in our recovery,
and then setting out the context for Budget 2016. Today is not an
alternative to that Budget; it is a point-in-time assessment of where we
stand now and the challenges ahead.

Having come through the worst economic shock in our history as a
State, our primary focus must be, and will be, on sustainability. The
Minister for Finance and I share one overriding priority. That is to
ensure what we endured as a nation over the last seven years cannot
happen again. We will not throw away the hard won progress we have
made as a country.

Howlin: “The economic crash has taught us that nobody owes Ireland a living. We received emergency funding at a time when the markets stopped lending to us. We owe it to ourselves to ensure we do not allow a return to this position again. That is why we have sought to broaden the tax base to prevent the over-dependence on property and transaction taxes, which contributed to the crisis in the State’s finances.”

Howlin: “It became fashionable for a while to decry this country and its potential. But the turnaround that we have achieved in our economy is indicative of its fundamental strengths. We are now the fastest growing economy in Europe. Our recovery from this crisis has been as remarkable as our original descent into it.”

Howlin: “We have learnt just how vulnerable we can be to a global downturn exacerbated by domestic policy mistakes. Our purpose into the future should be to mitigate these threats where we can, to build resilience, and to focus on how we can grow our economy.”

Howlin: “Budget 2015 marked a very welcome point in our recovery. It was the first time since 2009 that reductions in expenditure were not required to meet our fiscal targets.”

Now – as outlined in today’s fiscal forecasts – as we prepare for Budget 2016 we will look to increase gross voted current expenditure by an additional €600 to €750 million. This increase will allow government to deal with underlying demographic pressures in key areas such as Social Protection, Education and Health. It will also allow us to target enhancements in key public services.

“As a proportion of the overall economy, government spending is roughly the same size it was in 2001.”

People are talking about a broad range of issues today:

Howlin turns his attention to pensions:

“We currently spend over €6.5 billion annually on pension provision. Over 400,000 people are in receipt of one of the two main State pension
schemes, the contributory and non-contributory State pensions. The cost of paying for these two schemes alone is projected to increase by €200 million per year out to 2026.

Let me be clear. There is no threat to the pension. This Government is committed to pension provision and to sustaining the value of those pensions. It is because of this commitment that, in our discussions on spending, it is important to consider future trends.

“Not enough of our citizens are planning for the future to supplement State pension entitlements. It is in this context that the Tánaiste has set up a working group to examine the pensions issue.”

Howlin on education:

“In education, the number of school children is set to increase every year over the next six years. By 2021, we will need an extra 3,500 teachers at primary and secondary level to provide education to an additional 50,000 pupils. The number of third level students is also projected to increase, by 20,000 in the same period.

“These are positive developments. Our economic future is bright as our highly educated workforce expands. But we need to plan to ensure our public finances can meet the challenge this represents.”

We were disappointed by this too, frankly.

Howlin on jobs:

“We take the view that reducing unemployment remains the best route to recovery. It increases the tax base and allows investment in public
services. By continuing to get people back to work we make our recovery sustainable.

Irish people want to work. This has been a central focus of this Government’s efforts. We are now starting to reap the benefits – employment has increased in every quarter for over two years and we expect this trend to continue. Almost 100,000 new jobs have been
created since the low-point in mid-2012.

“We are achieving success through a range of measures, including the Action Plan for Jobs and investment in key capital projects such as
social housing.”

Howlin on public service pay:

“Earlier today, the Government agreed to my proposal to enter into discussions with the trade unions on the issue of public service pay. The pay reductions are governed by financial emergency legislation that requires me to annually review the status of that emergency. As
the economy improves, the prospect of a successful legal challenge to the financial emergency increases. It is prudent therefore to plan for an orderly unwinding of the emergency provisions. Not to do so would be foolhardy. I don’t intend to have those discussions here. But let me say this.

All public servants have had their pay reduced significantly. Over the last two years, they have seen the beginnings of pay awards in the
private sector. As the economy recovers, we need to ensure that remuneration and the cost of the Public Service more generally are managed to ensure that they remain sustainable.

“Of course, without the productivity gains made in recent years, we would not be in a position to discuss unwinding the FEMPI measures. Given their value to the State, the unwinding of those measures will take time. To do anything else would jeopardise the public finances again – something we will not do.”

Seriously, where can we get these?

Howlin has a jab at Fianna Fáil:

“I want to repeat that we must not allow this country to return to the devastating cycle of boom-and-bust that has been the
hallmark of previous governments. We must learn the lessons of the past decade and not repeat the mistakes that brought us to ruin.

“Our vision and plans for renewed prosperity will not be built on the sand of short-term and unsustainable increases in Government
spending. It will be built on the rock of fiscal responsibility and investment in the productive capacity of our people.

We cannot and will not throw money at problems. Expenditure growth must continue to be linked to performance and reform. Any increases in expenditure and incomes must be in line with growth and productivity. Decision-making must be evidence-based, with a strategic focus on improved outcomes for citizens.

Ceann Comhairle tries to hurry things up:

If you have your chats outside please, I’d appreciate it.

Now it’s over to the opposition to, well, oppose everything we just heard.

Fianna Fáil finance spokesperson Michael McGrath: People will be scratching their heads wondering what all the Spring Statement fuss was about.

McGrath asks Noonan and Howlin why they didn’t say they will scrap the banks’ veto in personal insolvency deals, or do more for the 1,000 children who will sleep in emergency accommodation in Dublin tonight.

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Former Labour TD Róisín Shortall agrees with McGrath

McGrath is unhappy that local property tax was not addressed in statement.

On another housing note, McGrath said Noonan came into the Dáil today “pumping his chest” and saying variable mortgage rates are an issue for the banks, not him.

“You were dragged into the debate, minister, kicking and screaming”.

The crowd thinned out once Noonan’s and Howlin’s contributions were made.

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Fianna Fáil’s Spokesperson on Public Expenditure and Reform Sean Fleming thinks this is an exercise in ministers “congratulating each other”.

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Pearse Doherty first up for Sinn Féin, says the government is not serious about political reform.

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Doherty: A fair recovery would get rid of the “unfair home tax” and water charges, and stop shifting the income tax burden onto lower-earning families.

“I understand your big day isn’t going down as well as you planned,” Doherty tells Noonan and Howlin, adding that Sinn Féin would do the “radical” thing of keeping its promises if the party came to power.

That’s it from me now, I’ll hand you back to Hugh O’Connell.

Enjoy the rest of #SpringStatement day! – ÓR

Hello again everyone. Hugh O’Connell here. Sinn Féin’s finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty is in the middle of having a considerable go at the coalition.

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While Pearse continues, it’s fair to say that the general consensus is that the Spring Economic Statement was incredibly light on detail and underwhelming when compared to the considerable build-up.

Right now, the opposition attempts to paint this as a PR exercise are likely to have more impact than anything the government said in the Dáil today. We’ll have full analysis on the site later today.

“Fiscal vandalism dressed up as fiscal rectitude.” – Pearse Doherty‘s assessment of the Spring Statement who describes today’s announcement as “McCreevy-style with a Limerick accent”.

In a break with tradition during recent Budget speeches, Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin have remained in the Dáil chamber for the opposition speeches. But it’s fair to say they’d rather be elsewhere.

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Here’s a statement from Brendan Howlin on plans to talk to trade unions about public sector pay and unwinding the emergency measures taken during the crisis. The talks will begin in May.

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Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin’s public expenditure spokesperson, speaking now, says that spring statement has been full “grandiose claims that have amounted to nothing”. She goes on to quote Jonathan Swift:

“Blessed are those who expect nothing for they shall be never be disappointed.”

Mary Lou says that the government should have abolished water charges and the property tax. They didn’t, you’ll be surprised to hear.

The Green Party finance spokesperson, councillor Mark Dearey, says the Spring Economic Statement will have left “few any wiser as to how the government intends to address worsening social problems”.
The Spring Statement served to prove that the Government are satisfied with their performance; their self-appraisal has delivered an A+. But today’s report will do little to assuage public concerns about growing inequality, under-investment in services and infrastructure, or tax reforms that disproportionately favour society’s wealthiest.

Mary Lou notes that prescription charges – which the government pledged to abolish – have risen from 50 cent, when it came to office, to €2.50 at present.

As Mary Lou McDonald finishes up, Noonan and Howlin leave the chamber before the Technical Group begins its response. Sinn Féin’s Padraig MacLochlainn raises hell over this, saying it shows disrespect to independent TDs.

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“The ministers have been here since two o’clock, I think they are entitled to a comfort break at least,” the current Dáil chair, Olivia Mitchell, says.

Responding first for the Technical Group, independent TD Catherine Murphy welcomes the economic growth and job creation (that’s probably the first time anyone not from the government has said something positive about today) but adds:

The economy has been stabilised at the expense of society.

She goes onto criticise the lack of political reform.

Catherine Murphy:  We’re still very much in the ha’penny place when it comes to broadband provision.

Catherine Murphy: “I think it’s criminal that people are continuing to pay for the Anglo debts. We’re still paying every penny back – just over a longer time.”

Catherine Murphy returns to the Siterserv issue, which she has championed. She is incredulous at the fact there are no notes of two meetings between former IBRC chief Mike Aynsley and ex-Department of Finance sec gen John Moran.

Catherine Murphy concludes and Clare Daly is up now, she says that coalition backbenchers are embarrassed by the government’s announcement today:

There hasn’t been a single one of them present for the jamboree, they’re a bit scarlet.

With that we’re going to conclude our liveblog today. Dáil debate on the Spring Statement continues until around 5.30pm.

Michael Noonan and Brendan Howlin are holding a press conference at 7pm. We’ll be livetweeting that on @TJ_Politics and bringing you more reaction later today.

Hugh O’Connell signing off.

Read: Stick with this guy and your living standards will improve every year until 2020

State of the Nation: Tax cuts and spending hikes: Are we back to the good times?

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    Mute eric nelligan
    Favourite eric nelligan
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:24 PM

    Spin spin spin.

    I hope people don’t fall for this.

    FG and Labour need to be judged on their actions of the last 4/5 years

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    Mute Sammy AnMadra
    Favourite Sammy AnMadra
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:25 PM

    I agree. Fastest growing economy in Europe.


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    Mute Gearóid Ó Briain
    Favourite Gearóid Ó Briain
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:34 PM

    What are the poverty levels like in Ireland, Baz? Pretty small I would imagine given how a growing economy seems to solve everything, right?

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    Mute eric nelligan
    Favourite eric nelligan
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:35 PM

    I’ll be judging them on the full term, they mandate the looked for at the last election and not selective spin due to a rebounding world economy.


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    Mute cormac o connell
    Favourite cormac o connell
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:36 PM

    Agree . The very site of them in the dail today trying to woo voters would make ya sick. Labour at best will have only 8 seats at next election. FG at most will have 55. They need another 14 to form a Gov

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    Mute Cram Wood
    Favourite Cram Wood
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:39 PM

    “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
    Albert Einstein

    Applied to our criminal representatives (politicians), never a truer quotation could be recited.

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    Mute Waddler Mooney
    Favourite Waddler Mooney
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:42 PM

    FG and their Labour enablers (and FF before) have spent the years since entering government shredding the living standards or ordinary people to pay for an economic crisis caused by the elite. And now with an election looming they are looking to be patted on the back for announcing they are planning to lift the jack boot ever so slightly off our necks. Nauseating guff.

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    Mute One Human Being
    Favourite One Human Being
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:43 PM

    Face palm. jaysus these guys are really chancing there arm. Put don’t forget they did look after the few first then they might get around to looking after the many if they get in again. Good to know.

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    Mute Johnny Five
    Favourite Johnny Five
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:47 PM

    Hahaha, all of the Shinners and left wingers are actually ANNOYED whenever good news comes around. Makes it all the more difficult for them to get elected when all they’ve been pushing is Doom and Gloom.

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    Mute James O'Nolan
    Favourite James O'Nolan
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:51 PM

    Not due to world economy, as our economic progress has not been matched by Spain, Greece, Italy or Portugal.

    Remember where we were four years ago. The economy was in a heap with unemployment at 15%, rating in the gutter. Great progress made in the last 4 years and no one can deny that.

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    Mute John Ryan
    Favourite John Ryan
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:52 PM

    Fastest growing economy in Europe with Greece a close second.Nothing at all to worry about when put into that context.

    One question. €5m for Siteserv votes.€1.2bn for the votes of the Irish people. Which is better value ?

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    Mute Gearóid Ó Briain
    Favourite Gearóid Ó Briain
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:56 PM

    Good news? FG are giving the people back a small amount of the money they forced from them over the last 4 years and this is good news? Mate, you are deluded. It must be some sort of sickness FG supporters have.

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    Mute James O'Nolan
    Favourite James O'Nolan
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:20 PM

    4% growth a year is massive. Very few countries come close to that. That’s a fact.

    Greece still have an unemployment rate of 25% and ours is 10% and that’s with money being poured on top of them. Any improvement would result in massive growth % for Greece. That’s only why they seem to come close to ours. Not in the same league as us.

    That’s austerity because of the mistakes of FF. That’s going to change from now.

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    Mute Iona Cult
    Favourite Iona Cult
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:09 PM

    And also to our bank solutions. People who failed in running banks, charged with making the most out of offloading their assets.
    Jonathan Sugarman being ignored!!!

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:22 PM

    4% of 10% of where you were is 0.4% growth in real cost of living terms , with increased fuel, getting fleeced by State-owned banks on mortgages, the increased taxes and private taxes for the big private sector called charges or fees, then growth and where it is targeted and how it is taxed play a bigger part in society than just the bare economic statistic -

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    Mute Derek Poutch
    Favourite Derek Poutch
    Apr 28th 2015, 10:01 PM

    Means fcuk all when only the elite are the ones that benifit.

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    Mute Dermot Lane
    Favourite Dermot Lane
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:42 PM

    Last time we had a Spring statement was when Dick said he was quitting

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    Mute andrew
    Favourite andrew
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:13 PM

    Fianna Fáil’s Micheál Martin is raising the Siteserv issue and says the decision to allow KPMG investigate IBRC sales is a “political error”.

    Error? Where is the ‘error’? It is a deliberate attempt to conceal criminality

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    Mute Were Jammin
    Favourite Were Jammin
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:19 PM

    Barrett jumped into mudflap mode as soon as Paul Murphy pointed out that noonan had misled the Dail. It was pathetic.

    Any other first world country, noonan would be cleaning out his desk.

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    Mute Sammy AnMadra
    Favourite Sammy AnMadra
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:29 PM

    I’d be surprised if Michael Noonan has ever told a lie.

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    Mute Bobby Phelan
    Favourite Bobby Phelan
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:34 PM

    Cheap Labour and corruption whats to be happy about ce jobs bridge tus all cheap labour this country a joke.Ff fg labour sell outs we will never forget what you have done ._.

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    Mute david garland
    Favourite david garland
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:43 PM

    Government going down in the polls.. The whole DOB fiasco and now all of a sudden we have a ‘Spring Statement’ to try and brainwash us into thinking their doing a good job

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    Mute Silent majority
    Favourite Silent majority
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:46 PM

    Any other country would envy Michael Noonan as Finance minister. Fastest growing economy in Europe. The numbers don’t lie.


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    Mute Were Jammin
    Favourite Were Jammin
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:55 PM

    “When you hear politicians talking about the Irish economy, and saying we are the fastest growing economy in Europe, it is meaningless, because we aren’t a European economy at all. We are an Anglo/American economy, with a European exchange somehow grafted onto us.”

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    Mute Silent majority
    Favourite Silent majority
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:59 PM

    McWilliams has been predicting the collapse of the Euro for years now. Quickly becomming the boy who cried wolf.

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    Mute Iona Cult
    Favourite Iona Cult
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:07 PM

    HEP C

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:47 PM

    In real terms …
    Catherine Murphy has us by the short and curlies we better open up the purse strings and distract the ape with shopping …
    And …” We promise the Sun moon and stars we can deliver into the far distant future …
    They are becoming biblical at this stage – ” Far I Sees ” …

    Zero Unemployment by 20whatver something , The books balanced at less than 3% after Europe announces an easing of the strict need for adherence – It’s like Enda enjoys fleecing us ?
    Very strange man – very weak leader , which of course means his team are weak !

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    Mute Waddler Mooney
    Favourite Waddler Mooney
    Apr 28th 2015, 4:58 PM

    Noonan’s much trumpeted economic growth is achieved through a variety of statistical accounting tricks. GDP figures include profits officially “booked” by MNCs in Ireland for tax avoidance purposes and then funneled back to their home nations.

    GNP growth is also massively distorted by the brass plate firms operating out of the IFSC. As the central bank says: ‘Financial sector developments, which are for the most part unrelated to the domestic economy, account for a significant portion of the rise in GNP . . .they would further support GNP growth unrelated to domestic consumption, investment or export activity.’

    Another neat trick is the inclusion of the illegal drug, smuggled cigarettes and prostitution estimates in the GNP figures since 2013.

    The latest fraud is the inclusion of ‘contract manufacturing’ data where goods that are manufactured in a foreign country and exported from that country are now counted as Irish exports if the goods are owned by an Irish entity. And of course most of these Irish entities turn out to be multinationals registered in Ireland.

    The economic recovery is confined to the wealthy elite that FG have always served, now joined in that endeavor by the ironically named “Labour party”. The richest 300 individuals have increased their wealth from €50 billion in 2010 to €84 billion now. The vast majority have seen their living standards shredded through unemployment, declining wages, working conditions and an assault on social systems like health, education and housing on which they depend.

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    Mute Leitrim Lad
    Favourite Leitrim Lad
    Apr 28th 2015, 5:43 PM

    I tell ya what., I got angry listening to it. By the talk of them you would think they are the saviours of this Irish Nation, Heros of a new economic era…

    But then I look out my window, open my door, look left and right and see nothing but a jobless, homeless economic mass of poverty , despair, emigration and debt. I see the wealthy grow strong, house prices being forced out of normal peoples buying power, I see opulence, Mercs, Bentleys, GDP & exports figures rise , % and % that, all enjoying this great recovery..of course they are doing well…the never did worse in the first place.

    Then I see ordinary people, family people, workers, social welfare recipients, students, the sick , the disable, the homeless in fact ordinary Joe Bloggs …I see no opulence or recovery for them. But lets remember this virtual recovery and the rise of the opulent depends on the gullibility of these same ordinary people.

    So I ask, if you have a bit of common decency, if you care about your fellow Irishman, if you want the resource and the pain of this country shared equally, please in the love of God, do not vote FG or their lying hypocritical lapdogs Labour. Your bad decisions has consequence on the rest of us, who are struggling day in and day due to the policies of this evil, self interested government .

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    Mute Sergeant Yates
    Favourite Sergeant Yates
    Apr 28th 2015, 5:47 PM

    Great to see the country on the road to recovery.

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:15 PM

    Caption Competition -
    “Why wouldn’t they trust us …he,he,he,he ?”

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    Mute OneTrueVoice
    Favourite OneTrueVoice
    Apr 28th 2015, 7:33 PM

    Bad news for those parties for whom economics is their Achilles Heel. Achilles was Greek wasn’t he?

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    Mute Charliegrl80
    Favourite Charliegrl80
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:40 PM

    Take your 30 pieces of silver from these clowns at your peril!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mute Were Jammin
    Favourite Were Jammin
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:42 PM

    Its not even 30 pieces of silver, its a promise of 30 pieces of silver for your vote, which will turn into an €800 water bill if they get back in.

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    Mute Charliegrl80
    Favourite Charliegrl80
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:45 PM

    €800 for water, oh yeah €160 for the communication house hold bill and the list goes on and on!

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    Mute Johnny Five
    Favourite Johnny Five
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:50 PM

    Fastest growing economy in Europe. What more do you want?

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    Mute Cram Wood
    Favourite Cram Wood
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:57 PM

    Silver is money.
    Read this

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    Mute Charliegrl80
    Favourite Charliegrl80
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:06 PM

    its selling your soul to the devil!!!!!!!!

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    Mute littleone
    Favourite littleone
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:08 PM

    Truth, honesty. End to cronyism, corruption, answers. That would be a start johnny. But that’s not what this government is about. They would rather lie to the electorate and continue cover ups and sitting on reports. Maybe someone should remind them that we are the ones that vote. Their is a lot more if us than their rich friends.

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    Mute littleone
    Favourite littleone
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:09 PM

    There is a lot more of us than their rich friends.

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    Mute Denis O Brien
    Favourite Denis O Brien
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:14 PM

    don’t worry johnny when your SF party get in, it will be the fastest growing county in the world.

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    Mute Were Jammin
    Favourite Were Jammin
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:38 PM

    The government can spin all they want and promise all they want, they lied their way into office once and theres no reason to believe they won’t do the same again.

    Fool you twice?

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    Mute Johnny Five
    Favourite Johnny Five
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:48 PM

    Jaysus “Were Jamming”… You’ve gone into full-on Sinn Fein campaign mode, haha. How much are they paying you, by the way?

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    Mute Gearóid Ó Briain
    Favourite Gearóid Ó Briain
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:57 PM

    Johnny, shushhhhhh, nobody is talking about Sinn Fein. Good boy.

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    Mute JTM
    Favourite JTM
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:02 PM

    Shall we continue with austerity then?

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    Mute Johnny Five
    Favourite Johnny Five
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:03 PM

    “nobody is talking about Sinn Fein”

    But I am, considering Were Jamming is a party member.

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    Mute Johnny Five
    Favourite Johnny Five
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:05 PM

    Government announces tax hike: OMG AUSTERITY!

    Government doesn’t do anything with taxes: OMG WHY DON’T THEY LOWER TAXES!

    Government announces tax cuts: OMG THEY ARE BUYING THE ELECTION.


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    Mute Charliegrl80
    Favourite Charliegrl80
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:07 PM


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    Mute Gearóid Ó Briain
    Favourite Gearóid Ó Briain
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:08 PM

    Johnny, of all the trolls you are without doubt the most boring. You don’t seem to ever have an argument about anything, you just constantly bang on about the usual SF rhetoric. You don’t like them, I get it, I think the entire Journal gets it so how about just easing off on repeating the same thing, especially when it has nothing to do with the article.

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    Mute Denis O Brien
    Favourite Denis O Brien
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:17 PM

    no Gearoid , he does like them he loves them.. he surrounds his world in SF facts and talks about them all day to everyone. He’s a secret SF supporter going out of his way to highlight SF to everyone.

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    Mute Stephen Fagan
    Favourite Stephen Fagan
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:22 PM

    Johnny Five, just so you know, because you don’t support Labour/FF/FG doesn’t mean you’re a shinner. I don’t want Sinn Fein in government at all. I think the whole political system we have is an absolute sham. It doesn’t represent people and represents big business. So can we please stop putting our faith in political parties who we have little or no contact with, and who do not represent our interests or needs. We feed them money, they get rich, big business gets rich, doesn’t pay it’s taxes, people on welfare are blamed, and i’m bloody sick of it all. I will be out at any point I can to protest against anything that affects me directly because THAT is how we are getting direct change at the moment. Not through this redundant game we play called politics.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:33 PM

    Despair can make saints into Sinners, bad joke sorry?

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    Mute Peter Higgins
    Favourite Peter Higgins
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:16 PM

    Fine Gael have tried this sort of thing in the past. During the Ministry of Hardship times we were also told that we never had it so good. But always after one term in government we dump them! They have never ever been re-elected in their entire history and now we know why. This time around will be no different. BETCHA.

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    Mute Dain Flemming
    Favourite Dain Flemming
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:34 PM

    I so believe them, they are so good a keeping promises once they are elected…

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    Mute gavin delves
    Favourite gavin delves
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:47 PM

    I wouldn’t believe a word out of there mouth lairs the lot of them

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    Mute Charliegrl80
    Favourite Charliegrl80
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:18 PM

    The Muppet Show is on RTE 1 Now!

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    Mute gavin delves
    Favourite gavin delves
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:49 PM

    Baz ive said it before ill say it again nobody cares what u think

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    Mute Sammy AnMadra
    Favourite Sammy AnMadra
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:15 PM

    Why not?

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    Mute Silent majority
    Favourite Silent majority
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:49 PM

    Some people don’t like good news. Only in Ireland could we take a growing economy, a return to expansionary budgets and find something to complain about.


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    Mute Kieran OKeeffe
    Favourite Kieran OKeeffe
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:08 PM

    Spring is here..Swallows are back..Bellend and Noonan hoping people will swallow it..hook..line..and sinker

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    Mute Willy
    Favourite Willy
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:15 PM

    Corruption, cronyism, lies, all the ways of FG/LAB.. Cosying up to European masters will ensure you pay this election..

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    Mute David Horgan
    Favourite David Horgan
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:58 PM

    Kenny dodging any remotely difficult questions about Siteserv and then twisting things around on Adams and Martin is a sight(serv) to behold. If a CEO of any company or even a chairperson of a voluntary organisation refused to give a straight answer to a question about such a contentious issue they’d be laughed out of their respective company/organisation, yet we tolerate this nonsense in the highest office in the land. “Ah shur that’s politics for ya.”

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    Mute Sheik Yahbouti
    Favourite Sheik Yahbouti
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:12 PM

    Frankly, I want to hear diddley squat about “the Spring Statement” (gawd ‘elp us) as it is a new innovation and a naked and desperate vote buying exercise. This shower will let us have a little of our own money back – ON A TEMPORARY BASIS – until after the election?1? Thanks, but kindly leave the stage.

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    Mute BodyFit Aloe
    Favourite BodyFit Aloe
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:54 PM


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    Mute Trevor Beale
    Favourite Trevor Beale
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:29 PM

    You’d say mass Noonan, but thankfully you won’t be around to see Ireland hopefully prosper.

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    Mute Iona Cult
    Favourite Iona Cult
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:06 PM

    Spring Statement- Howlin is so pleased with his work,he will now perform fellatio on himself.

    “A lot done………more to do!!”

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    Mute The Artic Monkey
    Favourite The Artic Monkey
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:14 PM

    There’s Colm Keaveny “the serious politician” as Mehole described him. Oh how I laughed.

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:27 PM

    Former USI President -
    Others include – Eamon Gilmore, Pateen Rabitte, Ronan Mullen , Joe Duffy and others if memory serves ….what exalted company …..

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:31 PM

    Apologies – Ronan Mullen was just in NUIG.

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    Mute Paul Roche
    Favourite Paul Roche
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:23 PM

    How does that song go…
    Only Huuuuugh, cahan make this world seem right…..?

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Apr 28th 2015, 5:12 PM

    “Blah blah blah… Here’s some money. Not as much as we took from you, but maybe enough to buy your vote.”

    Yeeahhhhhhhh… Nope. Not even if you gave me back the 20% taken from my wages and backdated it.

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    Mute Baz
    Favourite Baz
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:27 PM

    Good luck to them. No one wants to pay taxes.

    Red thumb this if you want to continue paying taxes

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    Mute Sammy AnMadra
    Favourite Sammy AnMadra
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:30 PM

    I’d never red thumb you Baz. We’re too alike.

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    Mute littleone
    Favourite littleone
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:48 PM

    Sammy think we all know that already. Easy to be alike when your the same person.
    Sammy AnMadra
    1 hour ago # 86 7
    Baz sometimes I think you’re the only one here who talks any sense.
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    Sammy AnMadra
    1 hour ago # 81 5
    Thanks Sammy same to you.
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    Mute Thomas Michael Newell
    Favourite Thomas Michael Newell
    Apr 28th 2015, 2:54 PM

    Sammy likes thumbing baz well thats a shocker

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    Mute Sheik Yahbouti
    Favourite Sheik Yahbouti
    Apr 28th 2015, 3:19 PM

    Probably likes rimming him as well – whilst voting NO :-D

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:35 PM

    A high 5 is a fist-ing lol.

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    Mute B-Egan
    Favourite B-Egan
    Apr 28th 2015, 5:38 PM

    Are they using drugs and prostitution to bump the figures.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Apr 28th 2015, 5:12 PM

    Has our health minister Leo got health insurance and why not?

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:18 PM

    He let it lapse – some say after Gerry recommended him to an American doctor – but he did tweet that he had renewed it –
    It was kinda like a tweet for feeding sheep – if you know what I mean.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:31 PM

    SHEEP or SHEEPLE lol.

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    Mute Maoist Dong
    Favourite Maoist Dong
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:11 PM

    This government ought to go on a talent show with a magic act. *poof* as you can see siteserv has disappeared

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    Mute Baz
    Favourite Baz
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:34 PM

    Some times Were Jammin – I think you are the only one with a moral compass and talk sense all the time. I want to be like you

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    Mute Baz
    Favourite Baz
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:35 PM

    Thanks Baz

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    Mute Baz
    Favourite Baz
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:35 PM

    Oh noes – please ignore.

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    Mute Gearóid Ó Briain
    Favourite Gearóid Ó Briain
    Apr 28th 2015, 1:35 PM

    Baz, you were caught more than once, doing it on purpose now just makes you desperate, a bit like the government ;)

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    Mute Owen Lynch
    Favourite Owen Lynch
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:19 PM

    Spring is on the way out and so to is this Goverment.

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    Mute Hermes
    Favourite Hermes
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:16 PM

    I’ve said it before so I’ll say it again -
    When a Government looses a Referendum it should immediately trigger a General election.

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    Mute Michael Sands
    Favourite Michael Sands
    Apr 28th 2015, 6:34 PM

    Any referendum and part of referendum?

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