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Budget 2021 as it happened: Rebate scheme for Covid-hit businesses and Christmas bonus for those on PUP

The largest Budget in the history of the State was revealed today.

LAST UPDATE | 13 Oct 2020

BUDGET 2021 HAS been revealed.



Here’s how the day played out… 

Welcome to this year’s Budget liveblog! I’m Aoife Barry and I’ll be with you this morning keeping you up to date with all the Budget 2021 happenings.

Before the big stuff kicks off, it’s time to get you up to date on what you need to keep an eye out for. 

For starters, here’s a look at how the announcement itself will go.

One big change is that things won’t be happening in Leinster House – instead, the announcement will take place at the Dublin Convention centre. That’s so that they can have the full complement of TDs and ministers, with social distancing.

There’s that small matter of the global Covid-19 pandemic, see…

Things will kick off properly at 1pm, when Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe reads his Budget speech.

He’ll be followed by Public Expenditure Minister Michael McGrath. Both speeches will last about 45 minutes. 

Are you worried about the Budget? That’s what we’re asking in today’s poll.

Here’s how it’s going so far:


After the Budget speeches are given this afternoon, the main opposition party (that’s Sinn Féin) will get an hour to reply with its own comments.

Then the six other opposition parties will get 45 minutes each.

The speeches should be done by 8pm

Then they’ll have to vote on the Budget measures, at 8.30pm – and voting is due to end at midnight.

A note on that – we’ll get immediate changes voted in tonight, but votes on some of the more substantial issues will take place in subsequent days.

Here’s the Finance Minister himself heading into work today:

PastedImage-91603 Twitter Twitter

Minister Donohoe was on his way in that photo below to a Cabinet meeting, where they’re going to be signing off on the details in his Budget speech. Then he’ll make his way to the Convention Centre for the speech at 1pm. 

Yesterday, the leaders of the three coalition parties met to put the final touches to the Budget – you can find out more about that here.

Typically on Budget Day, lobby groups and reporters would be spending a lot of time at Buswell’s Hotel near Leinster House.

It’s where you go to get feedback from these groups about the Budget announcements, and to get a sense of how the announcement has gone.

But this year, with the Covid-19 pandemic ongoing, things are different. 

“Usually you’d have, I don’t want to say people swinging out of the chandeliers, but you’d certainly have a lot of journalists here in big numbers catching up with industry people,” general manager Paul Gallagher said

It won’t drive any extra business to be honest. We have 20 rooms booked and they’re mainly Senators and TDs staying overnight. We’ll have RTÉ broadcasting a certain amount of coverage from here, because they’re classed as essential workers, so luckily we’ll have them. So that means we’ll at least have something going on.

Some lobby groups will be hosting online events instead of in-person events. 

An update from our political correspondent Christina Finn (who has a great thread of Budget updates here):

PastedImage-71905 Twitter Twitter

Christina also says we can expect these announcements today:

  • A Christmas bonus for anyone on social welfare for more than four months (including the PUP)
  • Targeted supports for businesses/sectors impacted by lockdown
  • Tens of millions of euro to get live gigs up and running again
  • 50c on a pack of cigarettes – but the price of alcohol is not likely to increase 

What about if you’re in the tourism or hospitality areas?

Christina says we can expect VAT to be cut to 9%.

On housing, we can expect €500m for social and affordable housing build.

Those living alone can expect a €5 increase to the Living Alone Allowance.

Moving to the environment – there will be a carbon tax increase on diesel, petrol and fuel. And on the topic of vehicles, there’ll also be increased motor tax and VRT for emissions.

We know that one thing we can expect, as our political correspondent Christina Finn confirmed, is that people who have been on the PUP for four months will get a Christmas bonus.

That’s the social welfare bonus given out over the festive season.

RTÉ notes that the one-off decision came after “lengthy talks” between  Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath and Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys.

If you’re wondering about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the State’s finances, we’ve put together a very basic guide for you.

We look at: where the government gets its money, expenditure, budget deficit and where the ‘extra money’ comes from.

If you’re having flashbacks to business studies in school and feeling a bit scared – don’t worry, you’re in the capable hands of our business reporter Ian Curran.

It’s good to know this background too, for as he says:

Key to the formulation of the government’s spending plan for the coming year is understanding, roughly at least, what sort of condition the country’s finances are in currently.

Hello and welcome to Budget Day. Gráinne Ní Aodha here, taking the Liveblog helm for the next three hours to bring you the main figures as they’re revealed.

The action kicks off in the Convention Centre at 1pm, which you can watch here. Budget ties and mugs of tea at the ready. 


As was noted in our Morning Memo newsletter earlier, today’s Budget is based on three assumptions:

  1. That there won’t be a Covid-19 vaccine available next year,
  2. That there won’t be a Brexit trade deal, and
  3. That there will not be a second nationwide lockdown, but instead a series of local lockdowns which means that the Irish economy can somewhat keep the show on the road.

If one of these change, it could result in Budget tweaks. 

The tie choices have been revealed: the lads chose two calming shades of blue. 

EkNPNhuX0AA3I46 Merrion Street Merrion Street

Christina gives us a glimpse of the modern backdrop to this year’s Budget – though without the history that a FF-FG government Budget deserves.

And speaking of history, here’s an enjoyable traverse through previous Budgets from the Irish Indeopendent’s John Downing, and how scandals sometimes overshadowed the figures.  

TDs enter the Convention Centre ‘Dáil’ just ahead of Paschal’s speech…

Dail RTÉ News Now RTÉ News Now

Well! The Ceann Comhairle has given a bit of a zinger there – saying that TDs should not leak information from the chamber – that’s if “Morning Ireland has missed anything”. 

Laughs from other TDs, and Paschal stands up for his fourth Budget as Finance Minister – the largest in the history of the State.

Paschal Oireachtas Oireachtas

Donohoe said that from the pandemic, a challenge never experienced before like this, “we will build a stronger and more resilient Ireland”, and that Budget 2021 is a bridge to that future. 

The start of Donohoe’s speech is laying out the stats and figures that paint the overall picture of how Ireland’s economy is doing.

One of particular note is job losses: Donohoe said that an estimated 320,000 jobs will be lost this year, but that 155,000 new jobs will be created next year.

“It is clear that this pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the young,” Donohoe says. 

Minister of State at the Department of Education Josepha Madigan tweets this view of proceedings out as Paschal Donohoe talks of using the Rainy Day Fund, and how to reduce our the national deficit. 

‘Prudent’ Paschal, as he’s called, says that “building employment” will be a key part of reducing our debt (Tax, of course, is a huge part of how we generate Exchequer funds).

Madigan Twitter Twitter

Paschal acknowledges that “there remains uncertainty” about the projections made for this year, due to the threat of “stringent containment measures” which would have “associated Budget costs” if implemented.

Basically, it’s going to cost us all a lot more money if we go into a national Level 5. 

Paschal Donohoe confirms that the Budget is worth an “unprecedented” €17 billion.

€3.8bn of that will go to existing services, including the Department of Health.

Paschal Donohoe says that the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme will continue during 2021 and the government will decide on how to extend it later, when they know more. 

NEW: A scheme for the arts and hospitality sector

From today until 31 March next year, a new scheme begins, where qualifying businesses closed because of Level 3 restrictions or above can apply for a grant of up to €5,000 a week. 

Businesses will have to apply for it, and payments will cease at the end of the Covid-19 restrictions period.

The Vat rate is being reduced from 13.5% to 9% for the hospitality sector, as was expected.


Some other measures that Donohoe is zooming through:

  • No changes to the income tax credits or bands
  • The working from home allowance stays at €3.20 per day, and for those who don’t get paid that, they can now include the cost of broadband in their applications for rebates on heating and electricity costs.
  • The carbon tax is confirmed to be increasing from €26 to €33.50 per tonne, and that it will increase incrementally each year after this until it reaches up to €100 per tonne. 

Confirmed: A packet of 20 cigarettes will increase by 50c – and no change on the price of drink, as predicted. 

One update from earlier that I missed but is worth sharing: The Help-to-Buy scheme of €30,000 is being extended to the end of 2021.

Here’s an interesting one: Ireland and taxes.

Paschal Donohoe says he will publish Ireland’s roadmap on taxes at a later date, and spoke about amending anti-tax avoidance legislation in order to be “fully within the scope of balancing charge rules”.

The Eurogroup president says Ireland needs to work closer with its European colleagues on tax reform, and adds that “change is inevitable”. 

Oh my god, not another Seamus Heaney quote. 

Paschal Donohoe tells the Dáil: “If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere.”

I thought we were past the State-of-the-nation Heaney combos.

Public Expenditure Minister Michael McGrath tells the Dáil that the main aim of this “ambitious” Budget is to give people hope.

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McGrath is announcing an additional €500 million, separate to what Donohoe has announced. This includes:

  • An additional €20 million is going to disability services 
  • A further €10 million is going to voluntary hospices
  • Another €10 million to charities and social enterprises

Other announcements, of a total exchequer investment of over €10 billion, for first time ever:

  • McGrath confirms an extra €4 billion for the health service: this will go towards adding capacity in our health service, eg: 1,146 acute adult beds; 1,250 community beds; 5 million additional home care hours. 
  • Cancer screening is also getting funding – but McGrath didn’t specify how much
  • €38 million is being allocated for mental health services.

mmg Oireachtas Oireachtas

Brexit funds to hire 1,500 staff and upgrades at ports and airports ahead of 31 December were also announced.

The State will use €10 billion in Exchequer renounces across all regions in Ireland, McGrath said.

This includes construction on major roads such as the N4 in Sligo, the N5 in Mayo, and the N22, as well as the purchase of ‘green’ rail carriages.

“This will ensure that our recovery is a green one,” he added.



Housing announcement there from McGrath (Christina has all the details):

  • €5.2bn to housing in 2021, which is an increase of €773m
  • €500m for 9,500 social housing units; 12,750 units added to social housing stock – including leased units
  • €2.4bn to support additional 15,000 HAP
  • €22m for homelessness programmes
  • And most crucially: €110m for an affordable housing and cost rental schemes.

For further education: There will be a further 35,00 extra places in further and higher education, with 1,500 of 10,000 upskilling opportunities in the retrofitting sector.

Department of Enterprise is getting a €1 billion boost to support investment, which Varadkar announced before Paschal Donohoe had even finished speaking. 

McGrath announced a number of Irish language fundings, including €3.5 million for Teilifís na Gaeilge (which was rebranded as TG4 in 1999, dála an scéil).

A €8.9 billion has gone to the Department of Education, with €2bn of this going to special needs education – allows for hiring of 990 additional SNAs, and a further 300 new teaching posts.

McGrath is also aiming to reduce the pupil: teacher ratio from 26:1 to 25:1.

The SUSI grant is increasing by €20 million.

The social welfare packages are worth a total of €510 million.

As previously reported, the living alone allowance is increasing from €14 to €19, and the qualified child payment is increasing by €5 for over 12s and €2 for under 12s.

McGrath confirms earlier reports of those on the Covid PUP qualifying for the Christmas bonus, if they have been receiving the payments for a minimum of four months.

The Justice Department is getting €147 million

  • 500 Garda staff will be hired, with 600 Gardaí 
  • Funding for the inquest into the Startdust tragedy
  • Court service modernisation: Capital investment of over €258 million will be available for ICT in the courts service, the forensic science laboratory, and the development of Limerick prison. 

The Department of Children is getting an additional €120 million:

  • €61 million extra for Tulsa
  • €25 million for the Direct Provision system
  • €638 million investment in early years

That was a bit of a whirlwind of figures: while the opposition hits back at the government’s plan, here’s the link to all that was said there:

Budget 2021

Paschal Donohoe’s statement is in, here are the highlights of what he said:

We have faced numerous difficulties since independence, but never one like Covid-19; an invisible enemy that has caused great suffering, and disrupted so much of what is central to our well-being.

“Yes, the test we face is daunting, further demanding choices await. Yes, the uncertainty and anxiety about the future of lives and livelihoods is great. And yes, we will prevail. We will come through this. And from the ashes of the pandemic, together, we will build a stronger, more resilient Ireland. Budget 2021 is a bridge to that better future.

The evidence is clear that the pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on the job prospects of younger workers. Youth unemployment hit a peak of 64% in May, before falling to 37% in September – figures which were unimaginable just a few short months ago. 

“I am today announcing a total budgetary package of over €17¾ billion, more than €17 billion of which relates to expenditure, and €270 million in taxation measures. This package is unprecedented in both size and scale in the history of the Irish State. 


(To be cntd…)

Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty said that the 10 cent rise in the minimum wage is “miserly”, particularly after the pandemic has shown what workers are essential.

(He also made some sort of reference to every ‘Tom, Dick, Harry and Sheila’, which I hadn’t heard before but thoroughly enjoyed).

Meanwhile, his party colleague Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire is outside Leinster House reacting to what has been announced.

Donnchadh Twitter Twitter

The crux of Pearse Doherty’s Budget complaints to the Dáil now is that much of the government is allocated in the Budget – meaning that businesses have to make decisions now on subjects that the government hasn’t provided detail on. 

And we go live to Paschal Donohoe listening to Sinn Féin criticise his Budget…

Paschal D Oireachtas Oireachtas

So, a quick overview. The 2021 Budget is worth an extra €17.5 billion compared to last year (€66 million this year and over €83 million next year).

  • Covid: €8.5 billion is being provided for Covid-19 supports
  • Department of Health: An extra €4 billion for the health service to carry out 100,000 Covid-19 tests a week, extra bed capacity, and extra staff
  • Department of Housing: €5.2 billion is going here, which is an extra €773 million and a “record level of funding”. An extra €500m will facilitate the construction of 9,500 new social housing units in 2021
  • Department of Education: gets €8.9 billion. A record €2 billion of this is to support children with special needs (hiring an extra 990 additional SNAs and 403 extra teaching posts). Over 300 new mainstream teaching posts will decrease pupil-teacher rations in primary schools from 26:1 to 25:1.
  • Department of Further and Higher Education: 3.3 billion. The SUSI fee grant for postgraduate study is being increased by €1,500 to €3,500.
  • Social welfare: Welfare package is worth €520 million, and includes a host of announcements, including increases to the Living Alone Allowance, the Fuel Allowance, the Carer’s Support Grant, and Qualified Child Payment are all increasing by various amounts.
  • Covid-19 welfare: the extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment and Employment Wage Support Scheme to 1 April next year.


  • State pension: The age by which you’re entitled to your State pension was due to increase from 66 to 67 next January, but this has been postponed now.
  • Department of Agriculture: Gets €1.8 billion – an increase of €179 million on this year. Department of Rural and Community Development gets a 7% boost.
  • Infrastructure: For the first time, over €10 billion in Exchequer resources will go to critical projects across all regions of our country.
  • Travel: €10 million to address challenges facing Cork and Shannon Airports.
  • Green travel: Transition to ‘green’ public transport is getting an additional €1 billion in 2021 (McGrath’s announcement was as vague as that).
  • Gaeilge: €14 million will be provided for the Gaeltacht and Irish language sector next year, €8 million will be provided for Údarás na Gaeltachta, and €1.3 million will go to the 20 Year Strategy for the Irish Language. TG4 also gets €3.5 million.

Cntd again:

  • Department of Justice: An extra €147 million is going to Justice, with €7.5 million of this going towards hiring a new Garda fleet of vehicles. A further €27 million will go towards hiring up to 620 new gardaí, and other measures.
  • Department of Children: An extra €120 million going here, with €61 million extra going to Tusla, €25 million to Direct Provision, and a €638 million investment in early-year childcare.
  • Department of Foreign Affairs: An additional €30 million. This funding will see our official development aid package increase to €867 million, McGrath said.

(By the way, McGrath finished his speech with a quote from US President John F Kennedy, who stood in the Dáil and said: “It is that quality of the Irish – that remarkable combination of hope, confidence and imagination – that is needed more than ever today.”)

That’s all from me, a chairde – keep an eye from our continuing coverage as the evening goes on, as the opposition and industries react to this mammoth Budget for next year.

Fan slán. 

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    Mute IrelandForChange
    Favourite IrelandForChange
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:12 AM

    Is there a reason some Gardai talk down to you like a teacher to a student? Genuine question. Never understood it. Making less sense the older I get. Emphasis on “some”, not all.

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    Mute Sean Ahearne
    Favourite Sean Ahearne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:18 AM

    @IrelandForChange: it means you are maturing

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    Mute Franny Ando
    Favourite Franny Ando
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:53 AM

    @Sean Ahearne: and some of them are uppity little f–ks!!. Andin fairness they are in a minority:)

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    Mute Louise Ni Riain
    Favourite Louise Ni Riain
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:00 AM

    @IrelandForChange: its called power tone.
    My dad has it hes a ex teacher

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    Mute Eamonn Connell
    Favourite Eamonn Connell
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:20 AM

    @IrelandForChange: With authority comes power. That’s natural. Abuse of it though different story. Same as anything else whether it be a politician or a business operator. It’s just personality at the end of the day. Some ride the power and get off on it. Others use the power to make life better. Depends on how you look at it and how they look at it.

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    Mute Alison Maguire
    Favourite Alison Maguire
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:12 AM

    @Louise Ni Riain: my dad does too and he’s an ex teacher you are right

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    Mute Stan Papusa
    Favourite Stan Papusa
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:14 AM

    Yeeey, go Ireland!
    High visibility patrols, enforcement, intimidation, fines, scapegoating, shows of force, more enforcement! Let’s focus on crowd control, let’s send a strong message, let’s not rest until every head shall bow and every knee shall bend in submission!
    That’s how others did it!
    That’s why we have 2 lockdowns, other had none!
    Meanwhile, even contact tracing seems too big a task…

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    Mute Paul Cunningham
    Favourite Paul Cunningham
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:21 AM

    @Stan Papusa: Its hard for people to accept the blame when the virus spreads from people. The public have themselves to blame for not following the rules. We have 6 weeks, lets get this muck down.

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    Mute Franny Ando
    Favourite Franny Ando
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:48 AM

    @Paul Cunningham: no they haven’t.

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    Mute Daniel Dunne
    Favourite Daniel Dunne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:59 AM

    @Paul Cunningham: open borders brought the virus here (virus was known to exist long before lockdown in March) no action was taken. The authorities practically invited it here to spread. Lockdown 1 almost solved the virus but no, our genius overlords decided to leave ports and airports open. Wide open. Hence here we are with an incompetent test and trace system. And some scoff at trump? WTF?

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    Mute Louise Ni Riain
    Favourite Louise Ni Riain
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:01 AM

    @Paul Cunningham:
    Watch that. Grafton street dublin tonight

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    Mute Stan Papusa
    Favourite Stan Papusa
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:27 AM

    @Paul Cunningham: ‘The virus spreads from people’ mantra is a bit overused these days. Of course it does, so what? Unless we’re genetically different from Kiwis (and I don’t mean the bird or the fruit) or significantly less clean/civilized than South Koreans, ‘the virus spreads from people’ means nothing and it doesn’t explain the state of affairs we are in.
    The overwhelming majority of people already did their part during the first lockdown and that’s the bottom line. There no such thing as 100% compliance anywhere – regardless how many yearn for it – except maybe in North Korea.
    So we had a lockdown, the exit strategy was poor, and they didn’t use that opportunity (numbers being low and situation being stable for over 3 months) to put better controls and measures in place. The exit strategy this time around is not even poor, is absent.
    Worse still, they are lying through their teeth, again finding scapegoats (house parties this time around), again refusing to see the elephant in the room: schools and non-essential services.

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    Mute Fergus Lynch
    Favourite Fergus Lynch
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:35 AM

    @Daniel Dunne: another knuckledragger.

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    Mute Seán O'Sullivan
    Favourite Seán O'Sullivan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:20 AM

    @Stan Papusa: you’re welcome to leave

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    Mute Seán O'Sullivan
    Favourite Seán O'Sullivan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:22 AM

    @Stan Papusa: exit strategy is simple , masks social distancing and compliance as well as contact tracing and hospitals not overwhelmed

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    Mute Tom Bombdadil
    Favourite Tom Bombdadil
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:01 AM

    @Paul Cunningham: it’s hard for the government to accept we have a third world health care system that can’t cope with a Normal winter flu season and is now on show to the world for its ineptitude’s. This winter is no different the last 20, except for meek politicians hiding behind “corona virus” borrowing another 2 billion to pay for a six week lockdown that will cost billions more in lost revenue to the economy not to mention jobs in order to hide this fact, Lockdowns are not the answer and cause more damage than they say they solve.

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    Mute Richie
    Favourite Richie
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:53 AM

    @Seán O’Sullivan: that’s not an exit strategy its a continuance model.As in we go back to where we were when we started level 5.

    Exit strategy could be e.g.:
    We set a date Oct 2021, if there is no clear regression of the virus, new treatment or vaccine in sight/in play. We are going to begin the slow return to normality and actually live with the virus not pretend live with it through lock downs.

    Mission example to allow us to achieve that: we need to increase ICU capacity x 2 in this period and/or set up covid only hospitals/areas of hos so other health care can continue as normal. Win public support for continued open/close till then by providing the above endstate. Continued improvement care

    Alternate endstate. Vaccine in the period achieving herd immunity and open up life again.

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    Mute Isabella Hickey
    Favourite Isabella Hickey
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:35 AM

    @Stan Papusa: excellent comment!

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    Mute Stan Papusa
    Favourite Stan Papusa
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:56 AM

    @Seán O’Sullivan: Wrt exit strategy I see you already received an answer.
    Wrt me leaving yeah I could do that, but I have a better idea.
    We could start with liars and incompetents (especially those holding high office), those who dream of an Orwellian society, those who see enforcement and intimidation not as a last resort but as a default response (again, you won’t find too many countries who had 2 lockdowns as draconian as ours).
    If we start with those, then the rest of us wouldn’t have to leave, either because we won’t have jobs and a future in this country, or simply because we wish to live in a normal society…

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    Mute Keith Dunne
    Favourite Keith Dunne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:17 AM

    Complete waste of time and resources. If they put all these garda on patrols around housing estates and parks were the all the people are out drinking and meeting up we might stand some sort of chance.

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    Mute FrustratedASDMum
    Favourite FrustratedASDMum
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:48 AM

    @Keith Dunne: It specifically mentions parks in the article.

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    Mute Fred the Muss...
    Favourite Fred the Muss...
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:14 AM

    @Keith Dunne: Didn’t read the article did

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    Mute Keith Dunne
    Favourite Keith Dunne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:22 AM

    @Fred the Muss…: congratulations on making a balls of your comment. I did read the article I was pointing out the need for more gardai on the street and in parks as there will be more gardai on checkpoints then patrolling the parks.

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    Mute Keith Dunne
    Favourite Keith Dunne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:30 AM

    @FrustratedASDMum: well done It does. Can you spot any other words in the article. Maybe you should read the comment I made again.

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    Mute Mary Mc Carthy
    Favourite Mary Mc Carthy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:21 AM

    During the last lockdown I was treated fairly and politely at every Garda Checkpoint . They are doing the job they are instructed to do . Appalled by some of the comments on here tonight as Garda put their lives on the line every day or have you all forgotten about all the Gardai that were killed protecting the public

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    Mute Mark
    Favourite Mark
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:43 AM

    @Mary Mc Carthy: it’s just the usual plastic tough guys acting big…. perhaps they’re compensating for something

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    Mute transik
    Favourite transik
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:58 AM

    @Mary Mc Carthy: thats your point of view
    Mine is totally different. as soon as he have heard my accent, he start asking all sort of questions and even at one point inspected my work badge even though i showed him my essential work letter! Madness.

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    Mute Anne Marie Devlin
    Favourite Anne Marie Devlin
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:55 AM

    @Mary Mc Carthy: lucky you. There were guards 24/7 on the bridge and outside Lidl in the town were I live. They made life very difficult for everyone. I have to go into work a few days a week. It is more than 5 km away. I’ll have to leave at 6 instead of 7 in case there are Garda checks

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    Mute Joe Steel
    Favourite Joe Steel
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:13 AM

    @Mary Mc Carthy: every word true thanks to the police

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    Mute Mary Mc Carthy
    Favourite Mary Mc Carthy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:47 AM

    @Anne Marie Devlin: That is not the fault of the Gardai . They are following government orders in order to ensure the safety of the public . I would take a delay in my journey every day to stop people spreading and dying of this virus ! We are in this position because people refused to follow the guidelines. I hope you never have to endure the agony of a family member dying alone in an ICU unit without a family member present .

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    Mute Mary Mc Carthy
    Favourite Mary Mc Carthy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:49 AM

    @transik: Are you accusing the Gardai of being racist ?

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    Mute transik
    Favourite transik
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:52 AM

    @Seán O’Sullivan: not at all,

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    Mute Anna Anna
    Favourite Anna Anna
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:28 PM

    @Mary Mc Carthy: I have no issue with the Gardai either. I travelled to work 5 days a week during the first lockdown and they never once demanded a letter from work. I told them I was going to work and that was enough for them. Sometimes they asked the name of my employer or where I was travelling too. Even with the new restrictions people are still allowed to travel outside their 5km for reasons such as visiting a grave, attending a funeral or wedding.

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    Mute Davy
    Favourite Davy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:34 AM

    I work in the Airport. Only yesterday i spoke to three girls who arrived from The Czech Republic for a 10 ‘vacation.’ Bus to Dublin city for 3 days, bus to Wexford for 3 days, bus to Galway for 3 days, bus back to Dublin Airport and off they pop. And i can’t go 3km for a game of Golf with my father. Totally wrong.

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    Mute Isabel Oliveira
    Favourite Isabel Oliveira
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:56 AM

    @Davy: sure you have… tourists coming to Ireland with nowhere to go, nowhere to eat, nothing to do. Pull the other one.

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    Mute Davy
    Favourite Davy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:15 PM

    @Isabel Oliveira: Trust me Isabel. 100% true story.

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    Mute J
    Favourite J
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:27 PM

    @Davy: “work in the airport”

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    Mute Davy
    Favourite Davy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:30 PM

    @J: Yes

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    Mute Geraldine O'Riordan
    Favourite Geraldine O'Riordan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:37 AM

    From the video doing the rounds tonight on social media… The Gardai should have been on Grafton Street

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    Mute Lisa O Connor
    Favourite Lisa O Connor
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:43 AM

    @Geraldine O’Riordan: totally, with tools like those in the video we will never get out of this !

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    Mute David Garland
    Favourite David Garland
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:03 AM

    @Geraldine O’Riordan: Lockdowns do not work. Never before in human history has a lockdown ever been used to stop the spread of a virus. You’re trying to stop hundreds of thousands of years of human behaviour, and especially in teenagers. It just won’t work. The Government have fed the media stories about everything from face masks, house parties, air travel to GAA Matches and people now take that as scientific fact when in reality it’s BS.. What should have been done the world over is protecting the vulnerable and elderly and let the rest of society get on with life. Now what we’re left with is a society divided and blaming each other, an economy destroyed and the vast majority of people are depressed and lying awake at night worried about the future.

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    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:25 AM

    @David Garland:
    You post the same comments day in day out, yet you still don’t understand that everyone may be vulnerable to this disease. It can kill perfectly healthy people.
    But that doesn’t shout your anti mask and anti lockdown crusade.

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    Mute David Garland
    Favourite David Garland
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:51 AM Everyone is vulnerable to any illness. Healthy People die from the flu every year. Plus Pneumonia kills thousands of healthy People every year. Plus I’m not anti mask, I wear mine everyday in work and where ever else I have to wear it..

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    Mute Fachtna Roe
    Favourite Fachtna Roe
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:48 PM

    @David Garland: “Lockdown” is just another word for quarantine. Such physical separation has been used throughout human history. Leprosy colonies immediately come to mind as an example, though really that’s probably more like how people like you got put in asylums in the past. That the nature of the current transmissible infection is viral, rather than bacterial, does not change the fundamental principle.

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    Mute Paul
    Favourite Paul
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:46 PM

    @David Garland: lockdowns were used in the 1900’s for the “Spanish Flu” and other versions of quarantine have existed since civilisation began and are recorded.

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    Mute Jack Inman
    Favourite Jack Inman
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:25 AM

    All for supporting a lockdown but, it is completely pointless exercise while schools remain open.
    Out walking earlier and a group of 8 or so teenagers by the Luas. Another couple rocked up, hugged everyone, started high fiving then went on their merry way.

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    Mute David Garland
    Favourite David Garland
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:18 AM

    @Jack Inman: Is that where we’re at as a society now? Giving out about kids being kids.. Look at how 8 months of Government spin and media BS have turned society on each other.. People wondered how easily the Nazis gained power and brainwashed an entire Country and turned the local Population against the Jews in every Country they invaded.. In Eight Months look how we’ve flipped as a nation. Banned from having People in your house, banned from going to work, banned from eating in a restaurant, banned from any social interaction, not allowed 5 km from your house, banned from doing any kind of sport. Not only that but blaming everybody and anybody for spreading a virus that let’s face it, can’t to stopped. Plus the testing is way off, the PCR test is flawed and can be as much as 90% off and then we have the Government not investing in more ICU beds and not doing one thing to protect nursing homes. Yet we have People blaming kids on being kids. It’s a complete joke

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    Mute Damien Byrne
    Favourite Damien Byrne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:48 AM

    @David Garland: Are you familiar with Godwin’s Law?

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    Mute Paul Buckley
    Favourite Paul Buckley
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:23 AM

    @David Garland: you are unbelievable, comparing Goverment measures in a Global Pandemic to Nazi Germany…… And you are wrong about Nazi Germany and brain washing against Jews … the relationship between Jewish Communities in Europe and non-Jewish had been a negative one for the previous 2,000 years… do a bit of reading will you….

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    Mute Paul Buckley
    Favourite Paul Buckley
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:26 AM

    @David Garland: a lot of Germans were afraid of Nazis too. , and Polish ,

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    Mute David Garland
    Favourite David Garland
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:56 AM

    @Paul Buckley: You tell me what other pandemic caused such extreme measures to be brought in that took away People’s civil liberties? The Hong Kong flu in 1968 killed nearly 8 Million People and life went on. Swine flu in 2009 killed around 800,000 and life went on. Mortality Rate for Covid 19 is around 1%, the WHO publish figures the other day saying the case fatality rate is 0.23% and yet Governments persist with lockdowns and Society blaming each other for something that’s out of their Control..

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    Mute Paul Buckley
    Favourite Paul Buckley
    Oct 22nd 2020, 11:18 AM

    @David Garland: the measures are not about just saving lives. It us about the long term side effects that this virus impacts on the organs of those that get it.
    Yes 85% of people will be fine with this and 0.23 % fatality rate compared to 0.01% of seasonal flu, but there is a vaccine for seasonal flu not for Covid 19.
    The Swine Flu was a known virus, it was the strain mutation that affected Himans , it was a flu , Covid 19 is not a Flu…. Two completely different virus , complications are different…. in terms of organ failure and long term recovery.

    Stick to driving the Taxi and let experts in virology do their job.

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    Mute mar
    Favourite mar
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:01 PM

    @Paul Buckley: Seasonal flu has a 0.01% fatality rate? 0.1% maybe. Also where do you get the idea from that only 85% of those infected will be fine. Surely it’ll be more around 99% that don’t die or suffer from any any long term side effect that by the way the flu can cause as well.

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    Mute Margaret O Neill
    Favourite Margaret O Neill
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:07 AM

    Driving through Bailieborough at lunchtime today, secondary school pupils leaving the school and no one was wearing a
    Mask! What’s the point in lock down with that behavior prevalent!! No wonder Cavan has worse stats!!

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    Mute Sandra Gilgunn
    Favourite Sandra Gilgunn
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:32 AM

    @Margaret O Neill: same in Leixlip! All the secondary school students hanging around in gangs not a mask between them getting on the train.No one patrolling trains either.

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    Mute LD
    Favourite LD
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:44 AM

    @Margaret O Neill: The only sane group left in this country. It’s taking the supposedly braindead teenagers to show us all how absurdly brainwashed their elders are.

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    Mute Tony Humphreys
    Favourite Tony Humphreys
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:52 AM

    @Sandra Gilgunn: why don’t you look after yourself and stop expecting others to do it for you. Let others look after themselves

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    Mute Anita OGalligan
    Favourite Anita OGalligan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:01 PM

    @Margaret O Neill: Masks should be made compulsory in the street as well.

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    Mute Colm O'Sullivan
    Favourite Colm O'Sullivan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:08 AM

    I’ll stop for a garda, as I’m required to do by law, but I won’t be complying with any request not to travel more than 5km.

    This is pure blackguarding of the worst kind. The powers that be are trying to kill the country. All so we can have another lockdown in Jan/Feb. When will they realise they don’t work, the one in March didn’t and this one won’t either. All the while they cause enumerable chaos to other parts of the health (cancer etc), cost thousands their livelihoods and make sure we all have to pay back this debt for the next decade

    I refuse to go along with this suicide mission. I do not consent to this nonsense and never will.

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    Mute LD
    Favourite LD
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:22 AM

    @Colm O’Sullivan: Well said Colm!

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    Mute Anita OGalligan
    Favourite Anita OGalligan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:15 PM

    @Colm O’Sullivan: The problem is here. Come December 1st when lockdown is lifted,
    People will go crazy, pubs,restaurants open, panic buying for Christmas, streets congested because it’s only 3.5 weeks until the big day apart from New Years celebrations. The government says relaxation only to level 3 but a U turn to level 1 or 2.
    We will then be back to lockdown end of January just because a minority will not pay attention

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    Mute MentalAsAnything
    Favourite MentalAsAnything
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:17 AM

    The checkpoints are pointless. The only reason they are there are so guards have an easy task to soak up all the overtime

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    Mute thesaltyurchin
    Favourite thesaltyurchin
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:13 PM

    @MentalAsAnything: Also our love of making life more difficult than it needs to be.The one silver lining was commuter time reductions. We cant have that! Here’s another hour on your journey… ‘Work?’… ‘Work guard’… carry on.

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    Mute Sean Whelan
    Favourite Sean Whelan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:40 AM

    Meanwhile the Dail bar remains open! (Rumour has it)

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    Mute Paula Jones
    Favourite Paula Jones
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:45 AM

    @Paul Buckley: this article on the independent seems to indicate it is open… Only ex Dáil members are asked to stay away at the moment.

    The article ran under the original headline ”ex-tds-asked-to-stay-away-from-dail-BAR during-lockdown’. It was later updated to remove the word BAR.

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    Mute Paula Jones
    Favourite Paula Jones
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:47 AM
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    Mute Anita OGalligan
    Favourite Anita OGalligan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:19 PM

    @Sean Whelan: Never thought of that. One rule for the political and elite class and another for us.

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    Mute Anthony Edward Healy
    Favourite Anthony Edward Healy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:08 AM

    Where you off to Sir? To me Ma’s, toddle on young man

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    Mute Anna Anna
    Favourite Anna Anna
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:14 AM
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    Mute Anthony Edward Healy
    Favourite Anthony Edward Healy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:36 AM

    @Anna Anna: I know you post the stats everyday, but have you, we, lost our sense of humour? Let’s just be doom and gloom everyday yea?

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    Mute Anthony Edward Healy
    Favourite Anthony Edward Healy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:42 AM

    @Anthony Edward Healy: you are like the Grim Reaper of the the Journal, people are allowed to try to lighten things up and try to make others smile, sorry if that offends your daily stats

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    Mute Franny Ando
    Favourite Franny Ando
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:51 AM

    @Anthony Edward Healy: all she did was give you few extra options. I think its you that has the sense of humour bypass:):)

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    Mute Anna Anna
    Favourite Anna Anna
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:44 PM

    @Franny Ando: thanks Franny. As we know the doom and gloomers don’t like to see my stats post on the cases article. I’d say they’re not happy the ICU/hospital numbers aren’t higher. Anthony is probably one of them

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    Mute Paddy O Sullivan
    Favourite Paddy O Sullivan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:20 AM

    If we really need to get serious about covid we need army check points everywhere. Cut the bs. If it’s as serious as they are telling us, get them out to enforce it. If it’s an ICU issue then the government should walk with their heads held low.

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    Mute Franny Ando
    Favourite Franny Ando
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:05 AM

    @Paddy O Sullivan: Why. Someone going for a spin without leaving their car will not spread covid. But the government have a sin to answer for with regards to I.C.U, contact tracing and the never ending waiting lists for other treatments. They are making a right hames of it and crippling the country along the way.

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    Mute Seán O'Sullivan
    Favourite Seán O'Sullivan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:23 AM

    @Tony Humphreys: people caused the lockdown by acting the rick 89 out of the million were politicians

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    Mute Paul
    Favourite Paul
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:44 PM

    @Paddy O Sullivan: the army don’t have any civil powers….

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    Mute Louise Lennon
    Favourite Louise Lennon
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:52 AM

    Can someone please enlighten me as a front line worker why I just sat in a 50minute checkpoint? Surely my time would have been better spent at work

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    Mute Derek
    Favourite Derek
    Oct 22nd 2020, 11:03 AM

    @Louise Lennon: exactly, who else but those travelling for essential work are out that early. Let the checkpoints commence at 9am when those who need to be at work are not pointlessly delayed at 7.30 or 8am.

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    Mute thesaltyurchin
    Favourite thesaltyurchin
    Oct 22nd 2020, 6:26 PM

    @Louise Lennon: Guards don’t want it, the people don’t want it. It’s all to make two or three people look like their ‘handling it’…

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    Mute Darren Byrne
    Favourite Darren Byrne
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:19 AM

    Operation control commences…..

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    Mute Louise Ni Riain
    Favourite Louise Ni Riain
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:01 AM
    Watch that. Grafton street dublin tonight

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    Mute Kevin O'Brien
    Favourite Kevin O'Brien
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:38 AM

    @Louise Ni Riain: No wonder we are where we are. Absolutely ridiculous carry on, makes my blood boil watching that.

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    Mute Mark
    Favourite Mark
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:09 AM

    @Louise Ni Riain: pr*icks. Every last one of them

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    Mute transik
    Favourite transik
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:05 AM

    @Kevin O’Brien: and her singing at the end…cringe fest.

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    Mute Kevin O'Brien
    Favourite Kevin O'Brien
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:24 AM

    @transik: I thought that was a cat being strangled, I stand corrected.

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    Mute Maura Lafford
    Favourite Maura Lafford
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:52 AM

    Why were they not in Grafton street last night

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    Mute Tom Collins
    Favourite Tom Collins
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:10 AM

    You had me at The Grave

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    Mute Ashling Fenton
    Favourite Ashling Fenton
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:30 AM

    Watch real crime rise and go unchecked?

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    Mute Mollybán
    Favourite Mollybán
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:47 AM

    I have absolutely nowhere within 5kms to go for a walk. The local roads are busy and the fields are wet and mucky and have cattle in them. If I drive 6/7 kms I have loads of options, forest walks, suburban roads with paths, riverside tarred paths, etc. So I think I’ll be taking my chances. Either that or walk in never-ending circles around my garden.

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    Mute Paul Dolan
    Favourite Paul Dolan
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:38 AM

    A bunch of yellow pack dopes trying to do the impossible

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    Mute Mark
    Favourite Mark
    Oct 22nd 2020, 2:56 AM

    @Paul Dolan: get a load Mr tough guy over here !

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    Mute Kevin O'Brien
    Favourite Kevin O'Brien
    Oct 22nd 2020, 3:00 AM

    @Mark: And probably an, yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full. Tough guy when stopped by them.

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    Mute John McCann
    Favourite John McCann
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:37 AM

    The gardai will have no problem affording a good Christmas with all that overtime, just a pity that the increased garda presence on the roads and elsewhere will to nothing to reduce the spread of Covid. Public will be slower to buy in this time and understandably so when GAA games not stopped while golf is. Who can explain the logic here? We have also sacrificed retail and other businesses for the GAA who will spread the virus throughout the country. One county team currently restricting movements while awaiting testing but it’s confirmed that they are playing an inter-county match this Saturday!!!!!! Government a spineless disgrace for allowing GAA to be played while destroying businesses and livelihoods.

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    Mute Oscar Wilde
    Favourite Oscar Wilde
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:48 AM

    How many Garda are out with Covid 19?

    Did the weekly number’s increase recently?

    Maybe a Journalist might ask Drew next time he is in front of them

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    Mute Jonnie Marre
    Favourite Jonnie Marre
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:51 AM

    Please God more dog thieves will be caught also with the increased restrictions and checkpoints

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    Mute Seeking Truth
    Favourite Seeking Truth
    Oct 22nd 2020, 11:37 AM

    It took me 2 hours to bring my son to school and back home again. Not looking forward to 4 hours a day on the roads for school runs. Something will have to change because today was not sustainable!

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    Mute ger costello
    Favourite ger costello
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:29 AM

    I just hope they don’t cause the chaos they did the last time. Two hours foe some people to get home from work is ridiculous. I’m all for checkpoints but done in the appropriate way!!

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    Mute Tom Purcell
    Favourite Tom Purcell
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:24 AM

    meanwhile the usual crowd not wearing masks (or just on the chin in case the inspectors walk past) are still on the DART this morning…

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    Mute Smokeycarroll
    Favourite Smokeycarroll
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:11 AM

    Where were the police last night when all the stuck up c##ts dancing round grafton st last night . Nothing about it on the journal

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    Mute GrumpyAulFella
    Favourite GrumpyAulFella
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:28 AM

    @Smokeycarroll: 200 yards from Pearse St garda station and the busiest shopping street in the country. Gobs1tes should have been hosed off the street. We’re fighting a losing battle.

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    Mute ger costello
    Favourite ger costello
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:32 AM

    I just hope they have learned frim the last debacle. Two hours getting home from work is ridiculous. I’m all for checkpoints but done in the appropriate way!!

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    Mute kevinhunt101
    Favourite kevinhunt101
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:58 AM

    @ger costello: I’d be betting my money not esp with schools still open so all that traffic still on the roads

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    Mute Ciara McCorley
    Favourite Ciara McCorley
    Oct 22nd 2020, 11:20 AM

    Curious as to why people are so furious at airports being left open? Figures show that it is community transmission that accounts for most of the spread of the virus…not travel! i was in Spain in August, came back, isolated, didn’t have the virus…I think you’ll find this is the same with the majority of people!

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    Mute Jh2019
    Favourite Jh2019
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:48 AM

    God bless the iriah guards

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    Mute Brian Tracy
    Favourite Brian Tracy
    Oct 22nd 2020, 7:49 AM

    Gardai helping the vulnerable?

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    Mute Ed
    Favourite Ed
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:16 AM

    I did t see a single Garda car in my way to work this morning and traffic was as busy as usual.

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    Mute John McCann
    Favourite John McCann
    Oct 22nd 2020, 10:54 AM

    @Ed: Neither did I from Dalkey to Grand Canal. In first lockdown they were everywhere. Roads were as busy as ever this morning. Not starting well and with the shambles in the contact tracing and all the other State failings this does not bode well

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    Mute mar
    Favourite mar
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:02 PM

    @Ed: Good. I hope it stays that way.

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    Mute Louise Ni Riain
    Favourite Louise Ni Riain
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:59 AM
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    Mute Paul Buckley
    Favourite Paul Buckley
    Oct 22nd 2020, 1:23 AM

    @Louise Ni Riain: the irony is one or two of those people will probably loose somone to the Virus….
    The Crowd Mentality is nothing but ignorance,

    I wonder how many of them felt at conflict with their own conscience….when they were behaving like immature prats…

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    Mute mar
    Favourite mar
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:27 AM

    @Paul Buckley: No you are wrong. It’s extremely unlikely that one or two will loose someone to the virus! By far the most likely outcome is that it won’t have any consequences at all.

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    Mute Neil T. Hynes
    Favourite Neil T. Hynes
    Oct 22nd 2020, 12:55 PM

    I love it when a guard talks down to me like a student. It reminds me of how stiff an organisation they are, and how happy I am to have nothing got to do with them.

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    Mute Emily Barton
    Favourite Emily Barton
    Oct 22nd 2020, 9:21 AM

    There was tonnes of traffic this morning and no Garda check points between Dun Laoghaire and city centre

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    Mute Claude Saulnier
    Favourite Claude Saulnier
    Oct 22nd 2020, 8:48 AM

    I hope they have enough energy and staff to last for 6 weeks. I also hope they bought stocks of masks this time around.

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