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All time
Put off by the price of a GoPro? Soon you will be able to get one on the cheap
A Personal Story: My life with Turner Syndrome
Triona Keane
Are You Truly A Northsider Or A Southsider?
The iPhone 6 got publicly dissed by the president of Turkey
Review: Is this the premium device Samsung has been looking for?
This 8-year-old makes $1.3 million a year by posting YouTube videos
Weird Wide Web: Dogspotting, virtual reality teasing and bent iPhones
Using iOS 8? Then you need to know about these features
Twink issued a direct warning to pet thieves on the Saturday Night Show
The 9 TV shows you should be watching this autumn
Opinion: Pause to appreciate a simple moment – it's what makes life beautiful
Naomi Lavelle
11 things nobody ever tells you about going to college
This 1980s General Motors touchscreen was decades ahead of its time
There's an explanation for why this watch costs $1.1 million
This charity wants to make a child's stay in hospital more bearable
5 apps worth downloading this week
Everyone's talking about 'Gamergate'. Here's what it is and why it matters.
The 9 types of people you're definitely friends with on Snapchat
Apple claims only nine people complained about 'bending' iPhone 6
9 ingenious items that will make your dinner parties deadly
Road tripping in Mexico, working with ex-cons - then putting it all on YouTube. Aaah, the J1 experience
LAPD are actually warning iPhone users not to microwave their phone
The Apple Watch could be ready in time for Valentine's Day
Watch 12 hapless tourists struggling to translate Irish slang
HTC plans to compete against GoPro with its own action camera
13 problems only hardened Android users will understand
Here's the moment a father told his teenage sons he won the lotto
Opinion: Domestic violence victims who are disabled face multiple obstacles to help
Margaret Martin
Can you control what permissions each app has access to?
The new iPhone 6 is bending in people's pockets
16 constant struggles only iPhone obsessives will understand
Opinion: Forget the 'Celtic Phoenix' nonsense – Ireland's Special Olympians should be our inspiration
Donal O'Keeffe
This Russian student has covered her car with a million Swarovski crystals
Nearly half of all active iPhones and iPads are running iOS 8
Budweiser's new anti-drink driving ad stars a puppy, and it'll break your heart
Forgetting about links you favourited on Twitter? This could help you out
7 of the most bizarre Irish rentals spotted online
Emma Watson: Feminism has become an unpopular word – but it's for men, too
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson
Google stops forcing new Gmail users to sign up to Google+
Google's next tablet is arriving soon and it will be made by HTC