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All time
Here are all the (excellent) reasons you don't need to study right now
You've been washing your jeans wrong your entire life
10 people that are even lazier than you are
Do you feel weird talking about your own death? You shouldn't
10 things all morning people know to be true
'Lasagne disaster' inspires the best headline ever
Meet McDonalds' creepy new Happy Meal mascot
Irish kids get a 'D minus' for physical activity (but that's not too bad, apparently)
Opinion: Running is one of the best ways to make a city your own
Sean Dunne
Opinion: How one country saw epidemic illnesses plummet – and Ireland could too
Frank Armstrong
8 Google search trends that prove Ireland's glory days are truly over
12 things only dog owners will understand
For sale: One home owned by an Oscar-winning director. The price? $27.5 million
7 ways your parents TOTALLY ruined your teenage life
Weird Wide Web: Kissing with tongues, rose-tinted glasses and some terrified journalists
How high? See some crazy men jump from a 27-metre cliff in Cuba
7 TV shows you need to see - before they get a US remake
Can you make it through this post without saying "AWWW"?
9 people who know the pain of having no middle name
16 of the swankiest train trips in the world, from the Swiss Alps to Alaska
14 memories from Roald Dahl books that will always be with you
Opinion: First Holy Communion etiquette for sensible spenders
Avril O'Reilly
'It's an art to be able to lie to yourself and get into the right mental state'
15 feelings every woman has on a trip to the hairdresser
13 reasons why you would fail miserably at Masterchef
11 things pedestrians really want you to know
Teenage girls sit or lie down for 19 hours a day - but what effect is it having on their heart?
Opinion: Social media can help you find a job (if you use it correctly)
Aoife Rigney
Irish employers are still wary of staff with excessive tattoos
7 insanely cool office spaces from around the world
Council told to "get its house in order" and use derelict Dublin sites
Footage surfaces allegedly showing Jay Z being attacked by Solange Knowles
Column: 6 things I hate about restaurants
Ross Golden-Bannon
Can you make it through this article without having your mind blown?
How to solve a Rubik's cube
13 reasons Irish schools need to make more of their yearbooks
9 of the most interesting public webcams around the world
An organic meal-in-a-bag has raised $40,000 in less than a week
Taking notes by hand is more effective than typing them
7 reasons Bono isn't actually a pox