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All time
QUIZ: How posh are you?
Column: Why is so much importance attached to engagement rings?
Molly Garboden
6 things you should no longer need to hide from your parents
Here's why Bitstrips are the worst things ever and must be stopped
7 important features an Irish social media site would need
Shaving is a cruel joke played on men, and here's why
There are only 7 weekends left 'til Christmas...
Today's Google Doodle is pretty amazing
10 modern behaviours which are simply unforgivable
12 challenges men face that women just don't understand
Column: What has psychology got to do with the internet?
Yair Amichai-Hamburger
12 challenges women face that men just don't understand
7 scientific secrets to a happy marriage
9 worrying signs that Ireland has developed 'notions'
8 revolting things you're forced to confront in your everyday life
Irish believe older women to be kindest group in Ireland
The Burning Question*: Do you put the spoon back in the sugar after stirring?
11 excellent hidden messages on restaurant receipts
11 reasons schoolyard games were the best fun you ever had
14 famous business books summarised for your reading list
How to make your other half turn the heating on
6 of the best things about your childhood Sunday dinner
Is this one of the oldest selfies in existence?
Weird Wide Web: Pregnancy, Steam popularity and a human cyborg
20 things that always happened at Mass
Why is this Amazon customer/reviewer so powerful?
We don't care how old you are, you are never too old for...
Facebook network can predict if you'll get dumped within next 60 days
Column: As an Irish woman, I believe in wearing the remembrance poppy. Here's why...
Kate Bellamy
The 90s fashion idols we all wanted to be
13 moments from Irish people's Instagrams you'll definitely recognise
13 emotions you won't feel anywhere but Ireland
Definitive proof that everything is better with googly eyes
Column: Bloomberg's approach to smoking is working in New York – it could here too
Kathleen O'Meara
22 of your best pumpkin carvings
13 real-life moments scarier than any horror movie
Column: Can we just give Halloween a miss this year?
Kate Bellamy
Dell users complain that some laptops 'smell of cat wee'
Steve Jobs' childhood home has been given historical protection
Column: If you had an unlimited budget to fix obesity and disease, what would you do?
Dorcas Barry