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All time
Now that's what you call creative discipline!
6 incredible moments from the background of television news reports
13 useful phrases you'll only hear in Ireland
These are people who know the taste of sweet, sweet revenge
12 simple things that are likely to cause an argument in Ireland
BBC apologies for showing a willy drawn on Prince William's head
15 signs you are a hopeless coffee addict
13 things you know for sure if you're from Galway
14 of the best Pat Kenny moments
Are You A Social Media Addict?
The DailyEdge.ie guide to staying awake in boring situations
Are these the most hated number one songs in Irish history?
And the world's highest earning actress is...
QUIZ: Are you a closet hipster?
12 desserts that made your childhood sweet
9 signs you are struggling to cope with this weather
A Cork man wrote this bitterly hostile guide to Dublin
Being a grown-up: expectation versus reality
Good news for people who were unpopular in school
8 amazing facts that will blow your mind
How exercise can help treat depression and anxiety
12 of the best wedding couples you're ever going to meet
How to become (almost) invisible on Facebook
Weird Wide Web: Chromecast, a peek into the future and a social network with a difference
QUIZ: How to tell if you were out last night
8 supposedly simple things we ALL suck at
Ten questions that could tell whether you’re a sociopath…
Photos: Gianni Versace's mansion up for sale at bankruptcy auction
The Google Autocomplete Map of Ireland
Royal baby offered place in Irish creche: The week's news skewed
The 8 most mortifying pitfalls of your 'Sent' box
A comprehensive rundown of the most annoying neighbours in existence
15 examples of the Grammar Police at their most obnoxious
Chocolate bars: A definitive ranking, from worst to best
Bruce Springsteen goes bowling and eats Eddie Rockets in Kilkenny
The path of young love, as illustrated by kids' notes
How many of these household jobs are you putting off right now?
16 things only people who work from home will understand
Here's the proof that seagulls are the devil incarnate
Ireland cares about the royal baby almost as much as the UK...