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All time
'People who are mentally ill are less likely to be admitted for cancer treatment'
Journalist John Waters to sue The Phoenix magazine
People who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight and develop heart disease
British writer of The Remains of the Day wins Nobel Prize for Literature
Aer Lingus promises 900 new jobs and a new route to major US city
'Sex offenders may be continuing to abuse children despite Tusla being told of their activities'
Poll: Would you ask your doctor if they had gotten the flu vaccine?
HSE spent nearly €3 million pursuing unpaid hospital charges using debt collectors
Government minister Halligan says Ireland needs to call in Spanish ambassador to condemn police violence
'It's been jammers': Dublin just got its first new public park in 8 years
A Lisdoonvarna inn becomes the first pub in Ireland to win a Michelin Star
Air horns ring out in court as Jobstown charges officially dropped
Poll: Should the Irish government criticise the intervention of Spanish police in Catalonia's referendum?
Trumpets, tiaras, and trainspotting notebooks - a journey through Irish Rail's lost and found
New traffic measures on Dublin's quays have been in place for a month, but are they working?
Number of homeless children in Ireland passes 3,000
'If you walk down the street and someone asks you something you're able to say no and be left alone'
FactCheck: Is the Bishop of Waterford right to say the HPV vaccine is '70% safe'?
Veep and Seinfeld star Julia Louis-Dreyfus says she has breast cancer
Acting Garda Commissioner says he has 'no authority' to release report into reopening of Stepaside Garda Station
'Street thuggery has not won' - Just seven TDs in the Dáil to talk about water charge refunds
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner dies aged 91
FactCheck: Will 180,000 homes and businesses begin 2020 without high-speed broadband?
Drivers have been acting the absolute goat on Ireland's roads in the last 24 hours
'Is it non-compliance, or just lack of capacity?' - Policing Authority unsure of competence of Garda management
DUP not one bit happy with US decision that could cost Northern Ireland thousands of jobs
Twitter is doubling its character count in a bid to boost growth
There's a big difference between how men and women are planning for retirement
Rural broadband: Big blow for competition as ESB-Vodafone pull out of bid
Coronation Street royalty, actress Liz Dawn, dies aged 77
Dallas Cowboys become latest team to take a knee in opposition to Trump
Eleven 'charity shops' that weren't charities have been caught breaking the rules
What are you entitled to if a delivery company loses your stuff?
Meet the 90-year-old North Korean convicted spy whose sole wish is to make it back to the 'Fatherland'
Poll: Are you in favour of the government's strategic communications unit?
'Power to the Peepee': Dutch women are protesting about a lack of female public loos
Politics in Austria is embracing Islamophobia as a shortcut to electoral gains
Poll: Do you expect to have a mortgage paid off before you retire?
Former Australian leader 'headbutted' on heated same-sex marriage campaign trail
Leo Varadkar: 'The State can’t solve everyone’s problems for them'