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All time
Social welfare recipients to earn extra cash filling dairy farm worker shortage
Should Charlie Gard's name have been made public?
Farmers warned to 'stamp' their farm equipment or risk losing it to thieves
Parents pay €275 per child on secondary school books
This stunning moment won the top prize for the National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year
Poll: Have you ever not paid your bar tab?
Poll: Should Irish children be taught about breastfeeding in school?
Fire services fight to bring massive water main breach under control in Clare
The Mediterranean diet only has heart benefits for the well-off, says study
Super Valu once again tops the podium in the supermarket derby, but Lidl and Aldi are on the march...
Girls who play sport have significantly better body confidence and mental well-being
Poll: Is it finally time that Dublin went high-rise?
'Austerity cost lives': Drink driving convictions in Ireland fell MASSIVELY in the last 10 years
This Northern Irish author's new novel could be the next Gone Girl
The remains of the Nazis' 'Atlantic Wall' defences are being used to lure tourists to Holland
Sleep or sex? The battle between the two could be wired into our brains
A woman going to Denmark fell asleep on her flight and woke up in Greece
'No unnecessary journeys' - People urged to renew passports online rather than trekking to a Garda station
There's been a surge in complaints about Irish 'influencers' plugging products
Trailer Watch: Which movie should you go see this weekend?
Water returns to Louth and Meath after a 'complex' repair - Irish Water
79-year-old woman who fractured spine in hospital awarded €59,000 in damages
Irish board appointments are still dominated by a 'who you know' culture
Two Irish writers have been longlisted for the prestigious Man Booker Prize
Dublin Fire Brigade is operating at reduced capacity due to unofficial overtime strikes over pay
Warning of 'huge public health problem' as men's sperm counts have halved in last 40 years
Study finds 99% of former NFL players have brain disease caused by blows to the head
Poll: Do you check or use your phone while driving?
Elderly couple found safe and well after late-night mountain search
Calls for a heroin 'overdose antidote' to be made more available to addicts' families
Taking calls and checking Facebook while driving: Irish drivers are among the worst in Europe
Female BBC journalists write open letter to boss saying he 'can do better' on gender pay-gap
'We're over 36 hours without water' - Irish Water slammed locally for response to supply crisis in north-east
New poll shows Irish Government at its highest approval ratings since 2011
Poll: Will naming and shaming really be an effective deterrent against drink drivers?
Ireland's most popular tourist counties and attractions have been revealed
So, what's the deal with Ireland naming and shaming drink drivers?
'I've just hit a wall': Why one of Cork’s most famous restaurants has suddenly shut
Children's doctors have been getting death threats and abusive messages over Charlie Gard case
Bono has even made the sun shine as fans gather ahead of sold out Croke Park gig