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All time
Quiz: Can you name the Christmas movie from a single moment?
Trailer Watch: Which movie should you go see this week?
India's rape epidemic: The survivors speak
It's official - Facebook makes you miserable, according to new research
Newgrange's winter solstice is only 50 years old? No way, says OPW
An office building is now being occupied by homeless activists in Sligo town
People are videoing themselves sleeping overnight in Ikea
Poll: Does Santa wrap presents in your house?
Want an easy way to improve your outdoor photos? HDR can help
Gardaí arrest 500 motorists for drink driving in just three weeks - and 40 in two days
The puppy found at Dublin Airport last week has found a new home for Christmas
Investigation underway into allegations of child sexual abuse at Kildare creche
Dublin could be getting 800 new solar-powered smart rubbish bins
Poll: Would taxing vacant sites make a difference to the housing crisis?
Man who hijacked nurse's car and "drove it like a mad man" while on drugs jailed for six years
Journalist Una Mullally is the government's new youth LGBT czar
Residents living in fire risk Dublin apartments to vote on deal
Quick Bites: Three super easy dishes that will work anytime over Christmas
The man who invented the Heimlich manoeuvre has died aged 96
Poll: Does more road space need to be given to cycle lanes?
Vegetarianism, communal living and 'plenty of craic': How do Irish Buddhists live?
Meet the Syrian refugee who travelled for 55 days to get from Aleppo to a new life in the UK
Farmers urged to check flocks after outbreak of bird flu in England
Poll: Are you worried about the spread of fake news?
Cork community library shut on 90 minutes notice is closed 'indefinitely'
Spain might move its clocks back in a bid to end long working days
A new 'compact luxury hotel' could be squeezed into the old Andrew's Lane Theatre site
Nurofen feels the pain in Australia after being slapped with massive fine over false advertising
Complaint upheld after children were fined for riding Luas for free
Dublin is getting 571 new student bedrooms
Renting near Dublin's train lines is expensive (and it's getting pricier)
Trailer Watch: Which movie should you go see this weekend?
Poll: If the Government falls over rents, would you vote the same way again in another election?
Pat Hickey is finally on his way back to Ireland
The ESRI has made four predictions about a strong Irish economy in 2017
The risk of dying of cancer is significantly higher among Irish men than Irish women
A new Bill is calling for a quota of Irish music on the radio - and the music industry isn't happy about it
Simon Coveney rules out reducing rent cap limit from 4% to 2%
This author's one-sentence novel is the best Irish book of 2016