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All time
The Phoenix Park rail tunnel will open for passengers from next week
Should taxi drivers here have to take an English language test? The NTA is asking that question
Opinion: It's been a poor start to Enda's national conversation about porn
Caroline Ryan
Finding Dublin's "tucked away" art - Dublin Gallery Weekend is back
There's a new flying doctor service on the way for the south of the country
A porn star taught Paddy Power's boss that having the craic doesn't work everywhere
This stunning drone footage of an autumnal Wicklow is the perfect dose of calm
A page from a Tintin comic could fetch €1 million at auction
"He watched the Late Late Show": The night an unknown Jeff Buckley played the Trinity Ball
Dublin firm's technology used in new device that cured paralysis in monkeys
The Green Party reckons Ireland has "thrown in the towel" when it comes to emissions
'Fake news had nothing to do with Donald Trump's victory' - Mark Zuckerberg
How the US president-to-be picked up a Clare golf resort for a song
"It can be hard to cope" - Ireland wants parents of premature babies to get heavily involved in their care
Trailer Watch: Which movie should you go see this weekend?
45% of Irish prisoners released have reoffended within three years
Courts service conducting house repossession hearings in secret 'to avoid protests'
"This was a whitelash" - political commentator struggles to contain emotions at US election result
COMPETITION: Win a load of great books nominated for the Irish Book Awards
Levels of illegal drug use within Ireland are on the rise
Irish Water seeks to build massive new €80 million covered reservoir in south Dublin
"We still have a long way to go" - does a stigma still apply to being gay in rural Ireland?
Dublin Bikes scheme set to be expanded to areas on city outskirts
COMPETITION: Win a load of great books nominated for the Irish Book Awards
Aer Lingus faces charges over man who died at Dublin Airport warehouse in 2014
Boomtown Rats, condoms and unemployment: Memories of Dublin in the 70s and 80s
Pharmaceutical industry paid Irish doctors €3.7 million for "undisclosed" reasons in 2015
"A silence fell across this parish" - funeral takes place of pensioners found dead at home
Australian-owned lender upping its presence in Ireland's mortgage market
Bin company may stop collecting rubbish bags in Dublin for 'health and safety reasons'
How to save artworks in Iraq and Syria? Put them in the Louvre
More Samsung woes as 'exploding' washing machine leaves customer with broken jaw
All lit up - a sneak preview of Dublin's Christmas lightshow
Play remembers the "forgotten generation" of Irish men who emigrated to London
Seventy years ago today, the social history of Ireland began changing forever
Ever heard of Mizuna? This really useful green is easy to grow and will brighten up any salad bowl
Michael Kelly
Poll: Was the GRA right to call off the Garda strike?
Today's British tabloids are not one bit impressed with yesterday's Brexit decision
Almost 250 migrants, who were forced to sail at gunpoint, feared drowned in Mediterranean
Trailer Watch: Which movie should you go see this weekend?