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All time
"They were broken, full of blood" - four-year-old girl pricked by used syringe in Dublin
Environmentalists delighted after autism society cancels 'lethal' balloon release
'It's bananas!': Fury as funding pulled for Dublin cycling projects
Social media can bring out the worst in public mourning, says an expert on digital grief
Car crashed through fence at Dublin modular housing site, then set alight
Farmers and truckers blockading Calais in protest at migrant camp "The Jungle"
College can be the best time of your life - here's how to make the most of it
Jack Power
"It's not the kind of job you can do if you don't like getting up at night" - a day in the life of a Coast Guard pilot
Revered, reviled, misunderstood: Mother Teresa becomes a saint today
WATCH: Here's a sneak peek of Culture Night 2016
Gene Wilder starred as a dung-scooper in an Irish film that featured RTE's political correspondent
Noonan claims Apple ruling an "attack" on Ireland's corporate tax regime
"The picture did not change much" - father of drowned migrant toddler Aylan Kurdi speaks out
Wearing brown shoes with a suit could lose you a job in banking
Your immune system might be making you fat, major new Irish research suggests
Stranger Things is coming back for a second season next year
"The government needs its head examined" - should Ireland really throw €13 billion back in the EU's face?
"Impossible to comprehend" - Gardaí to search house where five family members died
"I felt absolutely dreadful; I couldn't talk" - Doctor misdiagnosed serious womb infection in 45-year-old mother of twins
What it takes to become Ireland's best young fishmonger...
Pictures: The Burning Man festival is host to some truly incredible works of art
From patching up wounds in south central LA, to bringing cutting-edge healthcare to Donegal
Ordinary Russians have all had their hot water shut off in an annual 'ritual shutdown'
This Siberian lake has just turned bright pink a couple of months early
James Reilly is selling his HUGE palatial mansion for €2.75 million
This Clare man's story of surviving a fall from the Cliffs of Moher is incredible
Flight from London to Belfast delayed after cabin crew get into heated row
Scrapping the USC could lead to an increase in property tax... of 600%
The average commuter adds 800 calories a week to their diet, a new report has found
Emergency landing at Cork Airport after plane reports smoke in the cockpit
Rose of Tralee stage invader was a ticket holder
North Korea has just gotten its own Netflix-type streaming service
A federal judge has struck down Obama's rules on transgender bathroom use
The Guinness Storehouse tracks all its TripAdvisor reviews - even the terrible ones
Pictures: 16 days and 975 medals later, the Rio Olympics went out with a bang
Waterford locals have started a movement to reclaim their city's streets
"I do have sympathy for Pat Hickey. A 71-year-old man being filmed naked isn't to my tastes"
Get out and about with our guide to the best of Heritage Week
"The eighth amendment hasn't been voted upon in my lifetime. That's long enough"
Someone has just worked out what the Irish ate for breakfast over 2,000 years ago