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All time
Watch: Locks changed in Clerys as shocked workers told all the jobs are gone
A giant toxic centipede made its way from the West Indies in a woman's dirty laundry
Poll: How do you feel about Irish beef?
'How does a five-year-old cow have BSE?' - Simon Coveney
The King of Instagram is running for President of the United States
Tired of expensive Kindle books? You're not the only one...
"The bills had been piling up - then this happened" - Dublin man who just picked up €500,000 in lottery win
18-year-old arrested after three men from same family injured in knife attack
You might want to buy some new airplane carry-on luggage...
The Irish woman who found her doppelganger has just found another one
"Catastrophic" - fish kill in Limerick river wipes out trout population
A woman who disappeared while scheduled for a caesarean section has been found alive and well
There's a new sex shop opening in Dublin next to a national school, and some people are not happy
'A carer, what is that?' I am a weight lifter. I am a nurse. I am a specialist. I am exhausted.
Geraldine Renton
Snack attack - how to keep hunger at bay when you're trying to be healthy
A woman was asked to pay the Dept. of Social Protection €105,000 after her mother died...
Man does a backflip and lands in a pair of trousers
This Nobel Prize winner just apologised for saying all women in laboratories cry when criticised
Eating lunch at your desk won't earn you brownie points with your boss...
Karen Frampton
These are the best craft beers in Ireland right now*
Man does the same dance routine at 100 different locations...
Student accommodation is an absolute disaster in this country – when will government respond?
Glenn Fitzpatrick
Poll: How healthy are your eating habits? (Be honest)
Animals come across a mirror in the wild and are mesmerised by their own reflections
Thousands of women are making friends with complete strangers because of a Dublin trio
Tenants' rights are being trampled on, but there's a lack of political will to help
Mick Byrne
"What a waste of your time" - Yes campaigner to person who doused his family's cars with acid
One Direction insist that they're not splitting up
Facebook defends not taking down video of screaming baby being dunked in water
Traffic restrictions and extra gardaí - it must be time for Ireland v England...
Poll: Can the ongoing Dunnes protests make any difference?
Corporations could start suing governments for ‘barriers’ to profit – will you accept this?
Matthew Wallis
Palace releases first official photographs of Princess Charlotte
THOUSANDS of protesters descend on Dunnes Stores HQ
Will I ever adjust to the fact that my mother is gone?
Claire Micks
A giant sinkhole ate this police car...
Growing your own food is a joyful experience – the smiles on these children's faces show it
Michael Kelly
Public sector workers shouldn't get disproportionate pay increases over everyone else
Aaron McKenna
Had enough of craft beer? Now it's time for craft Pepsi...
Desperate times? UTV sells off radio station Juice FM 'to cope with the mounting losses from UTV Ireland'