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All time
Baker who makes the best baguette in France is furious about being told he can't work on Sundays
Girl Scout sets up outside a marijuana clinic, sells hundreds of cookies in the process
Weird Wide Web: Kicking dogs, beating evil with love and testing you for STDs
Free GP care to young children sounds like a great idea... but is it really?
Yvonne O'Sullivan
This will help you clean up your Facebook news feed quickly
Here are all the psychological tricks restaurants use to make you spend more
This experiment proves that guys on Tinder may not be as bad as you think
Irish singles are loving this app that's like a modern version of Blind Date
5 apps worth downloading this week
Fifty shades of scarlet: Irish couples in their 20s are still embarrassed to talk about sex
There'll be no charging of your mobile when you're working for Ryanair
More details are emerging of Apple's plans to develop a car
There are no shades of grey around sexual consent
Clíona Saidléar
Apple is rolling out a small but important security update for messaging
Dreading Valentine's Day because you're single?
Rena Maycock
So, how many followers did you have when you died?
This man has been taking a photo of everything he touches... for the last 11 years
Google has a patent that will remove any bad smells from you
My daughter is clever, funny, and full of life. So why am I so worried about her future?
Laura Drumm
Stuck in a rut? Dreading Valentine's Day? Send us your questions...
"We don't go to China for anything": Irish business owners on why they are successful
Facebook begins addressing the question: What happens to your profile when you die?
'Once, I could see no way out of depression. But now I'm going to fight for my life'
The first Fifty Shades of Grey reviews are out and the critics are loving it
Hmmm... the Government is doing a LOT of investing in Irish Water
Apple is spending €750 million on one of the biggest solar energy farms in the world
Here's how you can get more out of your Chromecast
It's official: Australia is taking part in this year's Eurovision
Here's how you can make your internet experience that little bit safer
Ireland is one of the worst places in Europe to retire right now
Facebook launches free mobile internet service in India
First computers, then phones - now Apple is getting in on the car business
Are Samsung's Smart TVs really listening in on your conversations?
'I was raped. Legislating for abortion in rape cases wouldn't go far enough'
Opinion: As January drew to a close, so did hundreds of New Year’s diets
Ger Lowry
Take a break: Watch Hozier and Annie Lennox rock the Grammys with incredible mash up
Column: What is the key to a happy relationship?
Tony Moore
"God, I'd like to try that" - How Fifty Shades of Grey has led to a boom for sex shops
How is the new green Coke different from the rest?
To whom it may concern: There's a Late Late Show-themed bar in New York City