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All time
10 excellent long-lost words you should definitely start using again
Opinion: How to make your home (or business!) more efficient and green
James Hogan
We had 10 questions for the glitterbomb guy
Opinion: Postnatal depression filled me with an all-consuming, terrifying and explosive rage
Fiona Kennedy
This is what happens when kids and dogs see snow for the first time
Here's why people are sharing their first Facebook profile photos
YouTube videos taking too long to load up? This may make things more bearable
Opinion: 4 things to help you overcome burnout at work
Nicole Paulie
8 beloved snacks that changed for the worse
This interactive adventure story on Twitter is ingenious
Explainer: Why is your Irish Netflix so radically different to the US version?
Opinion: The CAO process can be daunting, so bear these tips in mind...
Richard Murphy
11 simple tips to help you combat the cold weather
Opinion: 'My daughter is happy. My daughter has two homes.'
Kellie Kearney
Study claims that being away from your iPhone could be making you stupid
Google Translate's next update will allow you to speak any language anywhere
14 sounds that will make you miss Ireland
Opinion: Enda and Co have done a great thing for the Irish people – they have made us aware.
Mark Farrell
The Most Annoying 'Would You Rather?' Quiz Ever
9 simple exercise tips even the laziest person can fit into their day
Saving photos on the cloud? Here's the easiest way to do it
Opinion: The Urban Outfitters ‘thigh gap’ ad sparked a rage in me – have we learned nothing?
Claire Micks
How Many Of These Common English Mistakes Do You Make?
12 people who understand the weirdness of all your friends getting engaged
How to: Get the most out of staff... by being nice to them
The 11 inevitable stages of getting sick in January
Opinion: The reverse culture shock of coming back to Ireland after years abroad
Kate O'Shaughnessy
5 apps worth downloading this week
Here's the right way to set a New Year's Resolution
Staying sober for January? Here are 7 activities for you to do 'on the dry'
Opinion: Islam must be treated like Christianity in Europe – accepted, revered and lambasted
Aaron McKenna
So far, the latest version of Android is only on a tiny number of devices
The Theory of Everything and Birdman lead BAFTA nominations
Opinion: Have we reached the beginning of the end for mental health stigma?
Dr Keith Gaynor
The new driverless Mercedes is mouth-watering, but is it the end of sports cars?
Irish cinema box office takings have fallen by one fifth in five years
8 struggles everyone who has tried online dating knows all too well
People are more likely to watch Minecraft on YouTube than Frozen or Beyoncé
Irish women are revealing their sexual fantasies for a new book
12 things we learned from the first episode of Red Rock