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Lorraine Higgins

All time
Three Labour ministers who lost their Dáil seats are going for the Seanad
'We can’t have a law that excludes things just because somebody’s offended'
I've seen more than my fair share of abuse online, but Lorraine Higgins' bill isn't the answer
Tom Murphy
Senator says cyberbullying bill could silence people like Mairia Cahill
Senator cracks down on cyberbullying after being told she'd be 'hatcheted in the face'
Senator told her head would be ripped off and shoved 'where the sun don't shine'
Does missing the Irish Water deadline mean no €100 grant? A lot of people weren't clear on Monday...
Investigation launched after thousands of personal documents found on side of road
A war of words has broken out between Fine Gael and Labour
A Labour senator thinks Ireland has become a lawless utopia in the past week
Labour Senator deletes Facebook page after being told she 'should have been aborted'
These Labour TDs and Senators think we should have another abortion referendum
'Hatchet' threat against MEP candidate to be examined --- Rabbitte
Senator: I was told I'd be hatcheted in the face as a way of murdering me
Dogfights, protests and predictions of a recount: Everything happening in Midlands North West
The politician parking scandal intensifies
MEP hopeful says she will report poster vandalism to gardaí
Rónán Mullen dancing to Pharrell and 5 other slightly odd campaign videos
Labour Senator's attack on election rival continues amid calls to withdraw 'sexist remark'
Labour European elections candidate: 'The EU isn't a retirement ground'
Here's who could run for Fine Gael in Ireland South now John Bryan has ruled himself out
Ulster Bank: petition calls for free banking until 2013
Women of the west urged to take first step into political life
Senator: Bank workers should be taught suicide awareness
President's husband among Taoiseach's 11 Seanad nominees
Daily Fix: Monday