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# Natasha O'Brien

30th June 2024
'Thank God for Natasha O'Brien': Taoiseach calls for zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence
Last week
23rd June 2024 - 29th June 2024
Natasha O'Brien calls for hate crime laws while speaking at Dublin's Pride festival
Taoiseach says people with convictions should be removed from the Defence Forces
McEntee says there's still 'so much work to do' after facing criticism from Natasha O'Brien
Natasha O'Brien receives standing ovation as she watched from Dáil public gallery
Last month
June 2024
Natasha O'Brien: 'I bared my soul, and was told I should be happy my attacker took a guilty plea'
Soldier who attacked woman has been formally told he likely faces dismissal from the military
Cathal Crotty, an army Private, was brought before a senior officer today and told that the military were making preparations to deal with him.
Justice Minister says she has 'consistently' seen sentencing for assaults that seem too lenient
Cathal Crotty case: Tánaiste says superior officer's statement to court was not a 'character reference'