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# New York Mets

Last week
16th June 2024 - 29th June 2024
Willie Mays, baseball legend and first Black player to captain a Major League side, dies aged 93
Willie Mays, baseball legend and first Black player to captain a Major League side, dies aged 93
All time
Mets and Marlins stage walk-off after 42 seconds of silence
Belfast-born Conlon set to become Ireland's first Major League Baseball player in 73 years
World champions hit form at the right time as Cubs clinch division
Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow on track to make MLB breakthrough
The Mets' season is over because their closer couldn't close
Right-hand haymaker sparks second base brawl between Rangers and Blue Jays
Paper thinks up 7 stunning puns for baseball headline, finds a way to cram in all of them
We never quit! Kansas City Royals win the World Series after another incredible comeback
There was late drama in Game 4 of the World Series last night
Syndergaard's pitch almost decapitates Escobar as the Mets get off the mark
The New York Mets have picked a terrible time for their pitchers to go missing
Records tumble as Royals outlast Mets to take World Series lead
Why baseball in Ireland could get a big boost from a Mets World Series win
Murphy & the Mets sweep the Cubs to reach the World Series
The Chicago Cubs' 107-year World Series dream is hanging by a thread
One of baseball's legendary names, Yogi Berra has died
Jerry Seinfeld on the link between baseball and comedy
50 Cent has something to say to everyone who made fun of his pitch
50 Cent threw the worst first pitch ever at a baseball game last night
A heartbreaking yet heartwarming story of tragic, young baseball fan meeting his heroes
Stadium chants 'U-S-A', sings 'Sweet Caroline' as Boston suspect arrested
Baseball player struck by 92mph fastball in 2005 makes Major League comeback
A dude called Homer Bailey bagged a no-hitter as the Cincinatti Reds edged Phillies
New York goes wild as Santana throws first no-hitter in Mets history
Party-pooping Yankees spoil Red Sox anniversary
Pitching masterclass helps Dodgers oust Padres
The Sunday Papers: some of the week’s best sportswriting
Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter dies at 57
Be my Valentine: Red Sox look to 'a new voice' for new manager
Historic Bill Buckner ball back in play
Lads on tour: Van Persie and Cesc get snap happy in New York City
Inside baseball: Mets owner lets down his guard
At news of bin Laden's death, "USA" chants erupt during Phillies-Mets game (and players have no idea why)
View from New York: biased and old-fashioned - but a lot of fun
What we learned this weekend ...
View from New York: Rich restores Buffalo's reputation
View from New York: the Mets' pyramid scheme collapses
View from the US: the war at home