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The former first minister was arrested today as part of an ongoing police investigation into the SNP’s finances. AP

Scotland's former leader Nicola Sturgeon released without charge after arrest

Sturgeon has said that she is innocent of any alleged wrongdoing involving her party’s finances.

LAST UPDATE | 11 Jun 2023

FORMER SCOTTISH FIRST Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said that she is innocent of any wrongdoing after being arrested today and released without charge as part of a police investigation into the Scottish National Party’s finances.

Sturgeon stated that this morning’s arrest was a “shock” to her and that she would “never do anything to harm either the SNP or the country”.

The Member of Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Southside stated on Twitter this evening that she is “grateful that so many people continue to show faith in me”.

The former first minister’s arrest came after her husband Peter Murrell was arrested in April.

“Obviously given the nature of this process I cannot go into detail,” Sturgeon continued.

“However, I do wish to say this, and to do so in the strongest possible terms. Innocence is not just a presumption I am entitled to by law. I know beyond doubt that I am in fact innocent of any wrongdoing.”

Sturgeon thanked her supporters, adding that she intends to “be back in Parliament soon where I will continue to represent my Glasgow Southside constituents to the best of my ability”. 

Sturgeon, “by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform”, a spokeswoman for the ex-first minister said.

“Nicola has consistently said she would co-operate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so,” she said.

Sturgeon’s husband Murrell and MSP Colin Beattie, who was SNP treasurer at the time of their arrest in April, were both released without charge pending further inquiry.

As well as the arrests, searches were carried out at a number of properties, including Murrell and Sturgeon’s home – where a police tent was erected in the garden – and SNP headquarters in Edinburgh.

The investigation – dubbed Operation Branchform – began in 2021.

It was opened after allegations £600,000 (€700,000) raised for campaigning towards Scottish independence was diverted elsewhere.

Sturgeon announced her resignation as first minister in February this year, saying it was not related to short-term pressures but because she knew in her “head and heart” the time was right to go.

Her husband stepped down as party chief executive during the leadership contest that followed.

Humza Yousaf succeeded Sturgeon as SNP leader and First Minister.

The SNP said Sturgeon has “consistently said” she would co-operate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so.

The spokesperson said the issues at hand are “subject to a live police investigation”.

“The SNP have been co-operating fully with this investigation and will continue to do so, however it is not appropriate to publicly address any issues while that investigation is ongoing.”

Rival parties also commented on the arrest, with Labour’s shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray saying: “This is a deeply concerning development and the Police Scotland investigation must be allowed to proceed without interference.

“For too long, a culture of secrecy and cover-up has been allowed to fester at the heart of the SNP.”

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: “It’s fair to say that today’s events will have huge ramifications both for the SNP and the future of Scottish politics.”

Sturgeon continues to be the MSP for Glasgow Southside.

Press Association