Save 50c a toll.
What is the M50 Video Account?
The M50 Video Account is for occasional users of the M50. This account pays your tolls automatically and at a lower rate than unregistered customers.
How do I know if the Video Account is right for me?
If you use the M50 toll at least twice a month and want to save money on your tolls, then this is the perfect account for you.
What’s the difference between a Video Account or a Tag Account?
A Tag Account is for more frequent users of the M50 and can be used at any toll station around Ireland. It also requires a tag to be placed inside your car and has a monthly tag rental fee charged to your account.
What are the benefits of an M50 Video Account?
With the M50 Video Account you can avail of the following benefits:
Save 50 cent on every M50 toll journey you make
No next day deadline
You can prepay or postpay your tolls
No admin fees to set up or maintain your account
You can manage your account easily online
How do I pay for my tolls with the M50 Video Account?
Easily, we have two great options:
You can either top up your account when need be, or you can bundle all your toll charges together into a single payment that will be charged monthly on your registered payment method.
eFlow / YouTube
How do I sign up?
Click HERE to sign up for an M50 Video Account today!
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