MSc in Marketing – part time
The MSc in Marketing has been specifically designed with the needs of current and future marketing professionals and managers in mind.
Who is the course for?
The course is aimed at those seeking to advance their studies and/or professional career in marketing and its related fields.
What can I expect?
The course will equip you with a comprehensive understanding of key foundations of the marketing discipline as well as providing you with a detailed understanding of the contemporary marketplace. In addition you will learn how to apply the latest marketing theory and practice in an increasingly complex digital marketing environment.
The programme comprises of preeminent marketing related disciplines such as integrated marketing communications, brand management, postmodern marketing and digital marketing strategy and thus caters for multinational organisations, indigenous SME initiatives and entrepreneurial enterprises.
The ethos of this programme works in tandem with industry, ensuring that graduates are competent, well versed marketers. Graduates will possess the latest comprehensive knowledge and application skills necessary to develop and drive successful enterprises.
The programme offers students real insight and skills as to how to plan and execute marketing campaigns and strategies in actual organisations, enabling our graduates to enter management roles hitting the ground running.
Block teaching provides the opportunity for more in-depth development of knowledge within modules. An applied approach to teaching is used within the programme with lectures interspersed with exercises, use of case study analysis, group activities in class, debate on contemporary issues as well as independent learning.
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