Coping with a changed reality is tough, says Jigsaw’s Mike Mansfield.
As The National Centre for Youth Mental Health, Jigsaw supports young people, parents and educators across the country. On March 12, Jigsaw temporarily shut down all of its face-to-face services, and began work on a transformed set of services, to ensure its vital work could continue in line with social distancing guidelines.
The transformation was a combined effort, says Mike Mansfield, Director of Communications and Fundraising for Jigsaw. “Our team came together from our own homes on March 12, and within seven days we had a new plan ready to be rolled out.”
There’s been plenty of support from the charity’s partners at Lidl Ireland, too. “Lidl is really helping us to get the message about these new services out there,” says Mansfield. They’ve been incredible, as always.”
If you have young people in your house, it’s worth being mindful of the challenges they may be facing right now – and accessing Jigsaw’s services if needed. Mansfield outlines some of the biggest concerns young people have been sharing with his team over the last few weeks:
1. Loss of control
“This has always been a common theme but it’s more magnified right now with the confusion of school closures and people being stuck at home, plus a constant stream of news updates.”
2. Lack of independence
“This is one that everyone of all ages is struggling with. There’s a feeling of being stuck or locked in, and a realisation that you can’t spend time in person with friends, a boyfriend or a girlfriend.”
3. Lack of structure
“For secondary school and college students, this is a big issue. Suddenly they’re out of their normal daily routines and are trying to keep up with work from home.”
4. Family conflict
“Relationships have always been a theme in the conversations we have with young people, but right now, conflict with parents or siblings is especially amplified.”
5. Financial concerns
“This one can hit hard for young people, as they see parents being made redundant or facing uncertainty around work. They’re feeling concern for their parents, which can lead to huge personal anxiety.” is offering a revised range of services based on the current Covid-19 crisis, including a freephone helpline at 1800 544 729, email support, group chats and more.
Lidl Ireland has been a partner of Jigsaw since 2018, with over €500,000 raised to date. Together with its sponsorship partner, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association (LGFA), Lidl Ireland is encouraging young people, parents and educators to be mindful of their mental health and to access the services at as needed.
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