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open newsroom

Open Newsroom invitation: The EU frontline against Russian disinformation

Get involved with our reporting on disinformation by signing up for our Open Newsroom webinar.

THE GOOD INFORMATION Project invites you to get involved with our reporting on misinformation and disinformation in the online age. 

You can now register for our free Open Newsroom webinar ‘The EU frontline against Russian disinformation,’ featuring a panel discussion and Q&A session with experts Aoife Gallagher, disinformation analyst with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Tommaso Canetta, deputy director of Pagella Politica, an Italian fact-checking outlet and co-ordinator of the fact-checking activities inside EDMO, and The Journal FactCheck reporter Brianna Parkins.

The session promises to be an invaluable look not only at the macro approaches to stopping disinformation taken by the European Union, but also a helpful primer on what individuals can do to identify and combat disinformation in their own personal sphere. 

The discussion will be moderated by The Journal deputy editor Christine Bohan. 

The Open Newsroom will take place at 1pm on Wednesday, April 20 and you can register for free now at this link.

This work is also co-funded by Journal Media and a grant programme from the European Parliament. Any opinions or conclusions expressed in this work are the author’s own. The European Parliament has no involvement in nor responsibility for the editorial content published by the project. For more information, see here

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