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All time
Some Junior Cert students played CD for Irish Leaving Cert aural exam
In pictures: Irish fans head for Poland by plane, trains and automobile
Quinner, Aldo and Dunphy on tin whistle: The latest Ireland Euro 2012 song
Poland v Greece, Euro 2012
LIVEBLOG: Euro 2012, day 1
Health Minister receives report on location for Children's Hospital
UN observers reach town of reported massacre
Ceann Comhairle asks committee to investigate impact of Wallace's tax affairs
Lenders following arrears guidelines from Keane Report, says Central Bank
In pictures: Van trapped after road suddenly caves in
Rabbitte denies 'calling in newspaper editors' to complain about coverage
Nato apologises for the death of Afghan civilians in air strike
David Cameron to address Leveson inquiry next week
Happy ending: Irish fan’s forgotten tickets will make it to Poland after all
Two elderly pensioners injured in Tuam aggravated burglary
Trap says "never say never... after six games maybe the dream comes true"
Brussels and Berlin: 'No news' on potential Spanish request for bailout
The 20 countries with the highest probability of default
Preview: Avoid front row woes and we will run the All Blacks very close
945 household charge payments returned - because they didn't include €13 late fee
UEFA aware of racist incidents, no Dutch complaint
Water charges waiver system proposed for low-income households
Bomb targeting government bus in Pakistan kills 18
TDs to Wallace: ‘Pay up using whatever resources you have’
5 properties to view in... Dublin 15
Poll: Should Mick Wallace resign?
On a wing and a prayer: what each team hopes, expects and faces in Poland and Ukraine
Arrest warrant issued for internet troll who threatened UK MP
Facebook app store goes live today
Technical group TDs: 'Massive difference' between Wallace's actions and household charge boycott
Piglet Versus Stairs Video of the Day
Carers using respite grant to pay bills, rather than for actual respite
Summer Tour Diary: Tweets from Amy and McFadden orders an ‘Irish coffee’
Search for 14 people aboard lost helicopter in Peru
Music site urges users to change password in latest breach - has yours been leaked?
CERN admits: Einstein was right - neutrinos don't travel faster than light
'Worst day ever': Leaving Cert students react to English Paper Two
Our 'sounder temperament' can take us past Croatia, says Dunphy