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More than 1 million sign petition to rerun EU referendum

A petition has also been launched calling for London to break away from the rest of the UK.

referendum UK Parliament UK Parliament

MORE THAN 1 million people have signed a petition to have a second referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU.

This comes after Thursday’s vote which saw the British public decide 51.9% to 48.1% to exit the union.

Since the result became apparent yesterday morning doubt has been cast over the future of the UK.

The immediate fallout has seen calls by the SNP in Scotland for another vote on independent from the United Kingdom, and Sinn Féin requesting a border poll in Northern Ireland.

The petition was started by William Oliver Healey and states:

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.

Turnout in the vote hit 72.2% – a high point not surpassed in a general election since 1992 – but below the three-quarters coverage suggested by Healey.

voter turnout How voter turnout has looked in the UK over the past 60 years

For a petition to go before the UK’s parliament it only requires 100,000 signatures.

The petition will now be considered by the Petitions Committee which is due to sit again on Tuesday.

Another petition has also been set up calling for London – which voted heavily in favour of remaining in the EU – to declare itself independent of the UK and apply to rejoin the politico-economic union.

The petition on has been started by James O’Malley and states:

London is an international city, and we want to remain at the heart of Europe.
Let’s face it – the rest of the country disagrees. So rather than passive aggressively vote against each other at every election, let’s make the divorce official and move in with our friends on the continent.
This petition is calling on Mayor Sadiq Khan to declare London independent, and apply to join the EU – including membership of the Schengen Zone (umm, we’ll talk about the euro…).

Read: ‘Brexit is a huge opportunity – it’s not a day for people to panic’

Also: “A vote for selfishness”: The battle of millennials and Brexit-voting boomers

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    Mute Jinny Joe
    Favourite Jinny Joe
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:40 PM

    What is the likelihood of another referendum? We know it can be done or is that just an Irish thing?

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    Mute The Oracle of Delphi
    Favourite The Oracle of Delphi
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:48 PM

    Apparently the ‘millenial’ generation are up in arms that their future has been sold down the river, by oldies who will be dead in a few years anyway. So their opinion does not count.
    Bare in mind of course, that only 30% of 18-25 year olds could be bothered getting off their ar$es to vote.
    Millenials in these uncertain times perhaps it’s a good idea to retreat into your ‘safe space’.

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:49 PM

    Our political and capitalist class is weak and so takes its marching orders from Europe and so we were made to vote again on Nice and Lisbon when we gave the wrong answer initially. The British capitalist class is much stronger and follows the U.S lead not Europes. Its also split on whether big capital is best served inside or outside the E.U. So it’s very unlikely there will be another vote.

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    Mute Karl Haycock
    Favourite Karl Haycock
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:50 PM

    Just an Irish thing under a quango government who act like spoiled children when their told “No”.

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    Mute James Darcy
    Favourite James Darcy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:00 PM

    Regardless of your opinion on the outcome it’s hardly democracy at its finest when the conservatives got into government with less than 30% of the vote. Then call a referendum where the effects will last decades and under 35 voted 60% to remain.

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    Mute Darragh O'Connell
    Favourite Darragh O'Connell
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:02 PM

    It’s not a legally binding referendum. BoJo et al think that they’ve a stronger hand in any negotiations and that a second referendum can be carried out if they got a favourable deal

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:04 PM

    Were you calling for the British GE to be rerun on the basis that the Tories only got around 24% of the vote? Or were you perfectly happy with the democratic deficit until Brexit happened?

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    Mute The Oracle of Delphi
    Favourite The Oracle of Delphi
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:05 PM

    ‘Then call a referendum where the effects will last decades and under 35 voted 60% to remain.’

    If it was so essential for their future, well then perhaps the turnout would have been higher. The fact that it was only in around 30% suggests that most of the youth have higher priorities.
    Glastonbury and the football.

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    Mute ben
    Favourite ben
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:05 PM

    I think England should have a vote on should we leave the planet.

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    Mute JustMade Ireland
    Favourite JustMade Ireland
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:07 PM

    I think it will happen anyone see Boris Johnson he is all ways loud speaks out every were he didn’t even give 1 min of time when leaving his home , this is his and the peoples day of victorty most would of even raised there hands or said today is a great day for the UK or what ever… Just ran to his car and gave a half hearten speech, Cameron resigned because dose,nt want to be the one to take UK back to the EU.

    The EU is a bully it left its roots behind in favor of control, power and greed, they have destroy the life’s of so many, do any research most only joined because they where threaten and scared into it even when they tired leaving the same.

    It should go back to these roots of fare trade and travel, where we work and play together but go home to our own house with our own rules.

    And the UK with other members could bring this to all.

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    Mute ben
    Favourite ben
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:07 PM

    If the have a second vote. Nobody should ever vote again..

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    Mute For Connolly
    Favourite For Connolly
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:08 PM

    @ Darragh “It’s not a legally binding referendum”

    While it’s not legally binding, I don’t think there has ever been a referendum result in the UK that the British government has not implemented.

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    Mute John Cassin
    Favourite John Cassin
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:12 PM

    @Wally. Name one successful socialist or Communist country or economy.

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    Mute For Connolly
    Favourite For Connolly
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:20 PM

    @ John, you should try to avoid conflating socialism with communism. It smacks of a person who has no idea what they’re talking about.

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:21 PM


    You know as well as I do that Wally will never answer that question. He runs away when the questions get tough. Sometimes he may say he already answered it or you are too dim to understand. Either way don’t expect an answer

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:21 PM

    @ John Cassin

    Wally is really, really bad at the “Name one..” game.

    Two days ago, he tried to claim the economies of the 1950s US, Japan, Germany and Australia were socialist.

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    Mute Mick Hannigan
    Favourite Mick Hannigan
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:23 PM

    Jinny joe, is there a need for another referendum is a real question, I am not expect on this like the majority of people on here, but am I right in saying the UK is a member of the EEA, which in turn gives them the right to trade across the EU and Stoke up their own trade deals which can be better then the rules around the eu trade, also the limits on trade will be lifted on let’s say agricultural and fisheries etc, also gives the right to travel, if this is the case there is no need for referendums etc, the boots then take coneflower the economy also reducing the cooperation tax etc making the UK a very strong economy, If that is the case why would the UK want to stay or any other country for that matter, All we need is trade agreements we don’t need to be run by Brussels / germany

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    Mute Tim O'Brien
    Favourite Tim O'Brien
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:24 PM

    What a bunch of clowns, they had their chance and blew it. We already know how many voted to remain in do we need a petition to remind us or something?

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:26 PM

    Mick if they strike up the EFTA deal like Norway and Swiss they will still have to follow eu laws put in place and will have no voting rights. Then the leave side just becomes the side that wanted to make UK weaker all whilst still having to pay into the EU and obey the EU

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    Mute paul kielty
    Favourite paul kielty
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:27 PM

    So big capital is split as to whether access to free market and cheap labour of about 360 million people is a good thing or not. Can you explain why big capital would think this is a bad thing?

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    Mute Mick Hannigan
    Favourite Mick Hannigan
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:32 PM

    Aaron, question, would you consider Norway and Swiss weaker? Don’t think so, I think the UK need to really look at this before they go back to the poles, I would be of the belief that many of the eu countries would rather go back to the times of the eec and take control of there counties back, every country wants to trade, the problem to me is the dictatorship of the eu, time will tell in anyway,

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:32 PM


    Wally gets confused when he can’t copy and paste answers. A week or so ago his solution to the housing problem was for the government to issue bonds to raise the cash. A wonderful idea considering the AAA don’t want to repay bondholders. Then he wanted to use the credit union’s funds for mortgages without bothering to consider the people who’s savings the money actually belonged to.

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:32 PM

    Me? I think joining the EFTA is stupid as they keep all the things the leave side hate all while having no say. I supported remain

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:36 PM

    Mick, if they strike up a Norway style deal, they keep what the leave side hates payment into eu, all eu laws with no representation. Yes of course it make them weaker. It would basically be the leave camp campaigning solely to take away uk vote in eu. Not much more in that case

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:38 PM

    I agree with you that most countries would want that. But if they joined the EFTA there would still be freedom of movement, paying into eu and obeying eu laws all without voting rights. It doesn’t make sense to leave EU for that. I hope they can strike up a deal allowing them access to one market and movement of people whilst retaining sovereignty. I do agree with you Mick.

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    Mute Mick Hannigan
    Favourite Mick Hannigan
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:43 PM

    Maybe that’s acceptable to pay into the market and the gain is you control your country, it could be a small cost to control your own destiny?

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:44 PM


    Norway has the oil reserves to be self sufficient . Switzerland has built up a financial services industry which supports their economy and it is geographically located far better for commerce than the UK. It’s not a balanced comparison to compare GB to these countries

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:46 PM

    You don’t really control your own country Mick since you obey eu law while having no voting rights

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:51 PM

    John Cassin,

    You understand that until capitalism established itself globally as the dominant socioeconomic model, there was no nation which could be help up as successful examples of that system? If humanity was to wait for examples of perfectly formed solutions to our problems then we would still be living in caves as tasty snacks for super predators.

    In reality socialism is working all around you in every developed nation in the world. It’s manifested in universal health and education, public housing, social welfare system, 40 hour working week, public pensions, minimum wage etc etc. All the most civilized aspects of modern society are socialist in nature. None of these concessions were gifted by the capitalist class. They were fought for and won over centuries of struggle by the working class.

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    Mute tommy macdonagh
    Favourite tommy macdonagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:57 PM

    if only people would support ye wally imagine all the good ye could do with your layabout welfare utopia :D

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:08 PM

    Can you post up the Journal link where I apparently “tried to claim the economies of the 1950s US, Japan, Germany and Australia were socialist.” ?

    Take your time now like a good lad.

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:10 PM

    Can you post up the Journal link where apparently my “solution to the housing problem was for the government to issue bonds to raise the cash.” ?

    Take your time now like a good lad.

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    Mute Rab Mac Aonghusa
    Favourite Rab Mac Aonghusa
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:10 PM

    Check what quango means before using it in a sentence again.

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    Mute tommy macdonagh
    Favourite tommy macdonagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:12 PM

    your having a tough time of it today wally :D

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:14 PM


    Does that mean you are denying you posted it?

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:18 PM

    You made the accusation Nick. Now post up the evidence like a good lad. Quick sharp now.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:22 PM

    Here it is Wally

    Comment at 1:08pm, on Thursday.

    When challenged to name one country that has succeeded using your fantasy Wally-nomics, you said –

    “Here they are again in case you missed it. They are U.S., Japan, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Sweden etc etc.”

    All market based capitalist societies.

    You also tried to claim that 2% unemployment was “full employment” , and not the 5% level which the above countries currently have.

    Again – you were literally making stuff up.

    Here’s the link confirming just how wrong you are on that too –

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:27 PM

    And precisely nowhere in those comments did I claim that those nations were socialist:

    What I did in fact say was:

    “Where did I claim that the post war US, Japan, Sweden, Australia, NZ etc were socialist? Those nations were largely following the social democratic model and used their monetary freedom to pursue and achieve a policy of full employment which resulted in prosperity for large sections of their people for around 3 decades.”

    Now stop spoofing like a good lad. You’re embarrassing yourself and all establishment mouthpieces.

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    Mute tommy macdonagh
    Favourite tommy macdonagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:30 PM

    tragic wally, just tragic :D

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    Mute Neil Mcdonough
    Favourite Neil Mcdonough
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:31 PM

    That was a well expressed comment Wally. Like the devils greatest acheivement is having convinced people he doesn’t exist, the rights greatest acheivement is convincing everyone that the problems they are creating are caused by the left. Still don’t agree about Brexit though because for me a European wide left on a European stage is where it’s at.

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:33 PM

    I’ve just noticed also that Brinster and Nick often appear on the same thread as a sort of inept neoliberal tag team.
    Brinster/Nick, Are you in fact the same person?

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:33 PM

    Wally, You telling porky pies again? I see you only stick your neck out when a fashionable political topic comes to the fore. No sign of you when it was reported that the Deliveroo workers were getting shafted. What marching orders are you shiting on about? Any thoughts on the substantial investment the EU has made in Ireland over the years or the benefits of free movement of people, services and goods. I Thought the AAA would be all for free trade and movement? And im sure you understand the benefits of country’s trading and the contribution that makes to peace and prosperity? Or maybe its all about closed borders, look after your own, forget that we lived in a globalised and lets be socialists in our own little part of the world.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:34 PM

    You used the US and Japan as examples of successful countries who have followed the economic nonsense you preach.

    It’s there for all to see in black and white.

    So here’s your chance to put the record straight.

    Name a successful country that has followed Wallynomics?

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:35 PM

    Mick, Norway has to pay a substantial membership fee to be part of the single market but has no power or influence over the legistation that governs it.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:36 PM

    “Brinster/Nick, Are you in fact the same person?”


    Stop stalling.

    Once and for all – name a successful Wallynomics country.

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:36 PM

    Mick what control are you on about. The UK will still habe to dance to the EUs tune if they want to sell on what is one of the biggest markets on the planet. If anything they are losing control, not gaining it

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:40 PM

    You should just stop digging now Brinster as I’m nearly feeling sorry for you myself.

    Here’s another comment of mine from the article:

    “Most of the developed industrial nations (U.S., Japan, Germany, and Australia etc etc etc) pursued and achieved full employment from after WWII until the 1970s. Since then we’ve had the neoliberal era which is reversing all of the gains made by the majority labour class during the post war boom. This is an ideological choice which serves the interest of capital.”

    Now I’ll ask you again you pitiful establishment mouthpiece. Please point out where I claimed any of those nations were socialist.

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    Mute pat seery
    Favourite pat seery
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:42 PM

    They will when Boris is in charge Imean B………..ks

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    Mute John Cassin
    Favourite John Cassin
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:50 PM

    @ for Connelly. From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

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    Mute Mick Hannigan
    Favourite Mick Hannigan
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:19 PM

    Aaron, you are only agreeing to trade law, which in fairness is not just in the Eu, it’s world wide, you don’t have voting rights with Asia, USA, Russia, etc, the more I look at it from the other side the more I tend to agree with leaving the eu, I also think many countries will follow soon,

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    Mute Mick Hannigan
    Favourite Mick Hannigan
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:22 PM

    Nick, don’t think there Could ever be a like for like with countries but what have the UK got that Norway and Swiss haven’t,? It can’t be all negative there has to be a plus,

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    Mute Charles Martel
    Favourite Charles Martel
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:15 PM

    Typical lefties, – throwing their toys out of the pram when they don’t get what they want.
    Democracy has spoken.

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    Mute Gone Feisin
    Favourite Gone Feisin
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:15 PM

    Should hold a petition to not hold another referendum, should get more votes!

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    Mute John Brennan
    Favourite John Brennan
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:27 PM

    @James I agree First Past the Post is not very fair but the UK public voted down the option to change to a PR type system in the 2011 referendum.

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    Mute Tony Skillington
    Favourite Tony Skillington
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:44 PM

    Whatever the result, it stands as it is. The people were given an opportunity to vote and they did..a second vote to obtain the ‘correct answer’ is an affront to democracy. FF did it to us with Lisbon and we foolishly allowed it through instead of ramming it down their necks.

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    Mute Mark Jones
    Favourite Mark Jones
    Jun 25th 2016, 5:11 PM

    What responsibilities do 18 to 25′s have or weighing up the pro’s & con’s of being in the EU.

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    Mute Bobby wilson
    Favourite Bobby wilson
    Jun 25th 2016, 7:13 PM

    Sorry wally irish people in the 26 county state have rejected socialism since the foundation of the state.. its called democracy something socialists find hard to except..

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    Mute Paudi Onail
    Favourite Paudi Onail
    Jun 25th 2016, 7:18 PM

    so with the likes of YouGov claiming their Age stats, how do they know the voters age? Is there an Age section on the polling card? I would think older people are not exactly fond of heavy rain, so what goes?

    It comes as no surprise, the sheer arrogance of the liberal youth today anyway who have the nerve and disrespect for older peoples ‘experienced’ opinion calling them racist? Its also selfish to forget about the working class as well just because all you can think about is money and hanging out in London.

    There’s another voice out there other than your own, respect it and put your ‘casual race’ card in the bin. Theres more to this than immigration but I guess it’s the only game you can play to downplay the Leave vote.

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    Mute Shawn O'Ceallaghan
    Favourite Shawn O'Ceallaghan
    Jun 25th 2016, 8:33 PM

    17.4 million voted to leave …..

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    Mute Rob O'Brien
    Favourite Rob O'Brien
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:37 PM

    The infantilisation of west encapsulated in one, infantile petition.

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    Mute Rowe
    Favourite Rowe
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:39 PM
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    Mute UndieGrundy
    Favourite UndieGrundy
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:45 PM

    Exactly. And half of them probably aren’t UK citizens in the first place. Now they want an independent London as the result didn’t go the way they wanted? Moronic. infantile.

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    Mute Jason Culligan
    Favourite Jason Culligan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:51 PM

    Let them form an independent London. They’ll soon find out why the concept of the City State died off in the 1800′s.

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    Mute Welshhibby
    Favourite Welshhibby
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:59 PM

    These people don’t like democracy, they should stop moaning and get over it.

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    Mute Enda Knight
    Favourite Enda Knight
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:37 PM

    Well it’s been done before. Remember the Lisbon treaty. Ah well now, you must have misunderstood something so we will go back to the polls until we get the right result. It’s worth a bash !

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    Mute RandomAct Of Kindnes
    Favourite RandomAct Of Kindnes
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:06 PM

    Someone should setup a petition to say a 2nd Referendum cannot be called!! Let’s see how many signatures that will get. IF (and thats a big IF) there is a 2nd Referendum and more people Voted to Stay in the EU. Can they be allowed to have a 3rd Referendums? Best of 3 and all that.

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    Mute Ger Comings
    Favourite Ger Comings
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:13 PM

    NY City and State, JC?

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    Mute John Considine
    Favourite John Considine
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:16 PM

    I’m wondering what will happen when the penny drops and people start to realise that the only way Britain can now get a Bloc-wide agreement with the EU is to sign-up to a Norway-style agreement, ceding all the sovereignty they just voted to take back, particularly as regards the movement of people and compliance with all the EU regulations they don’t like. And they won’t even have a vote on what those regulations will be anymore.

    The alternative is 50+ bilateral agreements and even if these all of these could be implemented in anything short of a decade (which seems unlikely) Britain will still lose things that only the EU can provide, such as the Financial Passport that every foreign bank sets up in London to benefit from.

    Right now the prevailing sense of the English public is that they can negotiate all of this back in their favour. It will be really interesting when they realise they can’t and that they’ve been lied to.

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    Mute Keith Richardson
    Favourite Keith Richardson
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:38 PM

    The eu will rightly make an example of the UK and offer no such deals. Strangely it appears that some of those who benefit most from the eu voted to leave (e.g. rural communities). Speaking with friends in the UK, they feel this was a vote fueled by ignorance and racism. Which is a sorry state of affairs.

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    Mute Ed Kavanagh
    Favourite Ed Kavanagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:03 PM

    Rightly make an example? Who gonna do that. The unelected 5 presidents who you can’t even name without Google. Laughable. The mere idea just proves the point that we don’t need friends like that. Let them try and it will just confirm to the ever increasing number of exiters that the EU is not about democracy at all. Everyday more and more people realise it and none of your waffle will change that. EU is now a Zombie federation and good riddance. Anyway it will all be sorted soon enough when the bailouts start again and more exit follows soon afterwards. I voted out. I am Irish. I am well educated and not racist. Put your dummie back in and suck it up. How dare you question the democratic decision of the people. Go live in China or North Korea where your opinion will fit right in. The majority of people are very pleased. That’s how it works. Joker.

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    Mute John Considine
    Favourite John Considine
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:29 PM

    So tell us how this will work in your mind then Ed.

    Are the UK going to sign a new trade agreement with the EU? If so then can you explain how this could possibly be different the the existing template of the agreement with Norway, for example?

    If it’s not difference can you explain the benefits of having to comply with EU laws in order to trade with the EU as a non-member vs those same regulations applying as a member nation?

    If the UK are going to start negotiating individual bilateral agreements how do you propose this could be accomplished in a reasonable time frame? Also, while we’re on topic, could you perhaps explain why the terms of all of these deals will be better than the terms offered by trading within the Single Market?

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    Mute UndieGrundy
    Favourite UndieGrundy
    Jun 25th 2016, 5:41 PM

    @John. Norway too want a referendum on free movement. So, even the Norwat style agreement may fall apart. Europe has to be redrawn on free movement.

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    Mute Rob O'Brien
    Favourite Rob O'Brien
    Jun 25th 2016, 7:44 PM

    John you are assuming that the EU is in any way insulated from how Britain performs post leave, the fact is that if they nail Britain to the cross over this in a tantrum, the economic blow-back of Britain taking a hit will be devastating.
    Britain to Europe is like an even bigger version of the banks-in or out- it’s too big to fail.

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    Mute John Considine
    Favourite John Considine
    Jun 25th 2016, 8:49 PM

    I don’t think they should or will “nail Britain to the cross” in the withdrawal negotiations. But the reality will still be that what’s left of the UK will have to comply with free movement and market regs if they want to have a bloc deal with the EU. This is the same for everyone else who wants to sell here, you don’t get to withdraw from the common market and then trade with it on better terms than member states. You’d have to be mad to offer that and so it won’t be offered.

    So what now is my question?

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    Mute Pat Lennon
    Favourite Pat Lennon
    Jun 25th 2016, 10:09 PM

    That,John Considine ,is if they only want to trade with Europe . Instead of the fest of the world. And just watch EU countries queue up to trade with them.

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    Mute Dj
    Favourite Dj
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:44 PM

    Apparently a million people don’t believe in democracy. 17 million voted to leave,suck it up and deal with it. Or go live in North Korea.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:55 PM

    “Democracy” doesn’t mean deciding something once and then never, ever considering the question again.

    That’s why we have elections at least once every 5 years.

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    Mute UndieGrundy
    Favourite UndieGrundy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    Yes, but not 2 days after a result.

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:08 PM

    It’s still democracy.

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    Mute Oh Sheeple Stand Up
    Favourite Oh Sheeple Stand Up
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:02 PM

    @Brinster Could you explain that to all the anti-lifers like Tommy et al who are emphathically opposed to another referendum to one that was held 30 years ago

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    Jun 25th 2016, 2:16 PM

    I have to say I find it quite ironic waking up this morning and looking through social media feeds to find that there are now thousands of “leftists” wanting to submit a petition to have a second referendum in the UK because the vote didn’t go their way. It’s almost fascist to want to repeal a democratic vote.

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    Mute Do the Bort man
    Favourite Do the Bort man
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:26 PM

    Brinster, an election is very different. Its not like we’re going to vote on same sex marriage every 5 years.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:30 PM

    @ Do the Bort man

    Why is an election different? Because you say so?

    The Swiss hold 5-10 referendums each year.

    The solution is more democracy, not less.

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:05 PM

    Ye they can suck it up and when Scotland votes to out of the UK the people who voted out of the EU will watch the democratic process break up their United Kingdom #SwingsAndRoundabouts

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    Mute Do the Bort man
    Favourite Do the Bort man
    Jun 25th 2016, 6:48 PM

    Brinster, what are you talking about? Referendums in Ireland are used to change our constitution. The results of these referendums are binding for an infinite period of time. Elections are uses to elect representatives for a finite period of time, i.e. the maximum length of a Dail term is 5 years, after which, legally another election must be called. People vote in referendum, and an election, but thats where the similarities end, and it’s not because I say so it’s because our constitution says so.

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    Mute Paudi Onail
    Favourite Paudi Onail
    Jun 25th 2016, 7:21 PM

    the young liberals would try to argue their way out of a bin for a chip. then you see artists and musicians making stuff to gain recognition, union jacks with sad faces, tears and such. always the opportunists eh. yawn.

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    Mute fiachra29
    Favourite fiachra29
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:47 PM

    I’d really like to know how many people who signed that petition, didn’t even bother voting in the referendum in the first place.

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    Mute Critical_Thinker
    Favourite Critical_Thinker
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:16 PM

    Of even how many of them are actually British. I’ve seen Italian and Spanish friends of mine sharing it.

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:40 PM

    I’m with the Rubberbandits on this.

    They tweeted yesterday -

    “Every democracy deserves a second chance to try it again if the result of their decision looks like a sick dog. That’s life”

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:44 PM

    Maybe they were referring to the huge mistake (for the majority ) we made when we joined the Euro monetary trap?

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    Mute Beachmaster
    Favourite Beachmaster
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:57 PM

    I can think of at least 17 million people who couldn’t give a flying fcuk what some Irish guy who puts on an exaggerated flat Limerick accent, while wearing a plastic bag on his head thinks!

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    Mute James Darcy
    Favourite James Darcy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:04 PM

    Wally I see you commenting here and we have let you spin your garbage but now it’s affecting real lives and I’m not putting up with your lies again. Yes the euro failed but coming out of it leads to more issues. We need to evolve not dismantle the entire thing.

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:10 PM

    And what are your proposing to do exactly about my comments here James?

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    Mute tommy macdonagh
    Favourite tommy macdonagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:27 PM

    wally is great, a gift that keeps on giving, read a marxs book, hates the world but yet still fells compelled to lecture all those of us he hates. your sir are a hoot :D

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    Mute Motherofdivinejebus
    Favourite Motherofdivinejebus
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:42 PM

    And yourself Tommy?
    The amount of bile,baiting, innuendos that you espouse on a daily basis has the journal commentators flocking to every article to see your pearls of wisdom……..
    you sir are the definition of the word “hoot” there are a few other words to describe you, but none would be allowed to be written on the journal.

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    Mute For Connolly
    Favourite For Connolly
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:47 PM

    Ah, tommys always good for a chuckle. Last week he called me a shinner in response to a post where I was taking an opposing position to Sinn Fein. Classic!

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:51 PM


    I am with you in that. Sometimes I think Wally may have a point but he constantly undermines his own arguments when he posts complete rubbish. I wouldn’t call them lies as I don’t believe he has the intellect to actually understand the topics he tries to post about. The way to shut him up is to ask him simple questions which he refuses to answer. Then everyone can see him for the fool he is. At least when you ask questions he tends to run and hide

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    Mute tommy macdonagh
    Favourite tommy macdonagh
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:51 PM

    are you looking forward to the border going back up shinnerbot? :D

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:54 PM

    Strangely Nick, there’s no sign of James since I asked the question above:

    Were you calling for the British GE to be rerun on the basis that the Tories only got around 24% of the vote? Or were you perfectly happy with the democratic deficit until Brexit happened?

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    Mute James Darcy
    Favourite James Darcy
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:34 PM

    I wanted a lib dem and labour coalition the previous time out because that’s what the electorate wanted. I was a Europe that raises the social floor and that it has succeeded in doing since it was created. You claim to be socialist but are willing dismantle all that has been created to help these people. Your only example is the bank guarantee. Educate yourself and genuinely ask yourselves are we better outside of Europe. It’s a definite no.

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:07 PM

    Wally you went very quiet when I mentioned EU investment in Ireland and free trade and movement of people in Europe. Good man yourself!

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    Mute Al Ca
    Favourite Al Ca
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:44 PM

    Well, how about that….a million people don’t like democracy.
    I suppose if the ‘remain’ side won and the leave people organised a petition, the remain side would be calling them condescending names and jeering them for not liking democracy.

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    Mute tjrm
    Favourite tjrm
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:04 PM

    Actually that muppet Farage had said before the referendum that if the remain side won by 52% to 48% he would be calling for a second referendum as that would be too close of a result to base a decision on.

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    Mute Zaphods Other Head
    Favourite Zaphods Other Head
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:51 PM

    London could join us as a province, ruled from Dublin. Problem solved.

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    Mute Jason Culligan
    Favourite Jason Culligan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:55 PM

    They already have a GAA team so they’re half-way there.

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    Mute James Darcy
    Favourite James Darcy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    Jesus imagine how wealthy we’d be.

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    Mute Tweety McTweeter
    Favourite Tweety McTweeter
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:02 PM

    Or ruled from Cork maybe. We have an English market and all

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:09 PM

    I’m liking this plan. I’ll start the petition.

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    Mute For Connolly
    Favourite For Connolly
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:02 PM

    No fan of David Cameron by no means, but I tip my hat and acknowledge the fact that he came out yesterday, accepted fully and respected the decision, and agreed to work with the transition.

    Over here, you have little sleveens telling the public that they mustn’t have understood what they were voting on and there will be a rerun of the referendum.

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    Mute UndieGrundy
    Favourite UndieGrundy
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:11 PM

    He had absolutely no choice whatsoever. He made it quick and painless as they would have slit his political throat and eaten his carcass within a week.

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    Mute Showbiz Babyyy
    Favourite Showbiz Babyyy
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:38 PM

    What a shiteshow

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    Mute Matt Donovan
    Favourite Matt Donovan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:48 PM

    Absolute nonsense! If the remain camp had prevailed & the leave camp started a petition for enter referendum then they’d be accused of being undemocratic. FFS it’s only FF who make the people vote till they get the answer Europe wants…

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    Mute The Oracle of Delphi
    Favourite The Oracle of Delphi
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:43 PM

    I must say the histrionics and hysterics of many of those on the Bremain side, are very amusing to watch.
    I want to hear from Bob Geldof.

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    Mute Dj
    Favourite Dj
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:51 PM

    Bob is back in his cave frantically googling his next bandwagon to jump on.

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    Mute Sloop John G
    Favourite Sloop John G
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:53 PM

    Bob Geldof? Why? You know he’s views, he’s just “Looking after No. 1″ :-)

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    Mute Chris Cantwell
    Favourite Chris Cantwell
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:50 PM

    The remain side are a bunch of sour tw4ts….

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:19 PM

    Isn’t this a large part of what makes people see the EU as undemocratic? Not accepting no for an answer?

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    Mute Brinster
    Favourite Brinster
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:32 PM

    Not when you were sold a lie.

    Farage has backtracked on the £350 million per week saving claim.
    UKIP Councillors have said they won’t be able to control immigration.
    Johnson’s assurances that Britain would suffer economically are in tatters after sterling’s 5% fall.
    The Mayor of Calais is going to move the refugee camps to Dover.
    Scotland is pushing ahead with plans to leave the UK.

    If people knew the above then would they have voted the same way?

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    Mute Kate Flaherty
    Favourite Kate Flaherty
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:42 PM

    It won’t happen!

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    Mute Lily
    Favourite Lily
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:42 PM

    The only reason people want in is for freedom of movement, do they not realise that they will have the same standing as Switzerland. They can close their borders if they so wish, but can open them, the EU have citizens in the UK so they will have to work something out that works both ways.

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:56 PM

    Norway and Switzerland are bound to EU law while having no representation in Europe. So that would seem somewhat pointless wouldn’t it?

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    Mute Lily
    Favourite Lily
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    Well if I was the UK I would be making bilateral agreements with countries with itchy feet.

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:07 PM

    If the eurosceptics support a EFTA deal, then they are nothing but liars and hypocrites, but that much is evident anyway by the NHS promise.

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    Mute Mindfulirish
    Favourite Mindfulirish
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:50 PM

    It’s a vote against the corrupt civil servants who are spoiled rotten and wouldn’t know what a days work is really like. Our own councils are now too powerful and corrupt. Our politicians and quango’s are worse. An Board Planneala was threatened by the government and now their integrity is questionable. The rich get richer and the rest pay the price.

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    Mute Tweety McTweeter
    Favourite Tweety McTweeter
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:43 PM

    Who would have thought that an issue like this would be so damaging to the unity of the U.K. They seem to have 4 distinct regions all pulling different directions. How do other large countries like the US, Russia and China keep together?

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    Mute Jason Culligan
    Favourite Jason Culligan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:54 PM

    Well the US has 50 of them and they’re relatively self-governing. They’re also smart enough not to sign up to an organisation which plans to incorporate the US into an even bigger superstate where everyone has very little say.

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    Mute Wally Mooney
    Favourite Wally Mooney
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:58 PM

    The native American population didn’t want to sign up to a U.S. superstate either but were dispossessed and slaughtered until they changed their minds.

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    Mute Oleksandr Savitskyy
    Favourite Oleksandr Savitskyy
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:59 PM

    US by the level of life and some Iron Fist and plenty of Security Services. Russia by waging wars (1st and 2d Chechen Wars) and complete dictatorship as well as nearly 100% control of the media. China by Iron Fist, dictatorship and visible for population economic advance as well as controled media and Internet.

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    Mute James Darcy
    Favourite James Darcy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:03 PM

    Jason I don’t buy this giving up power stuff. Every study on the EU has shown all member states to be better off in living standards and wealth. As it stands it’s only 7% of the worlds population. We are truly better as a bigger organisation.

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    Mute Tweety McTweeter
    Favourite Tweety McTweeter
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:12 PM

    They’re separate issues. Of course we are better off being able to freely trade and travel within the EU. We have also unnecessarily given up a lot of power in the process

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:16 PM

    Scale back the EU to single market and free movement. Give countries their sovereignty and stop trying to make a federal Europe. This is coming from an European federalist. It is quite clear the EU population does not want a superstate and any federalist or other that can’t see and admit this is an idiot. Want the EU to survive in some fashion? Realise that your beliefs mean nothing if the people don’t want it.

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    Mute Nick Allen
    Favourite Nick Allen
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:24 PM


    The majority of Ireland don’t want the AAA, yet we are forced to listen to the misstatements and lies all the time

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:27 PM

    The AAA are the biggest joke of a party

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    Mute Tweety McTweeter
    Favourite Tweety McTweeter
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:37 PM

    Aaron, you big capitalist with your sunglasses and t shirt. You probably work aswell. For money. I bet you pay your taxes too to that capitalist regime in Dublin. For shame

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:40 PM

    I know tweety! How DARE I contribute to a society! How dare I support my economy and support from democracy Disgusting! Down with capitalism and the capitalist “elite”

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    Mute Fintin Stack
    Favourite Fintin Stack
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:10 PM

    Aaron, What sovereignty? Free trade and movements reguired a certain degree of harmonised regulation and legal frameworks and hence a degree of oversight and governance….

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    Mute Harry Whitehead
    Favourite Harry Whitehead
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:23 PM

    Every year the US Federal Government recieves letters or petitions from US citizens seeking the secession of their states or regions from the rest of the Union. They always reply to each one with the firm but polite equivalent of ‘Go f**k yourself’.

    The USA avoids these regionalistic squabbles through concealing an iron fist in a velvet glove. Bear in mind they once fought an absolutely ferocious civil war – the worst war in history in terms of American lives lost – to prevent states from leaving the Union (slavery was merely a nominal cause). They expressly forbid succession in their constitution. An event like the Scottish IndyRef would have been considered unthinkable.

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    Mute TeaRex
    Favourite TeaRex
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:40 PM

    Won’t make a blind bit of difference.

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    Mute Alex Brennan
    Favourite Alex Brennan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:40 PM

    No way UK, you had your chance,don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. Good luck and f**k

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    Mute Seth Cheffetz
    Favourite Seth Cheffetz
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:43 PM

    You sound like a pleasant and reasonable person

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    Mute Martin Critten
    Favourite Martin Critten
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:02 PM

    Same kind of bullish attitude that was worth leaving the EU for..

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    Mute Vincent O Mahony
    Favourite Vincent O Mahony
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:48 PM

    Bremain side are sore losers.

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    Mute leartius
    Favourite leartius
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:03 PM

    Only in Ireland can you keep rerunning a referendum until you get the result Germany wants. 75% turnout or a 20% margin was never going to happen. Do people not know how referendums work or has it being so long in England between referendum that the public is unclear what they were doing. The remain side lost by a narrow margin but if the leave side had lost would they also be allowed question the result. It looks like even the former empire building nation of the world is starting to wobble when confronted with the prospect of going it alone. the reduction in the value of the pound will make English goods more desirable on the world market. That can-do attitude and the hard working spirit which succeeded in winning two world wars needs to tapped into once again. England has left the European union but it was a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. The French and Germans have always wanted ownership of London’s financial markets for themselves. Europe is a darker place without England involvement but only England could stand-up to Brussels because England will never be a country of slaves.

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    Mute Daisy Chainsaw
    Favourite Daisy Chainsaw
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:56 PM

    There’s videos of people being interviewed saying they voted Leave, but didn’t expect that their vote would count and it would pass. Bit late for buyers remorse, eh? It’s a good job breathing is an autonomice action, otherwise I’d fear for for some of these idiots.

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    Mute P.J. Nolan
    Favourite P.J. Nolan
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:42 PM

    As lots of people are saying

    “it’s going to be an interesting few years”

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    Mute Joe
    Favourite Joe
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:08 PM

    The snowflake generation, just like the EU, don’t like democracy.

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    Mute Ray Dow
    Favourite Ray Dow
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:50 PM

    What’s good enough for Boaty McBoatface is good enough for Brexit. Sometimes democracy just shoots itself in the foot.

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    Mute Carol Oates
    Favourite Carol Oates
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:56 PM

    A million seems like a lot but in the context of the numbers that voted to leave, it isn’t. Unless there is nearer 17 million signatures, more than voted to leave, a petition is pointless. In all likelihood those million signatures were in the remain camp anyway and are calling for a redo because it didn’t go their way. If they manage 17 million, they should get their redo.

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    Mute Eamonn
    Favourite Eamonn
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:45 PM


    The irony isn’t lost on these liberal idiots.

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    Mute Luke
    Favourite Luke
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:43 PM

    Until it hits 17million it shouldn’t even be entertained.

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    Mute Nigel Sinnott
    Favourite Nigel Sinnott
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:30 PM

    Oh the irony in this unbelievable. Not sure if anyone else sees it like this but the Nice treaty was rejected in several EU countries at government level and was rejected in Ireland by referendum so they made us have a second referendum until we gave them the answer they demanded.
    Fast forward to 23/6/2016 and Britain is having a referendum on it’s EU membership, Britain decides to leave mainly because of very high levels of immigration to the UK from other EU states. If the powers that be had to listen to the people of holland,France and Ireland back in 2002 then the UK would still be part of the EU today. For every action there is a reaction. If we continue to ignore the majority today there will be a larger price to be paid tomorrow . Brexit is a prime example of this

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    Mute Gaz
    Favourite Gaz
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:42 PM

    Bahahaha, tough shit you uneducated fools, live with it now….

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    Mute Seth Cheffetz
    Favourite Seth Cheffetz
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:45 PM

    Based on your comment no doubt you are perfectly content with our election results and current government.

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    Mute Welshhibby
    Favourite Welshhibby
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    Nice sweeping statement there Gaz, you’ll be calling them racists next….

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    You don’t seem to educated yourself

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    Mute Barry Scott
    Favourite Barry Scott
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:33 PM

    Too Aaron, too. ;)

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    Mute Aaron
    Favourite Aaron
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:39 PM

    Touché my friend, touché. Let’s pray I used that right!

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    Mute Gaz
    Favourite Gaz
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:57 PM

    Haha Aaron, major fail trying to look smart there – you muppet

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    Mute Derek Lyster
    Favourite Derek Lyster
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:08 PM

    Ohh ffs, the voters have spoken and they want out. Nobody knows how this will effect the uk or the eu but one thing for certain is that the uk is to big a player to be left on the sidelines and ignored

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    Mute Frankie Harrison
    Favourite Frankie Harrison
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:37 PM

    We are out &
    Staying out.. Not a thing Europe or the lefties can do

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    Mute Oleksandr Savitskyy
    Favourite Oleksandr Savitskyy
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:11 PM

    The problem is that the Democracy is going nuts with online petitions. I can give you 100% that if person had to go to local country or whatever office to sign some petition nobody will show up. In first and in second case. The way the Democracy work is that people elect goverment and change the goverment every election. Giving extra freedom like petitions and referendums will lead to something Italy experienced in 15th centuries And at the end everybody will be in war with everybody. There is should be some public body for doing surveys. Not survey of 2000 people but 100000 or 500000 depend on the size of the country and the results of these polls will serve as recomandation to goverment to action.

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    Mute Darina Kelly
    Favourite Darina Kelly
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:21 PM

    Here we go again like the treaties -little people keep voting until you get the right answer. The “young” peopleof the UK should have got off their behinds to vote on the day . The EU is a bureaucratic unaccountable merciless monster and will fail one way or another in its current form. The Brits just kick-started the process. Stop worrying-we won’t starve, we’ll all figure it out. Time to get our politicians actually doing a bit of work for their generous salaries.

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:46 PM

    I’m hearing 70% of those petitioners are not in the UK. BTW Jo Coxs constituency of Kirklees voted 55% leave.

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:47 PM

    Correct The YouTube link mentions that the judge in the Jo Cox case also handled the Lord Janner case. Hmmmm

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    Mute Ruaidhrí Gravey
    Favourite Ruaidhrí Gravey
    Jun 25th 2016, 5:01 PM

    Seems undemocratic. I would’ve voted to remain but there’s no valid reason for a rerun.As well as that, what they’re proposing would ensure that it would be impossible for he leave side to win.Getting 75% turnout to make it valid would be extremely difficult, and having to get 66% approval is a very high threshold, even our same-sex marriage referendum which passed easily wouldn’t have been anywhere near being deemed valid.
    Can understand people being disappointed but democracy is about listening to the people and acting accordingly, not slanting legislation to ensure that your point of view is impossible t democratically defeat.

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    Mute Kal Ipers
    Favourite Kal Ipers
    Jun 25th 2016, 12:54 PM

    Let’s be clear here, the Brexit side said if the vote was this close they would push for another referendum. They have also already backed out of one of their major promises within an hour of the result. The reality of the decision is now actually been shown so many might change their mind as the campaign didn’t focus on the reality of the decision from either side

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    Mute Carol Oates
    Favourite Carol Oates
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:01 PM

    Welcome to politics, Kal. It’s always a buyer beware situation for voters. It was their responsibility to inform themselves what their vote would mean and who to trust.

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    Mute Kal Ipers
    Favourite Kal Ipers
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:38 PM

    Welcome to reality, nothing has actually happened yet. They could easily call another referendum before they actually leave. It was very close and could cause major divisions in the UK

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    Mute Daniel Comerford
    Favourite Daniel Comerford
    Jun 25th 2016, 2:31 PM

    They had there say. If they introduced that rule you could end up having a ton of referendums on the eu. It’s just the stay campaign trying to get a rerun even though hey lost. They should just exept it.

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    Mute Philip Kenna
    Favourite Philip Kenna
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:47 PM

    Grow the f#ck up, suck it up and move on!

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    Mute Padraig
    Favourite Padraig
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:15 PM

    They should of had a clause in where any less that 60% majority required a second vote.

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    Mute Paul Jacob
    Favourite Paul Jacob
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:03 PM

    Mr Cameroon needs to learn….Ask a silly question expect a silly answer!!
    I think this decision will cause the split of numerous unions.
    U.K. & EU
    Gibraltar will side with Spain
    Scotland go it alone
    Troubles up north
    Most countries celebrate Independence Day from the UK, India , Pakistan, USA , Australia, NZ, African, Asian, Caribbean nations. Majority of UK migrants come from the Empire legacy.

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    Mute Brian Ó Dálaigh
    Favourite Brian Ó Dálaigh
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:49 PM

    Gibraltar will never side with Spain. They view themselves as Gibraltarians first, British second and never Spanish. They made that clear in a referendum several years ago. They would prefer to build a country based on the Monegasque model should the UK dissolve.

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    Mute Maire Ui Riain
    Favourite Maire Ui Riain
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:45 PM

    I blame the leave vote on the poor education system……..They do GCSEs that are infantile. They are taught very little about the rest of the world……then they do three A levels again focused on subjects for university. The three A levels are now the equivalent of a single Leaving Certificate subject. I teach in third level in the UK and the knowledge of global history, politics and geography is shocking. Even the level of English writing skills is appalling. I feel that they have been brained washed by their own local issues and media propaganda.

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    Mute Aoife
    Favourite Aoife
    Jun 25th 2016, 1:49 PM

    If London wants to go it alone then so be it. Borders change all the time around the world.

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:31 PM
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    Mute Seán Domhnall O'Sullivan
    Favourite Seán Domhnall O'Sullivan
    Jun 25th 2016, 7:02 PM

    This makes me so mad. The response from those advocating remain pretty clearly would be beyond outrage if leave had issued this demand following a remain outcome. Many who sought remain are behaving utterly childishly in the campaign, they do not recognise democracy.

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    Mute Messer
    Favourite Messer
    Jun 25th 2016, 3:00 PM

    If only most of them turned up to the election the result could have been very different…

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    Mute Carm(Little Vampire)
    Favourite Carm(Little Vampire)
    Jun 25th 2016, 4:09 PM

    Sorry UK folks but only the Rep of Ireland has the right to run the same referendum over and over again. You know something, if this wasn’t a serious issue it would be laughable. I mean even if you knew nothing of what #brexit was about did you not have a huge clue when you saw the likes of BoJo, Farrage and Grove on the leave side that leaving had to be a stupid idea. I was always fed up with Ireland having to rerun referendum but after seeing the mess the UK have made I’m not anymore.

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    Mute Jeffre Tomred
    Favourite Jeffre Tomred
    Jun 26th 2016, 1:59 AM

    BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about last week ..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get $2,000 daily and now i have $10,000… Everyday I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That’s the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all …the email address again is (

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    Mute Eoin
    Favourite Eoin
    Jun 26th 2016, 11:37 AM

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out !

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 26th 2016, 5:38 PM

    CNN says Commons committee to investigate possible fraud in the petition due to non UK addresses able to vote using UK postcodes

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    Mute Jim
    Favourite Jim
    Jun 26th 2016, 1:32 AM

    I was hoping that ‘Remain’ would win, but unless the petition gets 17 million signatures, then it’s stupid and pointless!

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    Mute Pat Lennon
    Favourite Pat Lennon
    Jun 25th 2016, 10:06 PM

    Amazing how some people only support democracy when it gives the “right”answer

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 11:04 PM

    Paul Joseph Watson says 70% of the petitioners are at non UK addresses

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    Mute Rosa Parks
    Favourite Rosa Parks
    Jun 25th 2016, 11:05 PM
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    Mute Ronan Emmett
    Favourite Ronan Emmett
    Jun 26th 2016, 12:10 AM

    Sure the Remain side lost by over a million votes. Hardly surprising that they want another referendum. Come back when ye have more than 17 million signatures and we look at your petitition then

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