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Nolan joined the organisation in October 2021.

Philip Nolan departs Science Foundation Ireland following board meeting

SFI is responsible for funding scientific research in Ireland. It manages the awarding of over €200 million in grants annually.

THE DIRECTOR GENERAL of the Government’s science funding agency has left the organisation. following a board meeting. 

Professor Philip Nolan is no longer with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). His role was akin to that of a CEO. 

SFI is responsible for funding scientific research in Ireland. It manages the awarding of over €200 million in grants annually.

Professor Nolan took up the role in October 2021. He came to public prominence during the Covid-19 crisis when he was a member of the National Public Health Emergency Team’s (NPHET).

He was also the president of Maynooth University.

Following a board meeting, Deputy Director General Ciarán Seoighe has stepped in as acting Director General.

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