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All time
Sisters of Charity transfer share of hospital group to charity, lifting obstacle to NMH plans
Minister confirms Aramark given refugee catering contract as process had to be 'short circuited'
'How many deaths should we tolerate?': Eamon Ryan compares turf plans to the smoking ban
Irish Gay Dads group 'implore' Govt to ensure Irish surrogacy families are not 'left behind'
Foreign affairs minister to meet senior US officials on Washington trip
Sen Gen Robert Watt and Dr Tony Holohan to appear before Oireachtas health committee next week
Senator Sharon Keogan quits Oireachtas Committee citing 'unsafe working environment'
Russian ambassador denies lying to Irish public over Ukraine in combative Drivetime interview
Proposals on State pension age to be brought to Govt 'very soon', says minister
Payment to households hosting Ukrainian refugees ‘to be made in coming weeks’
Govt told to 'go back to the bog' as Taoiseach pledges 'no ban on use of turf this year'
Rising rents for new tenancies 'not satisfactory', says Taoiseach
Mail on Sunday editor refuses to meet Commons Speaker over Rayner article
Homeowners affected by Celtic Tiger defects face 'frightening' legal threats over repair bills
Councils identify 89 State-owned buildings to immediately house over 5,000 Ukrainian refugees
Backbenchers tell Eamon Ryan that turf sale restrictions is putting Govt stability in jeopardy
Publicly-funded IVF to begin in 2023 with 'regional fertility hubs' before that
'Who's running the country?': Sec Gen 'snub' of Oireachtas committee raised with Taoiseach
Dáil turf wars: Eamon Ryan seeks to unite coalition against Sinn Féin motion
Adi Roche: I dread to think that the 'next Chernobyl' could be Chernobyl itself
Adi Roche
Cabinet to discuss scrapping hospital charges for under 16s
Unionists welcome move to refer Northern Ireland Protocol legal challenge to UK Supreme Court
Boris Johnson writes to Angela Rayner to insist ‘Basic Instinct’ claim was not in his name
Vacant social homes set to be refurbished as Taoiseach reiterates 'no cap' on Ukrainian refugees
Poll: Would you be in favour of a general election this year?
Top US officials to visit Kyiv as Orthodox Easter marked by war
Colum Eastwood: 'If you're frustrated and angry, come out and vote for something different'
France votes in showdown for Macron and Le Pen
Cost of living, health and Irish language: Young voters' concerns ahead of the Stormont elections
Government to reduce childcare costs 'considerably' in the next Budget
Analysis: Unionist divisions exposed during 'most important election in a generation'
Opinion: Macron's politically divisive presidency may have engineered Le Pen's comeback
Dr Maura Stewart
‘Long past the point’ for Westminster to take action on Protocol, TUV leader says
Brian Rowan: Why Northern Ireland's elections could change everything - or change nothing
Brian Rowan
Top civil servant says he had 'no involvement' in detailed arrangements of Dr Holohan's move
Government considering monthly €400 payment for households who host Ukrainian refugees
Senator objects to 'deeply personal attack' after being labelled 'crude and cold' during committee
'It's made criminals out of decent people': People Before Profit to introduce Bill to legalise cannabis