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Here's What Happened Today: Thursday
Macho face-off thankfully replaced by policy as Eoin Ó Broin and Richard Bruton debate housing
Mandatory hotel quarantine to be expanded and 'Iceland model' explored - Tánaiste
Expert group reviewing if antigen tests can be used in schools and workplaces
UK government says there'll be 'no interruption' to vaccine supply amid EU row
Gove insists Johnson’s mid-pandemic trip to Scotland is ‘absolutely essential’
Confusion reigns over mandatory quarantine rules for arrivals from Britain
Every week of lockdown between 700 and 800 houses will not be built, says minister
'Seen as criminals first, children second': 1,000 children in Ireland involved with criminal networks
Leaving Cert alternatives under consideration but clarity to be given within the next few weeks, says Tánaiste
Unionists express 'growing discontent' over Brexit deal via graffiti and social media
Children's Committee wants Chair of Mother and Baby Homes Commission to answer questions
Johnson takes 'full responsibility' for pandemic response as expert warns UK could see 50,000 more deaths
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
Taoiseach: 'Zero-Covid strategy is not possible or sustainable'
Travellers into Ireland to be subject to mandatory quarantine at home or in a hotel, government says
Government approves drafting of legislation for new role of directly elected mayor for Limerick
Giuseppe Conte resigns as Italy's Prime Minister - so what's next?
Germany joins AstraZeneca in rejecting 'completely incorrect' reports on Covid vaccine efficacy in elderly
Quarantine hotels set to be introduced in UK to limit spread of Covid variants
Impeachment case of Donald Trump moves closer as House delivers charge
Second night of violence in the Netherlands amid anger over Covid-19 curfew
Government hoping for things to be 'much better' from April - but no large gigs on the cards this summer
Level 5 restrictions to remain in place until 5 March as ministers agree on mandatory quarantine measures
Amid shortfall, European Commission demands to know who AztraZeneca has delivered vaccine doses to
Arlene Foster speaks to Micheál Martin about his 'wholly incorrect' comments on NI testing for UK variant
Trump impeachment article to be sent to US Senate today
Portugal reelects TV pundit as president, after people brave the pandemic to vote
Three-quarters of people say they will take Covid-19 vaccine
More than half of people in North want referendum on a united Ireland
Taoiseach says there will be restrictions for six months, schools may not reopen until March
Donald Trump's impeachment trial to begin on week of 8 February
Joe Biden seeks to pass $1.9 trillion relief plan amid warning about 600,000 Covid-19 deaths
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
Explainer: Why is mandatory quarantine being debated again and what are other countries doing?
Boris Johnson claims new Covid strain may be more fatal - but UK CMO warns data 'not yet strong' enough
Lloyd Austin confirmed as first black US defence secretary
Govt looking at mandatory quarantine for arrivals without a PCR test and from 'high risk' areas