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All time
Eir CEO says it was a 'mistake' to locate customer care centre in Sligo
Car with 'stop the globalisation policies' written on it hits gate outside Merkel’s offices
Joe Biden says Northern Ireland border must remain open after Brexit
Talks on new public service pay agreement to start this week
Cinemas, galleries and museums set to re-open next week, but Dáil told January restrictions may be needed
TDs round on Taoiseach and government over Seamus Woulfe questions 'charade'
Phased lifting of Level 5: Inter-county travel could open up a few days before Christmas
Taoiseach will 'make clear' to Boris Johnson the need for public inquiry into Pat Finucane murder
Trump accepts Biden transition must begin - but insists he's still not conceding 'rigged' election
McEntee wants image-based abuse to be illegal by the end of the year
Retailers call on government to move forward re-opening of sector to Monday
Fine Gael on top as Sipo reveals political donations list for 2019
Donnelly commits to inquiry into anti-epilepsy drug linked to birth defects
Lockdown lifting announcement due on Friday, but won't clash with the Late Late Toy Show
Sharing intimate images with intent to harm could carry seven year prison sentence
Government to consider international data and effect of visitor restrictions as it plots exit from Level 5
Taoiseach warns businesses to 'get it into your heads' that things will be different after Brexit
'All hands on deck': Strategy for roll-out of Covid vaccine to be given to government by 11 December
Housing Minister issues de-facto ban on new co-living developments
Discussions being held between UK and Ireland over Christmas with Covid restrictions
Councillors and minister set 'to clash' over future of Oscar Traynor lands
UK to allow 'limited' additional household mixing over Christmas and an 11pm pub closing time
Northern parties (minus DUP and UUP) join forces to call for public inquiry into murder of Pat Finucane
Minister says Christmas 'free-for-all' could lead to January lockdown
People Before Profit TDs to move impeachment motion against Seámus Woulfe
'Profound sadness and outrage': 14 victims of Bloody Sunday remembered 100 years on
UK and Canada agree post-Brexit trade can continue under same terms as EU deal
'We can't judge anyone for whatever decision they make': Irish emigrants on why they're travelling home this Christmas
Justice Minister insists she had enough experience to recommend appointment of Seamus Woulfe
Here's What Happened Today: Friday
Taoiseach: Covid vaccine could be a 'wonderful Christmas voucher' for next year
McEntee says anyone who shares intimate images without consent 'will face serious criminal sanctions'
Priti Patel apologises for upset caused by her behaviour following report into bullying allegations
German reunification a 'useful example' of how planned Irish reunification could work, says Sinn Féin
Tánaiste expects Eir customer care 'to improve' after meeting with telecoms company
Here's What Happened Today: Thursday
Draft report into Priti Patel bullying allegations found she broke the UK's ministerial code
'People won't enjoy Christmas with the threat of another lockdown hanging over them', says Eoghan Murphy