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All time
Here's what you need to know about the US Senate and House post-election
Government considering whether to make it mandatory for a person to restrict their movements
Varadkar accused of throwing former NAGP president ‘under the bus'
Explainer: Why are Pennsylvania and North Carolina taking so long to count election votes?
What lawsuits has Trump's campaign team launched and why?
MacSharry says Taoiseach should not get 'overly defensive' about criticisms made towards him
England's new Covid-19 lockdown starts today - here are the rules
'The country is sick of things being brushed under the carpet': What could a national archive on abuse look like?
Joe Biden takes Michigan and Wisconsin in significant step towards winning the White House
‘Very serious’ gaps remain between UK and EU positions in trade talks
US Election: Here are the main points to know so far
Joe Biden: 'When the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners'
Health Minister says R number has dropped again to between 0.7 and 0.9
Varadkar warns party members to be careful who they think their friends are, says Biden will be good for Ireland
Win or lose, Donald Trump netted more voters in 2020 than in 2016. Here's why
EU launches sanctions against Belarus leader Lukashenko
US has always managed its elections in a 'peaceful and democratic way', says Taoiseach
'A proxy for the future of work': California votes to exempt Uber from new state labour law
Now what? The key states to keep a close eye on in the coming hours (and days)
Oregon becomes first US state to decriminalise hard drugs
Fianna Fáil TD says there are inconsistencies in Varadkar's statement, but adds he shouldn't resign
Passengers from ‘orange’ regions will not have to restrict movements if they have a negative test 3 days before flying
Transgender and non-binary candidates elected in several US ‘firsts’
'What's taking so long?' Here's why we're still waiting for the results of the US election
Takeaway beers allowed in England after government U-turn on lockdown rules
Poll: Who do you think is going to win the US presidential election?
Mississippi votes for new flag as it ditches Confederate-themed banner
'Whose streets? Our streets': Anti-Trump protesters gather outside White House
QAnon-supporting Republican wins US House of Representatives seat
The fight for a US Senate majority is on - here are the 7 key states to watch
All night long: What time will I have to stay up until to pull off an election all-nighter?
Biden promises to end divisions between red states and blue states
Minister ‘determined’ State does right by mother and baby home survivors
Leo Varadkar apologises for 'errors of judgement', says he is 'not close friends' with Dr Ó Tuathail
Holohan raises concern about Christmas travel, says NPHET engaging with government on traffic light system
Two small towns cast their ballots just after midnight as US election day begins
Varadkar leak controversy: Tánaiste to face Dáil grilling from opposition parties this afternoon
Taoiseach says he has confidence in Leo Varadkar, says no laws were broken
Pfizer 'cautiously optimistic' about getting vaccine approval by the end of November
Former head of NAGP says it was 'wrong' to not have access to GP contract