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All time
'With its Security Council seat, Ireland has a unique opportunity to defend democracy in Belarus'
Jim O'Callaghan
Major funding for NI centenary set to be announced, as local politicians push for greater role in planning
Seven arrested over scuffles in Hong Kong legislature earlier this year
Fianna Fáil minister says Varadkar's actions not 'appropriate' and calls for 'very frank' Dáil statement
England’s national lockdown could be extended beyond 2 December, Gove admits
Trump and Biden to make final push for votes in battleground states
Confrontation with NPHET foreseen as government presses ahead with EU travel plan
'We are not prepared for this at all': What happens if Donald Trump disputes the US election result?
Timeline: GP contract negotiations, the draft deal and Leo Varadkar's actions
Sinn Féin MLA resigns over NI Covid-19 grant money
Trump and Biden crisscross Midwestern states as they enter final days of election campaigning
Magic mushrooms, flags, wolves and weed: Americans will be voting on all sorts on Tuesday
England faces stringent national lockdown under plans being considered by Boris Johnson
Government spends almost €700,000 on social media and digital ads related to Covid-19
Situation in nursing homes receiving 'intensive' HSE support has stabilised, Paul Reid says
Labour warned of split after Corbyn suspension following anti-Semitism verdict
podcast image
The Explainer LIVE: What could Trump's legacy be?
ASTI members insist strike action would be 'last resort' but that government needs to listen to them
New Zealand votes to legalise euthanasia but not marijuana in referendums
US Election: Your guide to the key swing states Trump and Biden are targeting
Social Democrats member alleged to have voted twice in general election
Christmas crafts, nursing home concerts and virtual 5km runs all part of Keep Well campaign
Taoiseach says it is 'far too early to say what type of Christmas we will be having'
Three Sinn Féin members resign after failing to return wrongly received NI grant money
Taoiseach says he's determined to have Mother and Baby Homes report published 'as quickly as possible'
Mother and baby home campaigners lodge complaint over Senator's comments
Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour Party over reaction to anti-Semitism report
Hong Kong teenage activist Tony Chung charged with secession
Don't be fooled: The polls weren't wrong in 2016, the analysis was
Noel Rock
Donald Trump says election is choice between 'super-recovery' and 'Biden depression'
Concerns raised for survivors 'torn apart' by 'omnishambles' of mother and baby home legislation
Joe Biden casts his US election ballot in Delaware
Government to set up archive of records related to institutional trauma in 20th century
Dr Nabarro says Ireland should use six weeks wisely to avoid 'yo-yo' lockdown effect
Never the intention that mother and baby home legislation would cause 'such anxiety and anger', says minister
Transport minister says government wants an airport testing system in place by Christmas
Melania Trump criticises Biden and Democrats in first solo campaign stop
Rapid pre-departure testing will get loved ones home for Christmas, says Dublin Airport Authority
Bank defends asking mortgage applicants whether their employer is seeking State Covid assistance
NPHET yet to give advice on issue of people travelling home from abroad for Christmas