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All time
Health Minister says there is 'international evidence' that reopening the pubs would see cases increase
Poll: Do you agree with the latest measures taken by government to curb the spread of Covid-19?
British government delay in closing borders 'accelerated' spread of Covid-19, Westminster report finds
'Off the premises by 11': Concern closing pubs and restaurants early will result in house parties and cancelled staycations
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
Phase Four postponed: Pubs to stay closed, five destinations taken off Green List, and masks mandatory in shops from 10 August
Leo Varadkar says a "very cautious" approach will be taken by Cabinet on the advice of NPHET
Trump gives TikTok 6 weeks to sell itself to US company, saying it will be 'out of business' otherwise
Here's What Happened Today: Monday
Donald Trump calls his Covid coordinator 'pathetic' after she said virus was widespread across US
Ireland's peacemaker, John Hume (1937-2020)
Former SDLP leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume dies aged 83
Health Minister says random testing at airports is to be introduced
Willie O'Dea isn't happy with the 'light punishments' Green TDs got for voting against the government
Conservative MP arrested over rape and sexual assault allegations
Sinn Féin tops latest opinion poll with Fine Gael nipping at its heels
Leo Varadkar admits 'rocky start' by government due to 'unforced errors'
Green Party Senator calls on IRFU to allow rugby-playing schools reach 'the promised land'
Bill extending security for hard-hit renters due to Covid pandemic signed into law by President Higgins
TikTok responds to Donald Trump's pledge to ban the app
Covid 'trade off': Pubs in England may have to close again so schools can reopen
Gaffes, faux pas, blunders: Is there a Final Destination curse on this government?
Opinion: The Supreme Court's ruling on the government's climate plan is a watershed moment
David Kenny
Taoiseach says it's up to Green Party leader Eamon Ryan as to how he disciplines his own TDs
Passenger locator form information could be shared between Dublin and Belfast governments
Homeless figures drop for fifth month in a row but charities warn government's actions may reverse this trend
'People are going blind': Bus of waitlisted cataract patients to journey up North for surgery
Irish and NI governments to examine the possibility of a high-speed Belfast-Dublin-Cork rail line
Taoiseach doesn't agree with MacSharry's remarks about public servants using pandemic to watch box sets
'I'm embarrassed to be a member of this chamber': Dáil business suspended twice on marathon final day
'I have no intention of making a habit of this': Neasa Hourigan plans to stay in the Green Party after being sanctioned
NPHET to attend North-South council meeting, as Taoiseach set to discuss travel restrictions
Residents in Caherciveen Direct Provision centre to be moved as hunger strike ends
Green Party TD Neasa Hourigan resigns as party whip after voting against government rental Bill
Funding for greenways across 20 counties announced, here's where they could be
Former US presidential candidate and pizza executive Herman Cain dies after battle with Covid-19
Varadkar hopes pubs can open on 10 August, but 'can't guarantee it at this stage'