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All time
'No mystery': Tánaiste says Foreign Affairs Minister always needs Garda transport when travelling to NI
'It's not popular, but needs to be said': MacSharry defends saying some civil servants using lockdown to watch box sets
Around 80 human trafficking investigations underway in Ireland
Hong Kong democracy activists disqualified from running in legislative elections
Politicians are off on their six-week summer holidays today
Bezos, Cook, Zuckerberg and Pichai face grilling at high-flying Congress hearing
Department says 85 people who had their PUP stopped may be entitled to it
'Maternity leave is a human right': TD calls for parental leave for TDs
Covid-19 testing to date has cost the State €84 million
Culture Minister asked to intervene in controversial removal of slave statues from outside Shelbourne Hotel
Planned 1% disability cut to be scrapped and day services to 'gradually resume' in August, confirms Taoiseach
UK government spent over £55,000 on legal fees against Emma DeSouza
More than 100 people alerted of close contact with Covid-19 case through tracing app
Humphreys promises 'common sense approach' on whether people on PUP are 'genuinely seeking work'
'No clear legal basis' to remove PUP for those holidaying abroad, says legal advice group
Coveney expresses concern to Mike Pompeo and Israeli foreign minister about annexation plans
'Not the optimal approach': Taoiseach spoke to CMO about attendee number restrictions at sporting events
'There is no agenda here': Taoiseach open to a review of PUP cases that were cut off due to travel
Three junior ministers at Cabinet who were to receive €16k pay rise set to give part of it back
'Suspect device' left outside Sinn Féin office in Belfast
How will school pods and 'class bubbles' work?
On the pandemic unemployment payment? The Taoiseach says you should be seeking work
Government ministers agree to take 10% pay cut, Taoiseach says
1,000 extra secondary teachers: Government unveils €375m plan to re-open schools at end of August
'Unprecedented' deaths of five homeless people in Dublin in one week
Northern Ireland goes over two weeks without a Covid-19 death
Heather Humphreys: 'If you're permanently unemployed, then you should be looking for work'
Decision to cut welfare payments after recipients' holidays abroad criticised as 'unfair and discriminatory'
Donohoe accepts ‘great annoyance and anger’ over €16,000 top-up for ‘super junior’ ministers
Return of schools will see more teachers, extensive cleaning and PPE, Varadkar says
Larry Donnelly: Covid and BLM may have him down, but Trump may not yet be out
Larry Donnelly
Protesters clash with federal agents outside Portland courthouse as tear gas dispensed
What does Joe Biden actually want to do as US president?
White House clashes with both Republicans and Democrats over Covid-19 relief
Johnson admits UK government could have handled pandemic ‘differently’
Dáil approves €16,000 top-up payments for 'super junior' ministers amid criticism
Government to spend €200 million on re-education and job incentives