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All time
Draft government agreement commits to spending €360m a year on cycling and pedestrian projects
US Supreme Court rules law protects LGBT workers from discrimination
'This is not what people voted for': Fianna Fáilers launch campaign to defeat party's deal with Fine Gael
Carbon, cycling and housing: The main points in the draft programme for government
Leo Varadkar says he's happy enough Micheál Martin will get first go as Taoiseach in new government
UK calls for trade deal with European Union to be agreed by ‘end of summer’
Agreed timeline for rotating Taoiseach will see Martin take reins until end of 2022
Leaders of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Party agree on draft programme for government
No deal reached on government formation with party leader talks to resume
Here's What Happened Today: Sunday
Poll: Should school meals be provided to children over the summer?
More than twice as many people want Varadkar to stay as Taoiseach than for Martin to take over
After support from Bono and Mary Robinson, Ireland's bid for UN Security Council seat to be decided
Talks down to the wire as teams push to agree programme for government this weekend
Trump says police chokeholds sound 'so innocent and perfect' but should 'generally be ended’
Making face coverings a condition of using public transport 'is under consideration'
Beaumont researchers change opt-out deadline for genomics study following calls by Health Minister
Ireland's 'air bridges': Real risks virus could be re-imported from Britain, warns Taoiseach
Leo Varadkar says organisations should ignore Fury-Joshua boxing match involving Daniel Kinahan
Winston Churchill statue boarded up for protection as Boris Johnson hits out at statue toppling movement
Two-metre rule 'would mean one day at school weekly for primary pupils'
Special summer school programmes with supports for children with special needs get green light
Ombudsman expresses 'grave concern' over potential abolition of Department of Children
Sean Gallen says it's 'disappointing' Eamon Ryan used the n-word, but he had 'good intentions'
McEntee says NI protocol is 'vague and lacking in detail on customs' as deadline looms
Still some 'heavy lifting' to be done in government formation talks, as teams work towards weekend deal
'I repeated a racial slur. I was completely wrong to do so': Eamon Ryan apologises for using the n-word during Dáil debate on racism
Taoiseach favours setting targets to make the health service, schools and the civil service more diverse
Daniel Kinahan 'rebranding himself in the Middle East as a boxing promoter', Dáil hears
'Two or three glasses is not against the law': It's not illegal to drink in public places, Taoiseach tells Dáil
Ireland on course to fully re-open by mid-July, says Taoiseach
'Surprising' if Ireland needs to enter second Covid-19 lockdown, says WHO special envoy
Poll: Should the Department of Children be scrapped?
George Floyd's brother challenges US Congress to ‘stop the pain’
Independents more stable than the Greens in government, says minister as weekend deadline set for deal
State grants will ensure childcare providers should have no reason to increase fees, says minister
'And that hurts': Varadkar says people of colour who grew up in Ireland can be made to feel they're not 'fully Irish'
Here's What Happened Today: Tuesday
Zero notices issued to employers following 800 back-to-work Covid-19 checks
Phil Hogan confirms he's looking to run for the top job in the WTO